The old man was very happy.

"Haha, the Forbidden Island? Interesting. It looks like a closed-door country like Wano Country that doesn't welcome outsiders." Xia Hao closed his eyes, and sensed that the beautiful doctor was getting farther and farther away with his observation Haki. Then he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up slowly.

Xia Hao put the healing potion that he had just left in his palm, and used the Wood Release to absorb and feel its effect. He found that it had the effect of purifying the mind and refreshing the heart. Then he took a look at the Haotian Pirates who were sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but show a black line on his face. He raised his big foot and greeted them.

Ten seconds later, Axing and Mengshan woke up first, touched the back of their heads and buttocks, and looked puzzled. Why did their buttocks get injured after sleeping?

"Hurry up and call everyone else to leave this area as soon as possible. Remember, never underestimate anyone. If the people here don't have bad intentions, you won't even know that you've been sold out! There are many ways to win, and it's not just about winning by fighting head-on," Xia Hao said in a serious tone, looking at the confused Ah Xing and Meng Shan.

Ten minutes later, everyone woke up as quickly as possible because of the healing potion, and Xia Hao began to describe what had just happened. If it weren't for Xia Hao's powerful immortal body and wood escape, it's very likely that everyone would be hit.

"Do you understand? No one can be underestimated! Otherwise, you will suffer a great loss," Xia Hao looked at the people with very ugly faces and emphasized again.

"Understood, Boss!"

"This situation will never happen next time, never again, fog? This is also a special art that fascinates people. It would be great if it could be combined with bombs," Didati seemed to have realized something and muttered to himself.

Everyone: Damn, Didati is getting more and more perverted. He almost got choked in the waist just now. He even dared to covet the fog ability.

"The fog gets thicker as we go deeper. Boss, it seems that we can only rely on the wind field we created to isolate the fog," said A Xing, frowning as he looked at the white area around him.

The effect of the healing potion seems to only support the distance to the shore, because the fog concentration is lower as we get closer to the shore, and the effect of making people unconscious is lower. But if you want to go deep into the island, you can see that you can't hold on for a hundred meters after taking a look at the fog that is so dark that you can't see your hand in front of your face.

"Well, in that case, you go back first. A Xing and I can go alone. After all, no one knows what will happen in this foggy world, and too many people going there will not have much effect," Xia Hao touched his chin and thought for a while, then said.

Xia Hao's special body allows him to consciously purify the fog's ability to make people unconscious. A Xing can create a special area to supply himself with breathing through his own wind field, and it will not have any effect even if an unexpected battle occurs.

As for the others, they currently have no means of self-protection. Just now, Mina used the power of the Shield-Shield Fruit to create a protective shield. Although it can isolate part of the fog from erosion, it is not long-lasting due to the control of the devil fruit.

"It seems that this is the only way. You all should return to the Haotian. The two of us, the boss and I, are enough!٩( 'ω' )و"

Axing said proudly, especially when he looked at Mengshan, he was extremely excited. The two people who had always ended in a tie, this time Axing finally won.

"(ー_ー)!!, boring", Mengshan rolled his eyes and turned his head to walk towards the Haotian, not giving Axing the opportunity to continue showing off, because after being together for so long, Mengshan knew that once he paid attention to Axing, he would definitely show off crazily endlessly.

"Tsk, you're just jealous! ╮(๑•́ ₃•̀๑)╭"

"Okay, okay, let's go," Xia Hao said, shrugging helplessly as he looked at the two people bickering like children.

"Hey, here I come, boss!" Upon hearing Xia Hao's call, Ah Xing's face suddenly changed in a second, and he followed Xia Hao with a giggle, rushing to the core of the island.

"The Forbidden Country should have secrets that the outside world doesn't want to know!"

Xia Hao walked briskly forward, and his strong sense of direction allowed Xia Hao to move forward steadily in one direction without getting lost.

Half an hour later, Xia Hao and Ah Xing finally arrived at the final core of the island. There was no thick fog here, but instead an extremely bright area. Looking up, a huge, slightly withered tree appeared in front of them, with thick roots intertwined.

, the branches covered the sky, and the area within a kilometer was covered by the branches and leaves of the big tree. Xia Hao and A Xing were shocked when they saw the big tree that required more than ten people to hug.

"It's so big! This tree! I don't know how many years it took to grow", A Xing couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really huge, but the vitality of this tree is getting weaker and weaker, as if it has reached the end. If no one rescues it, it may die soon and wither completely!" Xia Hao looked at the huge tree in front of him with a professional look and murmured.

"Really? Boss, this tree will die?! ⊙▽⊙, what a pity, after all, it has been alive for so long", A Xing heard Xia Hao's voice, his face darkened slightly, and he exclaimed unhappily.

"Well, but if you want it to survive, there is a way, but there will be some troubles", Xia Hao frowned slightly and said in a flat tone.

"Ahem, can you really keep the inheritance tree alive?!"

Just then, an old voice came from the side. Looking towards the source of the voice, a white-haired old man slowly walked out of the mist with the help of a tall and beautiful doctor with a full chest, looking at Xia Hao with great excitement.

"Hey, is there anyone living on this island?" Ah Xing said loudly in surprise.

"You saw it with your own eyes!" Xia Hao raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth that was imperceptible, and then spoke.

"My friend, please tell me whether this tree can survive!" Looking at the two people whispering to each other, the old man hurriedly asked again.

"It can be saved. I have a way to save it, but why should I do this? What can you give?" Xia Hao smiled slightly and continued.

"Price?! Haha, I heard that people in the outside world like shiny gold things. As long as you save the inheritance tree, everything will be yours!"

"Keep your word!" Xia Hao looked at the inheritance tree in front of him, and his figure flashed to its roots. He gently raised his arm and placed it on it. A emerald green light emerged and covered the entire tree along Xia Hao's arm.

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