The battle was over, and the two sides had a lot of difficulties.

"Navy?! Humph, you really know how to choose the time!" Barrett looked at the attacking navy warship with cold eyes, his face gloomy.

"It seems that there is no need to continue the battle, otherwise no one can escape", Crocodile was also unhappy at this moment, not only to the navy, but also to Barrett who challenged him for no reason.

Just because of this guy in front of him, everything he carefully arranged was wasted, that was his means to challenge a hot man.

Barrett and Crocodile looked at each other, then each snorted coldly, and left quickly on their own pirate ships, without the intention of fighting a big battle with the navy, because no one knew who would be on this navy warship!

Although warships are usually led by vice admirals, what if this vice admiral is Garp?

As two men with great ambitions, they are not allowed to encounter unknown events that they cannot control during their growth stage.

In the meeting room of the Navy Headquarters, Douglas Barrett challenged Crocodile and fought to a draw.

On the big screen, there was a photo of Barrett fighting Crocodile.

"Crocodile, the natural sand-sand fruit ability user, I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful that he could fight Barrett, the monster, to a draw. It's really unexpected," said a navy colonel staff officer, rubbing his chin.

"Yes, the current bounty is only 81 million berries. It's hard to imagine that he can fight Barrett."

"So, what do you think about Crocodile?

Marshal Kong suggested that he be absorbed into the Seven Warlords of the Sea to curb the chaotic New World pirates now." As the colonel staff officer presiding over the meeting, Brand said the order he received.

"I second the motion. I think Marshal Sora's decision is correct. Although the Rocks era is over, there are more and more pirate groups in the New World. If there is no effective restriction, it will cause great trouble to the World Government, and the Navy does not have more troops to capture them all."

"I second the motion. The sound system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea will form a certain balance for the pirate forces in the New World."

"Me too!"

On the third day after the meeting, the news that Crocodile was recruited by the World Government to become a Seven Warlord of the Sea also spread throughout the New World.


On the Jackson, Xia Hao looked at the babbling little kid in front of him with a tangled face. At this moment, Kozuki Momonosuke was only two years old. He was lying on the chest of Tokitoki, stroking the surging waves with one hand and absorbing nutrients crazily with the other hand. His black eyes looked very cunning.

In Xia Hao's eyes, he saw a little pervert who was about to grow up slowly.

"How is it? Xia Hao, does my son look very smart, just like me?" Kozuki Oden came to Xia Hao and said proudly. As a father, Kozuki Oden always wanted to pass on his strength.

"Haha, yes, exactly like you ┐(´-`)┌", Xia Hao nodded stiffly, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: Like you? It is indeed very similar, but he has neither your courage nor manliness. He inherited only your lust.


Hearing Xia Hao's affirmation, Kozuki Oden grinned. During the time on the ship, Kozuki Oden had witnessed Xia Hao's daily practice with his own eyes. Although he was unwilling to admit it, it was the fact.

Therefore, he was more curious about Xia Hao. He would pester Xia Hao to compete every day, and it ended in a draw. However, Kozuki Oden clearly felt that Xia Hao's strength was getting stronger day by day, although it was growing very slowly.

"Hey, Rayleigh, haven't we been in this direction before?" Roger said seriously on the bow of the Jackson, looking at the calm sea and the islands ahead with wide eyes.

Although the sea is boundless, the route will not change much if we set out again in the direction of the previous adventure, but I didn't expect the record pointer to point to a place I have never been to.

"Well, it looks like a new route. Maybe we can find the red historical text on this route," Rayleigh nodded, and then cheered jokingly.

"Hahahaha, I hope so," Roger heard the hearty laughter that spread throughout the pirate ship.

The Jackson continued to move forward in the direction indicated by the record pointer, but the originally calm sea began to become turbulent, and waves as high as more than ten meters rolled and washed the Jackson again and again.


The shaking ship made it difficult to stand on the deck.

"It's coming, Sky Island!"

Xia Hao looked at the more chaotic sea not far away with a calm face. In his memory, Roger's pirate group should have reached Sky Island by riding the rising current like Luffy, and found a historical text on it.


Marinford, the headquarters of the Navy

"Garp, you bastard?! How many times have you refused?! The admiral of the navy is the strongest symbol of the entire navy." In the marshal's office, there were bursts of broken cups, and the angry voice of Steel Bone Sora shook the entire office building.

At this moment, Garp, the main person in the problem, did not care, and even inserted his little finger into his nostrils and rotated 360 degrees. He did not care about the title of admiral of the navy at all. In Garp's heart, he had his own justice, and as a vice admiral of the navy, he just happened to meet his arbitrary justice requirements.

"Admiral of the Navy? Whoever wants to be one can be one. Marshal Kong, you know me. My current goal is to arrest Roger. Believe me, he will become a man more terrifying than Rocks." Garp looked at Kong, who had a livid face in front of him, shrugged his shoulders, and answered very seriously.

The most important thing is that becoming an admiral of the Navy will be arranged by the World Government to protect the holy land of Marijoa and those garbage Celestial Dragons. From the bottom of his heart, Garp hates it very much.

"Get out of here! ┻╰ (‵□′)╯" Kong raised his hand and pointed to the door, yelling. Obviously, he was very angry with Garp. Why did he have such a willful subordinate?

"Okay!" Garp raised his mouth and opened the door very skillfully.

"Garp, you really are a guy." Outside the door, seeing Garp walking out of the marshal's office, Sengoku walked over with a helpless look on his face, shook his head, and sighed.

"Hahaha, Sengoku, admirals and such are not important, you know? The latest news is that Roger borrowed a man from Whitebeard Newgate, the captain of the second division, Kozuki Oden. I suspect Roger will make a big move next, so I will continue to go out to sea!

This time, Roger will definitely be arrested!" Garp raised his head and laughed, and then analyzed the recent intelligence content to Sengoku with a serious face.

"Well, it's up to you!" Sengoku said helplessly, his old friend is still so casual.

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