The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

"Fisher Tiger, surrender!" Stolobery pulled out two huge sabers from his waist, flashing cold light, and explained the reason to Fisher Tiger who looked puzzled.

"What? The humans here betrayed me!" Fisher Tiger heard, his face suddenly became gloomy, and his mood became inexplicably bad. Looking at the navy soldiers who were getting closer and closer to surround him, the only thing left in his heart was completely shattered.

Fisher Tiger has always had a dream, that is, humans can coexist peacefully with fishmen, but the fact is that this idea is too advanced, and he has tried hard for all these years, but he has not succeeded once.

"Betray? They are just a bunch of evil pirates. What right do they have to say such things! Trash should stay quietly in the trash."


"Double Blade Style: Cut the Wind and Cut the Waves"

Major General Stolobery looked at Fisher Tiger, who looked wrong, and took the opportunity to attack him. The long sword cut through his skin, and blood kept flowing. Fisher Tiger, who did not rely on force, suffered a loss. Looking at the long sword on his chest, his face darkened.

His eyes kept scanning the surroundings. He couldn't die! He had to find a way to escape from here!

The Sun Pirates sat on the deck bored, waiting for Fisher Tiger to appear happily, but there was no movement. At this moment, three navy warships suddenly drove over from the coast, and then opened fire without saying a word.

It looked like they wanted to destroy them all directly!

"Navy? How is it possible?! Why do you know we are here?" The fishman Aaron said in a surprised tone. This time he acted casually because he changed the route to send Klar home.

"Prepare for battle!" Jinbei glanced at the Sun Pirates and shouted loudly. As the second-in-command of the Sun Pirates, he had to take responsibility at this moment. So, under Jinbei's leadership, all the fishmen began to fight back, and even a large part of the fishmen jumped into the sea and attacked from the bottom of the navy warship, because this was a natural advantage that must be used.

However, Fisher Tiger, who was alone in the island town, seemed very helpless and full of pressure at this moment. Looking at the navy soldiers who seemed to be defeated, his heart sank.

"Surrender, Fisher Tiger, and accept the trial of justice."

"Justice? Hahaha, don't joke, if it is really justice, then why didn't you show up when the damn Celestial Dragons hunted down civilians as slaves?

Why won't the Celestial Dragons be arrested for committing crimes?!

Why is your justice so double-standard! Or is the righteous navy just like this!" Fisher Tiger covered his chest that was bleeding due to excitement, and looked at Rear Admiral Stoloberry and couldn't help but scold.

"Hmph, stubborn!" Stoloberi listened to Fisher Tiger's angry voice, snorted coldly, then waved the blades of his arms, disappeared from everyone's sight, and appeared again behind Fisher Tiger. The fierce attack of the double-blade flow came in an instant, directly knocking Fisher Tiger flying, and lying on the ground covered with blood.

"What a trouble!" Stoloberi frowned and said.

"Prepare to assemble, the mission is completed and it's time to retreat!" Stoloberi looked at Fisher Tiger, who had lost his ability to move, and waved his hand. The navy soldiers on both sides were ready to escort Fisher Tiger. However, at this moment, a noise and close footsteps sounded not far away.

"Brother Tiger!"

After repelling the siege of the navy warship, the Sun Pirates realized that something was wrong. Their captain had landed on the island for many hours, but there was no movement. So, under the leadership of Jinbei and Arlong, everyone went to the center of the island. At this time, they saw this scene.

"Asshole, I'll kill you!" The fishman Arlong looked at Fisher Tiger, who was covered in blood, pale and dull, and could die at any time. His anger soared directly, waving the big knife in his hand and was about to fight to the death. The fishman pirates behind him followed closely with anger.

For a while, the whole town was full of broken walls, huge roars continued to sound, and the fight became more and more intense.

In the end, it was still relying on Jinbei's powerful fighting power to snatch Fisher Tiger back from the navy warship, but he also fainted due to excessive blood loss. Arlong was anxious and kept circling around the Sun Pirates.

Very urgent, very urgent!

"Boss Jinbei, what should we do? Brother Tiger needs a blood transfusion, but none of us are suitable.

We can only use human blood. It just so happens that this naval warship that was snatched has human blood?" Arlong patted his head and looked at Jinbei and said.

"It can only be like this, but I don't know what Brother Tiger will choose?" Jinbei sighed. He knew how much impact humans had on Fisher Tiger in this incident.

"No, I don't need it. I don't need human blood!" When Jinbei and Arlong were negotiating how to find a blood source for Fisher Tiger, Fisher Tiger opened his eyes in a daze, and then refused with all his strength. The ugly faces of humans appeared in his mind, and he became more and more sad.

Since the establishment of the Sun Pirates, Fisher Tiger has warned everyone not to harm innocent humans, even hostile forces. The dream is liberation and peace.

"Brother Tiger, if you don't give blood, you will really die," Jinbei and others all persuaded.

"No, never! "Fisher Tiger made a firm voice, and then he fainted again.

A few hours later, Fisher Tiger lost his life because he refused a blood transfusion. On the deck, all the members of the Sun Pirates burst into tears and were heartbroken. In the crowd, Arlong kept his head down, but there was a red light flashing in his eyes.

"Brother Tiger, I will definitely punish those dirty and despicable humans for you!"


On the Grand Line, a major news came out. In order to strengthen the world government's control over the sea, the Navy Headquarters invited the Queen of the Kingdom of Women, the Pirate Empress Hancock, to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Another special information is that Tenyasha Doflamingo not only released all his men from the cell with the help of a certain item, but also his name was on the list of invited Seven Warlords of the Sea in the new newspaper issued by the Navy Headquarters.

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