The conversation was over, but the conversation was over.

"Boss, I've already notified Laguiel. According to estimates, it will take about ten days to reach the Dressrosa Kingdom. We agreed to meet at Balala Island." After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Ah Xing walked briskly to Xia Hao's side and said happily.

"Well, you did a good job," Xia Hao nodded. He was very satisfied with Ah Xing's call this time. He was already a qualified cadre.

Three days passed in a flash, and the Haotian was getting farther and farther away from the Dressrosa Kingdom. It came to an island that looked like an energy bar. There was a lake in the middle of the island. The lake sparkled in the sun, like an energy ball.

"The environment is very good, so let's dock the Haotian here," Xia Hao appeared on a huge tree on the Balala Island, looking around, and said in a flat tone.

Above the capital of the Dressrosa Kingdom, a huge black shadow enveloped Doflamingo's palace. The terrifying pressure was unscrupulously impacting the surroundings. The whistling wind swept everything around, and countless tables and chairs were blown away by the storm.

Doflamingo, who was lying in the palace to rest, was awakened and saw a person he didn't want to see through his pink eyes. One of the Three Disasters of the Beast Pirates, Flame Disaster Jin, a man with terrifying strength like a real monster.


Flame Disaster Jin dived directly and floated in the air five or six meters above the ground. He looked down at the Don Quixote family led by Doflamingo and spoke in a proud voice.

"Flame Disaster Jin!" Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and looked at Flame Disaster Jin in front of him. He spoke in a flat voice. Facing one of the three disasters of the Beasts Pirates, Doflamingo changed his previous arrogance. After all, he was really no match for him in a fight, not to mention that there was an immortal monster behind him, Kaido.

"Tell me the whereabouts of the Haotian Pirates! Don't tell me you don't know!" Flame Disaster Jin said.

Doflamingo was not angry about the arrogant attitude and overbearing language of Flame Disaster Jin, because he knew very well what the man in front of him was like. In order to deal with the current situation and even the situation where Kaido, the Beast, was present, Doflamingo had already arranged personnel to track the Haotian Pirate Ship from a distance, and knew that all members of the Haotian Pirate Group were stationed on the Balala Island.

"There is a place called Balala Island one hundred nautical miles southeast. If there is no accident, it is inside." Doflamingo said in a serious tone.

After getting the information he wanted, Flame Disaster Jin glanced around with a cold look, and then flapped his wings behind him vigorously, and the whole person flew quickly into the sky. After finding the direction of Balala Island, he flew towards the Haotian Pirate Ship at a high speed. As for Drought Disaster Jack? Flame Disaster Jin knew his specialness and would not be drowned. After not seeing him for many days, he might have been rescued by his subordinates.

Two hours later, Yan Zai Jin had arrived in the air above Balala Island. He looked at the huge Haotian, and a hint of surprise flashed in his calm eyes. Although he had always heard that the Haotian was as big as the island, it was far less shocking than seeing it with his own eyes.

At this moment, Yan Zai Jin knew why the reckless brother of Drought Jack wanted to rob the Haotian. Such a gorgeous pirate ship must be tempted by money and wanted to take it for himself.

At this moment, the Haotian Pirates who were camping on Balala Island cheered happily. A group of people sat around the campfire for a banquet. Suddenly, Xia Hao, who was about to drink milk, had a condensed look in his eyes. Under the perception of his observation Haki, he felt that a strong breath was approaching quickly, and it looked hostile, and it was definitely not a good thing.

"Humph, it's really leisurely, everyone in the Haotian Pirates!" Yan Zai Jin looked at the curling smoke on the island and the cheers from the heart of the Haotian Pirates, and said in a rather indifferent tone.

"This shape seems familiar," Xia Hao muttered to himself as he looked at Flame Disaster Jin, his eyes fixed on the black wings behind him.

"I remember now, Flame Disaster Jin, one of Kaido's Three Disasters, I wonder if you have any advice for me?" Xia Hao raised his head and looked at him calmly, and said.

"What advice do you have? Humph, you stole the arms of our Beasts Pirates, are you pretending not to know?!" Flame Disaster Jin's extremely cold voice sounded, the flames behind him became more and more vigorous, and the look he gave Xia Hao became fierce, because Flame Disaster Jin could see that Xia Hao did not take him seriously, and had no intention of returning the arms to the Beasts Pirates.


So, only fighting can solve this kind of trouble!

"What do you need to know?"

"You... Humph, I really shouldn't waste my time talking to you. Since I can't make it work with words, then let's solve it with strength!" Yan Zai Jin had a handsome but cold face under his mask. He didn't communicate with words.

Instead, he turned around and flew quickly into the sky. After reaching a certain height, he turned his head and dived down. The strong wind pressure extinguished all the bonfires on the island. The wind was howling, and a strong wind pressure kept pressing on the Haotian Pirates. The originally happy banquet was completely disrupted by the arrival of Yan Zai Jin.

"Asshole!" Ah Xing looked at Yan Zai Jin who was releasing wind pressure recklessly in the sky, and his black eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance. As a result, Ah Xing also instantly transformed into a half-beast form, his legs sank slightly, and the powerful force made Ah Xing fly out in an instant and appear directly in front of Yan Zai Jin.

Pteranodon VS Quetzalcoatlus

Two sky overlord-level dinosaurs were fighting, and Yan Zai Jin was a little surprised when he saw Ah Xing suddenly appear in front of him in a half-beast form. Because of some special perception reasons, Yan Zai Jin knew that Ah Xing in front of him was definitely not an ordinary animal-type devil fruit ability user, at least an ancient devil fruit ability.

"Flame Emperor!"

Yan Zai Jin looked at Ah Xing with excitement, raised his hand, and the mysterious flame turned into a small fireball and flew towards Ah Xing quickly. The scorching heat made Ah Xing frown,


Facing Yan Zai Jin's first attack, Ah Xing did not dodge. The violent wind element quickly condensed into a spiral ball in Ah Xing's hand, and released it at the moment the fireball attacked, directly blowing away its flames, and the wind element was also idle afterwards.

The first test ended in a tie!

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