The team led by Luffy to rescue Ace marched towards the execution platform aggressively. At this time, the huge body of the unlucky demon Little Oz, who was knocked unconscious, suddenly moved at the original defense barrier of the navy. The leg that was originally cut off was miraculously reborn at this moment.


The huge shouting sounded from the Marine Headquarters Marinford Square. In an instant, everyone looked at Little Oz, who was already dying and living a miserable life. Seeing his body slowly standing up, the faces of the navy people were very ugly.

"Little Oz, how is it possible?! This guy is obviously dead!" Zhan Guo was shocked, looking at the figure of Little Oz with his hands tightly clenched, and he didn't believe it in his heart. There must be some information that was overlooked.

"Oz, you are still very reckless!"

Whitebeard Newgate, who was originally seriously injured and bleeding all over his body, spoke at this time. Looking at the fully recovered Little Oz, he shook his head helplessly.

"Be careful!" Zhan Guo heard the voice of Whitebeard Newgate, his face changed drastically, and then he reminded loudly that Little Oz recovered silently, there must be a special power to heal it, and as the soul of the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard Newgate must be clear,

Therefore, Zhan Guo analyzed that Whitebeard must be very clear about the things that can heal injuries.

Whitebeard recovered from his injuries, but his physical strength decreased a lot. After all, fighting requires physical strength, domineering, and the use of devil fruits also requires physical strength as support, but it is enough!

"Gulala, guys, go all out to protect the Straw Hat Boy and rescue Ace!" Whitebeard Newgate laughed up to the sky, and the Conqueror's Haki was completely released the next moment. The Supreme Blade Kusugawa Kiri made a series of sword sounds, as if he was excited, and the extremely powerful momentum rose to the sky. The first to bear the brunt were naturally the admirals Kizaru and Aokiji who were closest to Whitebeard Newgate.

"Ah la la, what a scary old man!"

"How scary, he actually recovered from his injuries in an instant, is it the power of the devil fruit?" Kizaru's wrinkled face showed a very exaggerated expression, and then his eyes kept scanning the pirates behind Whitebeard Newgate, trying to find out who treated the seriously injured Whitebeard.

However, to Kizaru's disappointment, he did not find any strange scene.

"Ace!" Little Oz stood up aggressively, swinging the 40-meter-long sword in his hand towards both sides. He had just received the latest order from his father Marco to clear obstacles and prepare to retreat as soon as Ace was rescued. Especially for Little Oz, who was so huge, if he didn't retreat in advance, he would definitely become a living target.

Little Oz took a deep look at Ace on the execution platform, and then slowly retreated while clearing the navy on both sides. He had been willful once, and this time, he must not let his father worry again.

"Luffy! Everyone!"

On the execution platform, Ace looked at the people who kept fighting and charging forward, tears kept rolling in his eyes. If life could be repeated, he would never be willful again!

Without absolute power, everything is empty talk!

"Luffy! ╰_╯╬" Garp looked at Luffy who was the first to bear the brunt, frowning, his old face was very ugly. No matter what, after this battle in Marinford, Luffy's name will definitely be remembered by the whole world, a notorious pirate? !

"Little devils, don't be distracted!"

In the center of Marinford Square, Whitebeard Newgate looked at Kizaru and Aokiji who turned their heads to look at the execution platform, and spoke. As the voice fell, Kusukimori fell from the sky, and the shock wave wrapped in the domineering color domineering rushed towards the navy unscrupulously, and the first to bear the pressure were naturally Admiral Aokiji and Kizaru.

"Boom! Bang!"

The domineering and domineering attack came towards them. Kizaru and Aokiji joined forces to block this extremely powerful force, because behind them were thousands of navy soldiers, and they could not let them get hurt no matter what, especially in such a fierce battle. Once there were large-scale casualties, morale would drop sharply, which was something the navy did not want to see.

The ground under their feet cracked, and a deep gully appeared under Aokiji and Kizaru. The two figures retreated nearly ten meters before they blocked Whitebeard's powerful slash. The shock wave was in the middle, and a huge air explosion sounded, as loud as thunder.

"Gulala!" Whitebeard Newgate looked at the blocked attack

He came down, narrowed his eyes, and continued to prepare to attack, naturally to buy time for the Straw Hat Boy.

"Hey, hey, hey, Akainu, you are crazy!!! ∑(°Д°ノ)ノ"

On the other side of the battlefield, Buggy looked at Admiral Akainu, who was attacking him with a livid face, and his figure kept retreating. Who would have thought that he just wanted to block the giant lava fist to buy time for the Straw Hat Boy, but was told by Akainu not to let go.

"Bughi the Clown, we originally thought you were just an ordinary pirate, but after a detailed intelligence investigation, we found out that you were hiding too deeply. We didn't notice that you were only locked up in the second floor of Impel Down.

A former trainee of the Roger Pirates, and a good brother of the Five Emperors Red Hair Shanks and Xia Hao, how could he have a bounty of only tens of millions!" On the execution platform, watching Bughi the Clown being chased by Akainu, Sengoku once again acted as a commentator and made Bughi's identity public.

"ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!"


"This guy is actually a trainee of the Roger Pirates? !"

"No way, the brother of the Five Emperors Red Hair Shanks and Xia Hao? ! This guy is actually willing to hide in the weakest sea, the East Sea? ! ”

“This guy actually has such a rich identity? !”

“As expected of Lord Buggy, he is so low-key, I am crying! ヾ(༎ຶД༎ຶ)ノ”, the criminals of Impel Down looked at Buggy, revealing tears of excitement, and their bodies seemed to be full of strength.

“Lord Buggy, kill him, he is just a navy admiral!” A pirate who escaped from Impel Down looked at Buggy who was retreating and shouted excitedly. In this group of people with their own filter eyes, Buggy was just teasing Akainu.

If he took a serious action, Akainu would definitely die!

“Fuck you! ﹀<(-︿-)>﹀” Buggy was shocked. Who gave these guys the confidence? Although he did hide some of his strength, he couldn’t fight against the navy admiral now, and at most he would fight!

“Fist of shattering! "

Looking at Akainu who was determined to fight to the death, Buggy was helpless and could only raise his hand to block the attack. In an instant, the invisible fist shadow hit Akainu's body. The next moment, the ability of shattering was activated, and Akainu was directly split into hundreds and thousands of pieces.

"Run!" Buggy ran away without looking back.

But in the eyes of the younger brother in Impel Down, Buggy really didn't take Akainu seriously at all. After all, a real man never looks back at the explosion!

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