The two of them were very happy.

"Thank you!" Kira, who had been hiding behind Kidd and was still a little timid at the moment, with her blond hair covering half of her face, whispered thanks.

"Hahaha, you're welcome," Xia Hao smiled, and put his big hands on the heads of the two little guys and pressed them. Kira shrank back a little shyly, and as for Kidd, he stuck out his neck a little proudly, and it seemed that he didn't like others touching his head.

"Haha, a little kid with a strong personality, but if you only have personality and no strength, and you are a reckless man, you can't protect your brother at all, and your devil fruit ability is too weak," Xia Hao glanced at Kidd, who looked dissatisfied, and said in a flat tone.

"How do you know I have a demon..."

"Because, I am also a person with special abilities," Xia Hao snapped his fingers, and a thick branch emerged from the ground, growing to three or five meters in an instant.

"Duang! Duang! It's so hard," Kidd knocked with his fist, then looked at Xia Hao angrily with a red face.

"Little brat! You can't break the defense," Xia Hao mocked.

At the same time, Xia Hao took a look at the flawless ability of the Magnet-Magnet Fruit that had been copied, and grinned.

It's another beautiful day.

"You, what are you laughing at, I want to challenge you!" Xia Hao's happy smile seemed to be mocking his weakness in Kidd's eyes. Kidd, who had a strong self-esteem since childhood, was immediately furious, his face flushed, and he clenched his fists tightly to challenge Xia Hao.

"Challenge me? Are you sure? Boy! ┐(´-`)┌", Xia Hao looked around, found a clean chair and sat on it, looking at Kidd calmly, with a slight smile on his face.

"Of course, although you just helped us, I still want to challenge you!"

"Come on!" Xia Hao hooked his hand, which instantly made Kidd's fighting spirit burst out. Even if he was an adult, so what? He was Kidd, and he would become a feared existence in the future and become the man of the next great pirate.

"Take my punch!"

Kid waved his little hand with a firm look in his eyes and rushed towards Xia Hao. At the same time, two steel pipes appeared on both sides of Kidd, flashing cold light, and rushed towards Xia Hao with a whoosh. The speed was so fast that people could not cope with it.

"Oh, not bad, at such a young age, the devil fruit ability has developed unique moves", Xia Hao looked at Kidd's small figure, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes, attacking from the front and attacking from the side, it seems that he is not completely a reckless man.

"But the attack power is too weak!"

Looking at the iron rod attacking, Xia Hao gently raised his hand, and clamped the iron rod with two fingers with a little force. Then he threw his hand, and the iron rod flew straight out, directly piercing the wall on the side. Under the powerful impact, dense cracks appeared around the hole, spreading rapidly like a spider web.

Then, Xia Hao's figure disappeared instantly. Looking at Xia Hao who suddenly disappeared, Kidd hurriedly stopped running forward and looked around solemnly.


Suddenly, a brain explosion sounded from Kidd's head. Kidd, who was originally aggressive, became confused instantly, because he didn't see where the enemy was at all.


Another time, Kidd's face was very ugly. He was full of confidence in the challenge, but he didn't expect to be played like this. Anger burned from the bottom of his heart, and the ability of the magnetic fruit was further developed at this moment. All the objects containing magnetism around Kidd condensed and floated around him, and then began to deform, forming a huge sword.

"Yes, but it's just for show." Looking at the big sword that Kidd condensed with the magnetic fruit, Xia Hao's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a faint smile, and slowly bent down to pick up the small iron ball controlled by the magnetic field on the ground.

"Micro electromagnetic cannon!"

Xia Hao swung it hard, and the originally ordinary iron ball was instantly ejected. The iron ball moved at high speed through the surrounding control magnetic field, and crackling sounds appeared. Thunder flashed one after another, and the impact force that exceeded the speed of sound directly collided with Kidd's hard-built giant sword and created a huge hole.

"Boom~ Bang!"

A loud explosion sounded, and the majestic huge sword instantly exploded in Kidd's stunned eyes, and countless iron products fell to the ground. Then, Xia Hao lightly snapped his fingers, and all the iron products in the alley began to shake uneasy, and the entire space was covered by the magnetic field released by Xia Hao.

"Why do you have this ability?! (⊙o⊙)", Kidd on the side looked at

Looking at the huge sword-shaped weapon that was bigger than his just now and more than ten meters long, he asked in a surprised tone.

"Haha, do you want to learn?!" Xia Hao shook his head and asked instead of answering the question directly.

"Yes!" Kidd stared at Xia Hao with wide eyes and then looked at Kira who was eating a lollipop and laughing happily behind Terra, and nodded heavily in response.

Whether for himself or Kira, Kidd wanted to learn new skill development from Xia Hao, because only in this way can he become stronger, and he can intimidate the enemy with just one look. Kidd also wants that only by becoming stronger can he live freely and no one dares to laugh at him.

"In that case, let's start, don't worry about releasing all your strength, and now I will start to describe the skill description and usage of this electromagnetic cannon,..."

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