The old man was in trouble.

"Colonel Smoker, aren't you going to chase him?" Dashiqi asked, looking at Ace's gradually disappearing figure.

"Forget it!" Smoker let out a long breath. The appearance of Fire Fist Ace disrupted his plan. It would be useless to continue chasing him. Moreover, if he really fought a life-and-death duel, he would definitely lose in the end.

If he remembered correctly, if the bounty on Fire Fist Ace had reached the terrifying 730 million berries, he would be a real pirate!

"Let's go. If we really fight, I can't protect you!" Smoker said somewhat dejectedly. In this chaotic world, the weak have no right to choose. Then he took the lead and left in the opposite direction. After all, the Straw Hat Pirates will definitely go to the New World. There will be a chance to meet in the future. The next time they meet, they will definitely be arrested.


In the New World, within the territory of the Haotian Empire, on the sea 100 nautical miles away from Murphy Island, a huge World Government warship was escorted by two navy warships, each with 200 navy soldiers.

Yes, this is a warship escorting Tianshangjin. Now this period of time is the annual time for the Celestial Dragons to collect Tianshangjin.

"Speed ​​up the sailing speed and leave this sea area as soon as possible!" On the World Government warship, a World Government official frowned, and a bad premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart, always feeling that something big is happening.

"Yes, sir!"

The three warships immediately equipped themselves to speed up and prepare to leave. At this moment, huge waves suddenly surged on the calm sea surface, followed by a loud sound of bubbles bursting. Five pirate ships appeared around the warships, surrounding them and trapping them in the middle. The leader was the captain of the War Dragon Pirates, Laguiel.

As for why they appeared here, the reason was that the Haotian Empire was short of money. As time went by, Xia Hao had less and less funds under stable development, and almost all of them were exchanged for practical items such as devil fruits and famous swords to enhance the overall strength of the Haotian Pirates.

"War Dragon Pirates?! No, it should be the Clear Sky Pirates! Damn, why are these horrible guys here!" The World Government official looked angry and uneasy, looking at the huge pirate ship and the crowded pirates on the ship, his hands clenched tightly, and the powerful force made a creaking sound,

"Order the navy to protect the Tensho Gold with all their strength, rush out!"

"Yes, sir!"

On the other side, the Navy Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel looked at the pirate ship that appeared with a heavy face. After all, the current War Dragon Pirates are affiliated with the Five Emperors Clear Sky Pirates. It is hard to believe that such a bold act of snatching Tensho Gold is among them. Without the Fifth Emperor Xia Hao's instruction,

"It's troublesome. This time, the Sky Gold escort mission turned out to be so unlucky!" Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel held his sword tightly in his big hand, then tilted his head and looked at the navy soldiers behind him who were in an extremely tense atmosphere. He said in a serious tone: "Everyone should be alert. What we are facing now is not an ordinary pirate. Fifth Emperor Xia Hao is a man who never plays by the rules! Except for the Zhanlong Pirates, everyone should be careful of sneak attacks!"

"Yes, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel!" All the navy soldiers raised their heads and looked at Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel with respect. As expected of the Vice Admiral, he is steady in doing things.

"Ah, ah, why are you in such a hurry to leave, friends from the World Government and the Navy, the pirate group passing by the Haotian Empire left in such a hurry, wouldn't it make outsiders think that our Haotian Empire's hospitality is not good?" Laguiel led the pirate ship to shrink the encirclement and slowly approached the warship escorting Tianshangjin, with a hint of red in his black eyes.

"Tian Shangjin?! Isn't this a coincidence? I wanted to share the worries of Lord Xia Hao, but I never had the chance. Now there is a treasure, how can I miss this opportunity!"

"Hmph, don't bother the Haotian Empire, the World Government and the Navy are hostile to the pirates, so it's better not to get too close. Everyone, please make way and let our fleet pass!" The World Government official looked at Laguiel and said in a deep voice, his tone full of seriousness and seriousness, and he was also very nervous. After all, this place is very close to the territory of the Haotian Empire.

"Oh, what a pity! Okay, let's let the guests go!" Laguiel shrugged helplessly and raised his hand to let them go.

Seeing this scene, both the World Government officials and Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel looked unbelievable. When did pirates become so easy to talk to? Moreover, this was the Five Emperors of the Sea.

Affiliated pirate group of the pirate group!

"Wait, what does this mean?! Didn't they tell us to leave?!" As soon as he ordered the battleship to set sail, he saw that the surrounding fleet of the Dragon Pirates was motionless and had no intention of giving way.

"Yes, you can leave, but these ships and the cargo on them cannot!" Laguiel heard the question of the World Government official, stretched out a finger, shook it gently, and refused.

"ヽ(‘⌒´メ)ノ bastard! Are you kidding me! Damn trash pirate!"

When the World Government official heard what Laguiel said, his face flushed and he was so angry that he was fuming. He talked for a long time but nothing was said.

"How rude! I didn't expect the World Government officials to be so rude. It's so disappointing. I'll give you one minute to think about it!" Laguiel raised his hand, and the cannons on the surrounding pirate ships raised their barrels together, all aiming at the World Government's battleship escorting Tenshang Jin.

"How can you repair it! You are going too far!", the World Government official cursed angrily, then took a deep look at Laguiel, and then took out a special Den Den Mushi from his pocket.

"Master Five Elders, the warship transporting the Heavenly Gold was intercepted by pirates when passing through the outer periphery of Five Emperors Xia Hao's territory, and now they are asking for the treasure,... Aba Aba..."

In the Holy Land of Marijoa, the Five Elders heard the information in the Den Den Mushi, and their faces were very ugly, and their gloomy faces seemed to be dripping with water.

"Xia Hao is causing trouble again. Heavenly Gold?! Is this bastard addicted to robbing?!"

"What to do? Start a war? The current Haotian Empire has 5,000 elite naval forces. A rash war will cause a lot of trouble!"

"Damn it, are we going to do nothing?!"

"Where are the people sent to negotiate? Haven't they reached an agreement yet?! Even Kaido and BIGMOM agreed to this agreement. Is Xia Hao a stubborn guy?!"

"Let someone destroy the ship. Heavenly Gold? Xia Hao wants him to salvage it himself!"

"Well, this is a good idea. Give the order!"

After the discussion, the Five Elders began to order the World Government officials who were transporting Heavenly Gold to the New World to take action. They would rather destroy it than give it to Xia Hao.

"Yes, Master Five Elders!" When the World Government official heard the order from the Den Den Mushi, his expression immediately became serious. He summoned a World Government soldier and gave instructions in a low voice.

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