Since he planned to live here for a year, he needed to own a house. Xia Hao took out a small piece of gold from his backpack, asked a passerby randomly, and walked towards the pawn shop.

Half an hour later, Xia Hao walked out of the pawn shop. The pawn shop owner followed him with a smile on his face, and wanted to send him off. He completely treated Xia Hao as a big customer, because the island Xia Hao chose was called Shanshi Island, which was located in a remote place in the East China Sea. Compared with other islands, it was very small and had few people. It was difficult to meet a rich man like Xia Hao.

Not far away, watching Xia Hao being sent off by the richest pawn shop owner on the island with a smile, the moment Xia Hao stepped into the street, he was stared at.

"Are you targeting me? Humph, interesting." Feeling the gazes around him, Xia Hao curled his lips without caring. If they don't come to trouble him, it's fine, but if they do something daring, Xia Hao will definitely let them see the horror of pirates.

"Boss, I just saw such a big piece of gold, all exchanged for money," a man with dyed yellow hair and overalls whispered in a tavern 100 meters away from Xia Hao.

In front of the yellow-haired man, more than a dozen muscular men were sitting together, looking at the man in the middle seat, a thin little boy.

This man is the leader of the thieves on this island, A Xing. Although he has only been in the industry for two and a half years, A Xing's outstanding talent for stealing combined with his natural strength allowed A Xing, who had just arrived, to subdue all the thieves on Shanshi Island in just one month to work for him.

Now, he has become one of the strongest forces on Shanshi Island. Almost no one dares to provoke him. Even the town's governor was subdued by Axing. Fortunately, Axing did not do anything to harm the islanders except letting his subordinates practice stealing skills. Therefore, no one asked the navy to come and attack.

The most important thing is that the members of Axing's thief organization never steal the property of local residents.

"Are you sure there is only one child?!"

"Are you sure you exchanged 100 million Baileys?"

"Are you sure he is not a resident of this island?"


"Sure, boss, I specifically asked about it. The kid just landed on this island. Old Mo, who sells fish on the coast, told me personally," Huangmao patted his chest and said confidently.

"In that case, guys, take action. Remember our principles. We only seek wealth, not life!" Ah Xing looked at his passionate subordinates in front of him and slapped the table. His 1.5-meter-tall body looked quite out of place among the 2-meter-tall strong men around him, but no one dared to look down on him, because all those who mocked Ah Xing were lying in bed healing. "Roar, roar, roar!" "Go, steal the treasure!" "Hehe, 100 million Baileys, you can't spend it all, you can't spend it all!" Looking at the excited brothers, Ah Xing also smiled, thinking that he was just a little bit away from saving enough Baileys to find a famous shipbuilder to build a pirate ship for him. That's right, although Ah Xing is a thief, his dream is to become a pirate. He believes that he can create a world with the terrifying power of a monster since he was a child. However, his dream has not started yet and he is trapped by the first step. He has no money to build a ship. He can't take risks without a suitable pirate ship on the Grand Line, let alone sail around the world.

So, Ah Xing decided to be a thief and borrow other people's property to fulfill his dream.

"Follow me", in the town, Xia Hao was walking briskly towards the house he just bought. Under the perception of the domineering aura of observation, Xia Hao felt seven or eight malicious intentions. His figure flashed and Xia Hao disappeared.

"What's going on? Where is the person?"

"Disappeared? Impossible, I just saw him walking here."

"Damn, can this kid grow wings and fly?!"

Ah Xing's younger brothers looked at the empty alley, frowning, and didn't understand.

"Hey, are you looking for me?!" Just as the thieves were looking for Xia Hao's location, Xia Hao's calm voice came from the high wall behind him.

"(⊙o⊙), when?!"

Axing's brothers were shocked. They were obviously very careful, so why were they still discovered?

"Humph, kid, since you have discovered me, then hand over the treasure," the yellow-haired man strode forward, his nose in the air and said arrogantly.

"Treasure? What treasure?


"Just now you went to the pawn shop to exchange gold for 100 million berries, I saw it all."

"Oh, you are talking about this, but why should I give you my money?" Xia Hao shrugged and said.

"What should I do? Brother Da Huang, I have been discovered by this kid, and I can't carry out the theft." A big man as strong as a black bear asked.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Huang Mao was speechless, and he didn't know what the boss was thinking. How could such a group of big guys with well-developed limbs steal things without being discovered.

In the past, every theft was finally solved by force. It is better to say that it is a robbery organization than a thief organization, because except for its own boss, the others have no theft skills at all.

"Forget it, the old way, go ahead, pay attention to save some strength, don't beat people to death", after thinking for a moment, Huang Mao finally gritted his teeth and said helplessly.

"Hehe, I know! Da Huanghe, we will do the work, don't worry! "A dozen tall and strong men behind Huangmao patted their chests and promised at the moment Huangmao gave the order.

"Little devil, hand over Berry quickly, otherwise, we will not be polite."

"You're welcome? How can you not be polite? !" Xia Hao looked at the strong men rushing towards him, put down the package in his hand gently, and then the whole person disappeared from sight like a ghost, and the fingers wrapped with armed color domineering quickly attacked each strong man's chest. In an instant, the originally aggressive strong men fell to the ground, and small blood columns spurted out. Soon, the quiet alley was stained red with blood.

"Too weak!" Xia Hao shook his head, picked up the package again, and approached Huangmao step by step. Looking at Huangmao who was standing there at the moment, he patted his shoulder and said.

"Damn it, don't leave. You bullied my little brother and you want to leave! Take my punch! "

Just when Xia Hao was about to leave, a roar came from behind him, a sound of breaking wind came, and a small fist smashed down hard, heading straight for Xia Hao's head.


Xia Hao raised his hand lightly to intercept the attack. The terrifying strange power made Xia Hao's body sink, the ground under his feet instantly cracked, and his feet were pressed into the soil by the powerful force.

"Interesting!" Feeling a tingling sensation in his arm, Xia Hao began to be interested in the boy in front of him.

Axing saw Xia Hao easily take the strange punch attack, and his face changed. This was the first time since his debut that an attack was taken by someone without injury. He didn't believe that the boy in front of him, who looked about the same age as himself, was stronger than himself.

Axing swung his arms quickly, and his fists became afterimages in his sight, all attacking Xia Hao,

"Bang bang bang! "

All the attacks hit Xia Hao, but Ah Xing didn't look happy at all. Instead, he looked at his hands that were bleeding. The moment he touched Xia Hao's body, Ah Xing felt that his fist hit steel, which was extremely hard.

"Hey guys, retreat quickly, we are no match for this guy!" As if he understood the difference in strength between the two, Ah Xing turned his head and shouted.

"You want to leave after hitting someone?"

Looking at Ah Xing who ran a hundred meters away, Xia Hao appeared beside him in a flash, raised his foot and kicked him down lightly. Ah Xing flew backwards like a cannonball, and hit the wall heavily, with dense cracks appearing.

A small black package fell out of Ah Xing's arms. It was the gold that Xia Hao had not redeemed.

"Good skills! You actually stole the gold while fighting with me. You are quite good. But, kid, if you want to steal pirates' things, what will you pay? "Xia Hao looked at Ah Xing who stood up with difficulty and said with a smile.

"Pirate? You are a pirate? !"

As if selectively shielded, Ah Xing's originally gloomy face was suddenly filled with smiles when he heard Xia Hao say that he was a pirate.

"Boss, I bow to you! Please let me join your pirate group!"

Ah Xing knelt down directly, lowered his head and did not move, but his slightly trembling body still betrayed his extreme inner restlessness at the moment.

"Huh? ! ⊙▽⊙" Xia Hao was confused. What does this guy mean? Did I say I would recruit crew members?!

Come on, I just got off the ship and haven't established a pirate group yet!

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