The old man was so angry that he was so angry.

"Hao Wang Haki!"

"Hey, is this true? Hao Wang Haki?! This is a sign of a strong man that is one in a million. It is said that only one person in a million people has the chance to awaken it."

"This guy is only about ten years old, right? It's so scary. By comparison, I feel like I have lived like a dog for the past forty years."

"Hahaha, Hao Wang Haki, does Xia Hao have it too?!"

Compared to the attitudes of others, the people in Roger's pirate group are obviously the happiest, especially Roger. He didn't expect that there were four people in his pirate group of only thirty people who had Hao Wang Haki.

Moreover, based on observation and understanding, Roger determined that Shanks was also likely to have Hao Wang Haki, but he hadn't awakened it yet.

Once awakened, the pirate group with five Conqueror Haki is no different from the Rocks Pirates back then.

"Xia Hao! This guy actually secretly awakened Conqueror Haki behind my back! ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!

Sure enough, he is a perverted monster." Buggy, who was practicing the ability of the Split Devil Fruit, was also hit by the sudden appearance of Conqueror Haki. He glanced at Xia Hao, who looked like a god of war, and cursed him as a pervert.

"Do you have it too? Xia Hao, hehe, it seems you won't be lonely anymore in the future." Shanks repelled the enemy who attacked him, glanced at Xia Hao silently, and muttered to himself.

"Huh, kid!" Barrett snorted coldly. No wonder Xia Hao was not affected by his Conqueror Haki in the last battle. It turned out that he had been hiding it.

Xia Hao's domineering aura was released, shocking all the pirates in the Edwo Sea. The secondary points on the system panel increased rapidly. Xia Hao glanced at it and saw that the value was so terrifying that it directly caught up with the mission value of a year.

"There is another point lottery, hahaha, as expected, fighting is the best opportunity to get wool!"

"Distraction in battle is a fatal problem! Thunder Half Moon Slash!"

Xia Hao said softly, but his figure came behind a captain of a pirate group affiliated with the Flying Pirates. The majestic and domineering Fang Tian Huaji fell heavily with bursts of wind breaking, and the target raised his waist solemnly.


The sound of bone fracture and heart fracture appeared at the same time. The severe and piercing pain made his tall body kneel directly on the ground. He tried to raise one hand and pointed at Xia Hao, his eyes full of fear and resentment. This was definitely the biggest Waterloo and tragedy in his pirate career.

A little kid in his teens, sneaking up on the old pirate's waist without martial ethics.

"Hehe, only the winner has the right to speak. I just want to ask, who else is there!"

Xia Hao carried the Fang Tian Hua Ji on his shoulder, stretched out a white and tender little finger and hooked it, and shouted arrogantly at the dozens of pirate ships in front of him.

"Fuck, I can't stand it anymore, brothers, come with me, kill him!"

"Yes, yes, even if the Conqueror's Haki awakens, so what? It's just a ten-year-old kid."

"Hmph, a genius monster? A big pirate who hasn't grown up is just a dead skeleton."


Xia Hao's provocative words directly aroused the anger of the members of the Feikong Pirates Fleet. If eyes could kill, Xia Hao would have been killed thousands of times.

"Tsk, only the weak will huddle together for warmth, and I, one person is enough!"

The Fang Tian Hua Ji stood on the deck. The small figure seemed like a giant in the eyes of the Roger Pirates, especially Buggy, who thought Xia Hao was so handsome.

"It would be nice if I could be like this one day!"

"Die, kid, I'll swallow you in one bite!" Soon, the fleet of the Flying Pirates was connected, and an animal-type devil fruit user opened his bloody mouth and was about to tear Xia Hao to pieces.

"Uh, are you stupid, or are you stupid?" Xia Hao curled his lips, looked at the smelly mouth, raised his hand, and the Fang Tian Hua Ji with the armed color domineering directly came to his brain, stabbed into the open mouth, and then stirred it vigorously.

In an instant, Xia Hao seemed to hear the sound of brain bursting, and the pain that hit the depths of his soul made this devil fruit user faint directly. After all, even with high defense, it is impossible to protect the intestines and cranial cavity in the body intact, so under the swing of Fang Tian Hua Ji, his head was pierced, staring with unbelievable big eyes like copper bells, and his huge body fell directly to the ground.


The smoke and dust rolled, and the once powerful animal-type devil fruit user died. A small old man was exposed in front of everyone. Obviously, when the user died, the devil fruit's ability also disappeared.

"Are you good at fighting?! What's the use of being able to fight? Come out

You have to be a cheater to get by!"

Xia Hao shook off the blood on the head of Fang Tian Hua Ji, raised his finger and pointed forward, and spoke arrogantly, as if thousands of pirates didn't take him seriously.

Xia Hao, who angered the public again, was besieged by the Flying Pirates, and suddenly, the pressure on other members of Roger's Pirates was greatly reduced.

Just when the battle was about to compete for endurance, the calm sea surface suddenly rolled up, and the originally clear sky was instantly covered by dark clouds. The wind was strong, thunder and lightning, and violent tornadoes appeared not far away. Looking at the direction approaching at high speed, it was the battle area.



"No way, what a coincidence!"

"Shipwreck? !"

"This damn weather, damn it! "

Looking at the raging waves constantly hitting the pirate ship, the faces of the Feikong Pirates changed drastically, and they talked in panic. After all, this is a vast ocean, and there is no island nearby. If a shipwreck occurs, the ship will be destroyed and silent, and they will not be able to survive. The only way waiting for them is death.

"Quick, you guys hold the rudder! Don't let anything happen"

The Feikong Pirates began to stabilize the ship in a hurry, but because the pirate ship was too close, it swayed left and right under the strong waves, and the ships collided. The huge impact force directly damaged the pirate ship, and a large amount of seawater kept pouring into the cabin. Soon, most of the pirate ships were submerged by seawater.

"Damn weather, why this time! Just a little bit, a little bit, Roger"

Golden Lion's eyes were bloodshot, looking at Roger who had returned to the Jackson, his chest was so angry that it seemed to be bombarded by a cannon, and it was up and down in an exaggerated way. The cigar in his mouth was extinguished by the sea water at some point.

"It seems that fate is on me, Golden Lion! Hahaha!"

Looking at the fleet of the Flying Pirates that was destroyed by the sea water in an instant, Roger looked at Golden Lion and laughed. The hearty laughter made the originally angry Golden Lion even more explosive, but the turbulent sea whirlpool made him dizzy and unable to take care of himself.

Looking at the Roger Pirates that were gradually going away, Golden Lion finally couldn't help but roar to the sky, and his angry fists hammered the mast fiercely. At the same time, a terrifying wave came, and by chance, a nearby pirate ship was destroyed. A crescent-shaped rudder fell from the sky and hit the center of Golden Lion's forehead as he looked up at the sky.


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