The two wooden men attacked the navy soldiers in front of him with overwhelming force.


Sakaski was furious as he watched the two wooden men attack the navy soldiers in front of him. If he hadn't been on the sea, he would have been elementalized. Unfortunately, this was an endless sea. If the lava at thousands of degrees destroyed the navy warships, even he might not survive.

"Big fire!"

The hot lava, like a volcanic eruption, sprayed out from his left hand, knocking the wooden man on the wooden steps away with a powerful momentum that could destroy everything. The terrifying impact broke the wooden steps and the wooden man fell into the sea.

Sakaski turned his head and looked at the two wooden men who were killing people on the naval warship. He flew over in an instant and punched the wooden man's head. The domineering force directly destroyed the wooden man's head, and the high temperature, which was far greater than at least, burned a hole in the remaining body of the wooden man.

Then Sakaski was ready to destroy the last wooden man, but at this moment, the wooden man in front of him suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, Xia Hao's figure on the Haotian also disappeared.

When Xia Hao created the wooden men, Xia Hao had marked all the wooden men with the indelible mark of the Flying Thunder God Technique, just for this moment, to practice with the future admiral of the navy.

Looking at Xia Hao who suddenly appeared in front of him, Sakaski was stunned for a moment, and then the magma fist in his hand swung down more vigorously, attacking Xia Hao's head fiercely, and it seemed that he wanted to kill him with one blow.

"Dragon Slayer Magic: Red Lotus Blade!"

Xia Hao looked at the magma fist that was getting closer and closer, and smiled slightly. Suddenly, there were fiery red flames in the surrounding space. The next moment, Xia Hao turned into a flame shape, and the raging flames turned into a huge scimitar, which collided fiercely with the attacking magma dog head

Which one is better, the flame or the magma? Everyone has different understandings, but in Xia Hao's opinion, there is no strongest, only stronger. Xia Hao's flame temperature is getting better and better. The surrounding navy soldiers can't stand such high temperature and jumped into the sea one after another.

And the navy warships also began to melt under the high temperature. This is a ship made of special alloy, which can withstand a thousand degrees high temperature. It can be said that only Sakaski has it in the entire navy, just to prevent going crazy that day, and the ship dies before the mission is successful, because ordinary ships can't withstand the impact of magma temperature.

But now, everyone saw an unimaginable scene, the warships were melted? The reason was not Sakaski, but Xia Hao, who has always been believed to use the power of wood-attributed plants. Whether it was the navy or the fish-man pirates, their worldviews were unprecedentedly impacted.

It is common sense that a person can only obtain one devil fruit ability in his lifetime, but what is this scene? Or is Xia Hao not a human?

Otherwise, why can he use two different abilities? Or, Xia Hao also has a special animal-type fantasy beast devil fruit ability like Kaido, because only fantasy beasts have such outrageous power.

Compared with the former, everyone's heart is still inclined to the latter guess, which is easier to accept.

"Control the power of fire?!" Sakaski looked at the gushing fire column, frowned, and was a little surprised. The high temperature emitted made the surrounding space emit a slight sound, as if it was about to break.

"Fire Fist!"

Without giving Sakaski a chance to attack, Xia Hao threw a punch forward, red flames gushed out, heat waves rolled and spread, and the thick sea of ​​fire instantly covered the entire naval warship. Sakaski was the first to bear the brunt, and the whole person was surrounded by flames.

"It's really a monster, but it's just a flame. You don't think the flame can cause actual damage to me!"

Sakaski's cold and ruthless voice came out from the sea of ​​fire, and then a tall black shadow walked out from it, with heavy footsteps getting closer and closer.

Looking at Sakaski who didn't change at all, Xia Hao frowned. Can flames really not cause damage to magma? Or is the temperature not high enough, otherwise everything can be burned, and magma can do the same.

"Dog bites Red Lotus!"

Sakaski's figure flashed and disappeared, and then Xia Hao felt a dangerous breath coming from behind him, and then a magma dog head whistled at him, the speed was so fast that it was hard to keep up, but just when Sakaski thought he was going to succeed, the space around Xia Hao was slightly distorted, and then the whole person disappeared.

At the same time, the magma dog head with a terrifying impact fell and hit the deck of the navy warship directly,

Then a huge hole appeared on the surface of the navy warship that was originally shaking and overwhelmed.

"What a irritable navy!" Xia Hao appeared behind Sakaski, looked down at the scrapped ship, curled his lips, stretched out his hand, and the armed color domineering instantly covered his entire arm, and then used the shaving skill, one of the six styles of the navy, and a series of afterimages appeared in the surrounding space.

"Invincible heavy blow!"

As Xia Hao's voice sounded, one after another huge fist prints were swung out, and a fierce breath came to his face. Sakaski looked at the attacking fist and also swung his fist out. The boiling magma kept boiling. Xia Hao's fist covered with armed color domineering easily touched Sakaski in the natural form. With extremely strong power, he directly pushed Sakaski back three or five steps. On the other hand, Xia Hao stood firmly in place, motionless.

"Demon God Possessed!"

Xia Hao took a deep breath, and the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand suddenly appeared. After spinning it vigorously for a few circles, he looked at the unarmed Sakaski with a square look, bent his legs slightly, and then flew out like a cannonball, starting a close combat. In the state of demon god possession, his speed, strength and defense became several times stronger.

"What is this?!" Sakaski looked at Xia Hao, who exuded a domineering and powerful aura like a demon god, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Thunder Half Moon Slash!"

As Xia Hao swung the Fang Tian Hua Ji, a slash of hundreds of meters appeared in front of Sakaski in an instant. Feeling the terrifying power emanating, Sakaski made a choice. With today's troops and strength, it was impossible to catch all the pirates.

Moreover, the naval warships that allowed him to seriously exert his strength were also completely destroyed. Therefore, although he was very unwilling, Sakaski decided to retreat. At the moment the slash fell, Sakaski's figure flashed and came to the other ordinary naval warships.


The next second after Sakaski retreated, the warship, which had been mostly melted, was cut in half and sank into the sea.

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