The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Dover, let's go, leave here. Don't worry about us!"

Torrebol looked at Doflamingo who was fighting with the navy, and stuck to Doflamingo with a sticky attack and pulled him back, saying in a serious tone.

"Yes, young master, don't worry about us, as long as we are still here, everything can be rebuilt!"

"Young master! Wuwuwu, you leave first!"

Seeing the encirclement getting smaller and smaller, the seriously injured Don Quixote family members pleaded one after another. In their hearts, as long as Doflamingo still has freedom, everything is possible.

Even if he is caught by the navy, there is a chance to regain his freedom, but once Doflamingo is caught, everything will be ruined!

"Huh~ Got it!" Looking at the anxious family members one after another, Doflamingo was ruthless, and he used a thin line to trap the clouds in the sky, and then quickly flew away, leaving the attack range of the navy in the blink of an eye.

As for Buffalo, because of his weak strength, he was caught early in the morning and had no chance to fly away.

"Humph, sacrifice the car to save the king? It's really cruel!" Seeing this scene, Vice Admiral Tsuru frowned, but he could only give up chasing Doflamingo, because no one in the navy's roundup team could fly.

"It's a pity that Borsalino didn't come today!" Vice Admiral Tsuru shrugged helplessly, but this time the Don Quixote family was seriously injured, and it must be quiet for a long time, but Doflamingo's escape is indeed a big trouble!

The navy has been looking for the forces behind Doflamingo and what he did, but to no avail.

In the sky, Doflamingo, who kept pulling the thin line and flying in the clouds, was full of anger, gloomy as if he wanted to eat people, and unwilling to accept it, but he had to flee due to Xia Hao's strength.

"Qi Kexiu, this matter will not be let go, Xia Hao!" Doflamingo roared angrily, covered his abdomen injured by the domineering aura with one hand, and left without looking back.

At this moment, on the Haotian, 30 nautical miles away from Mignon Island, Corazon and Luo looked at Xia Hao and others with gratitude. No matter what purpose Xia Hao came with, if Xia Hao hadn't rescued him, Corazon would have died.

"Brother Xia Hao, thank you", Trafalgar Law looked at Xia Hao with burning eyes, his little face full of seriousness, because Mr. Corazon was everything to the young Law who was full of revenge in his heart, and it was Corazon who made Law feel the love and warmth again.

"You're welcome. This is just an exchange of interests!" Xia Hao looked at Law calmly and patted his head with his big hand. For Xia Hao, this was just a casual thing.

"Let's go, two of you. I'll pick an island on the way and take you there!"

"Ahem, thank you!" Corazon thanked again, and his mind also emerged with the evaluation of Xia Hao by Zhan Guo. A man who was unpredictable seemed to have completely let himself go since leaving Roger's Pirates.

The Haotian continued to move forward towards the Grand Line. Along the way, Klee and Mina liked Law very much. They happily took Law to visit. So in the process of Trafalgar Law opening his mouth in surprise every moment, it took three days to complete the tour.

"It's really Thai pants hot, such a big ship can actually dive?!" When Trafalgar Law heard that the Haotian Pirates could still dive, his eyes suddenly burst into little stars, and he looked at Mina and Klee with great excitement.

It seemed like something extraordinary, especially the fact that he could dive into the sea without being discovered by the navy, which made the young Law remember it deeply.

"It's simply a weapon for escape. When I grow up, I must make a ship like this to go to sea!" Trafalgar Law held the white and tender little hand tightly and said in a very serious tone.

"Okay, then you have to grow up quickly", Mina smiled and didn't care. After all, she was just a child.


In a certain sea area of ​​the Grand Line, three navy warships with seagull flags were traveling at high speed, and even the passing pirate ships had no intention of fighting.

On the navy warship, a man with a height of more than three meters, a pair of sharp horns on his head, a red mask with only a pair of yellow halo eyes, and a man in a red suit was happily playing cards with his subordinates around a table.

This navy warship was the item escorted by this member of the CP9 organization, Fozfor, who was proficient in the six styles of the navy. The table

The previous exquisite box contained a devil fruit, which looked like a common superhuman devil fruit, but Fuzver didn't understand why the five elders of the world government, the highest power, specifically asked for it, and also sent a well-equipped navy fighter to escort it.

However, the order of the world government was absolute. Fuzver, who didn't want to be nosy and wanted to continue to be competent in his official position, was very concerned about this mission. However, after a smooth journey, his vigilance was greatly reduced.

And his gambling addiction filled his head. He looked at the calm sea and the pirates who took a detour. Fuzver was ecstatic. Sure enough, except for some desperate guys, ordinary pirates would not provoke the navy at all.

So, he called his men to start gambling and playing card games. For a while, everyone's attention was focused on this, and they didn't notice that a huge pirate ship was approaching quickly.

"Boss, I heard that the CP9 people were personally escorting this navy warship. There must be a lot of treasures!" Lakilu took a big bite of the chicken leg in his hand, patted his round belly, and said happily.

"It would be the best if it's treasure, Boss. We haven't had a banquet for many days!" Jesus put the spear in his hand on his shoulder and said with a longing tone.

"Captain, are you really going to do it?" Ben Beckman, next to Shanks, asked seriously after puffing out a cloud of smoke.

"Of course, it's just a navy warship! Moreover, compared to that guy, I'm too late to go to sea! The easiest way for pirates to expand their reputation is to challenge strong enemies!" Shanks thought of Xia Hao's face in his mind and squinted at the navy warship. Along the way, the news of the Haotian Pirates made Shanks smile happily, but he believed that one day, the two could meet at the top.

As Shanks' order was issued, the Red Force rushed towards the navy warship with all its power. When it was one or two hundred meters close to the navy warship, Fozver, who was winning money crazily, reacted.

"What is this?" Fuzifu was furious. He didn't expect that a pirate group would dare to attack the ship of the Navy Headquarters. This was a provocation to the majesty.

"Damn it! They were approached so close. Fire!" Fuzifu shouted loudly, wanting to destroy the Red Hair Pirates before they approached. The black muzzle began to aim at the Red Force, and shells were fired one by one.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Looking at the shells flying all over the sky, Shanks remained calm. Jesus Bu strode forward, raised his spear and started shooting. In an instant, all the bombs were destroyed and exploded in mid-air, and the powerful impact wave made the sea water roll continuously.

"Hey, guys, charge!" Lakilu shouted, and then took the lead, turning into a flexible fat man and rushing to the Navy warship.

For a moment, it seemed as if he was in an unmanned area, killing and killing, and this group of elite navy soldiers were instantly knocked down by him.

"Are you looking for death?" Fuzifu was furious. If he failed to complete the order of the Five Elders, he would die miserably. Therefore, facing the powerful Red-haired Shanks, he still wanted to fight. After all, he claimed to be the most talented and powerful CP0!

The saber-toothed tiger form of the animal-type cat-cat fruit was activated, and it opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Red-haired Shanks.

But, at the moment when his beast body jumped up, Shanks drew his sword,

"God avoid!"

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