The doctor said that the battle was over, and the battle was over.

"No, no, no, Crocus, as a doctor, your duty is not to fight. Professional matters should be left to professionals." Looking at Crocus with red eyes and ready to fight, Rayleigh stretched out his arm to block him and said.

"Hehe, uncle, leave the fighting to us!" Buggy grinned and said confidently.

"Yeah, as long as we can cure the captain's illness, we will solve other problems." Shanks' cold little face was serious, holding the blade in his hand tightly.

"Pirate? I don't know how strong he is!" Xia Hao muttered to himself, looking into the distance with a faint look.

"Guys, let's fight quickly!"

The good atmosphere was destroyed, and Roger was a little angry. He drew out his sword and pointed it forward.

"Understood, Captain!"

The moment Roger swung his weapon, the Roger Pirates immediately took a fighting stance. At the same time, Xia Hao waved his hand and formed a tall wooden wall in front of Laboo, tightly wrapping him up, and all the shells falling from the sky were blocked.

Feeling the impact from the wood escape, Xia Hao pouted his lips in boredom. This impact was far less than the force of Garp's barehanded throw.

The Jackson quickly approached the pirate ship not far away. The pirate standing on the bow of the enemy pirate ship was a muscular man with golden hair. There was a deep scar on his rough face. He looked fierce and looked very difficult to mess with.

"30 million berries for the leader of the Mocha Pirates, Moira the Wolf!"

Kurocus frowned, holding his weapon tightly with both hands, looking very ugly, because the notoriety of the Mocha Pirates is well known in the East China Sea.

Don't underestimate the 30 million berries. In this era, the bounty was not as exaggerated as hundreds of millions in more than 20 years. Such a bounty was equivalent to a pirate with 100 million berries many years later.

But it was not enough. Roger had experienced the battle in the Valley of the Gods and his combat power reached the peak of this world. He didn't take a small pirate group seriously at all.

Just before the Jackson approached the Mocha Pirates' ship, Xia Hao's body sank slightly, and then he was ejected like a spring and landed directly on the enemy ship.

The war was about to start!

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique!"

Xia Hao gently raised his arm, and densely packed sharp wooden spikes flew out quickly, instantly piercing the Mocha Pirates who were at the forefront. The huge impact force made them fly backwards and nailed directly on the deck of the Mocha Pirates. Blood gushed out, and the entire deck was stained blood red, and screams continued.

After just one encounter, the Mocha Pirates had a great fear of the child in front of them. The terrifying strength was daunting, and this was not a power that humans could master at all.

"Devil Fruit ability user?!"

[From Wolf Moira 2D Points +10]

[From Mocha Pirates 2D Points +1]*108

[From Buggy 2D Points +5]

[From Shanks 2D Points +3]

Wolf Moira's heart was shaken, and her eyes became very solemn when she looked at Xia Hao. Then she looked at the Jackson that was about to make contact, and happened to meet Roger's domineering and majestic eyes. An inexplicable fear seemed to spread from the depths of her soul.

Run! Run quickly!

You will die if you don't run!

The first reaction of Wolf Moira's heart was to turn around and escape from here. If a ten-year-old kid is so powerful, how terrifying must the main members of this ship be.

"Turn around and run away immediately~"

Before Wolf Moira's words were completely finished, Roger on the Jackson instantly drew his sword and swung a terrifying sword energy slash.

"God evade!"


The sword energy was so strong that the wolf Moira didn't even have time to dodge before being killed by the sword energy. As for the super strong resistance to attacks of the animal-type devil fruit?

What is that? ! Under Roger's skills, there was no power to resist at all.

After all, God evade, even gods have to retreat, let alone a mere wolf.

"God evade!"

Xia Hao turned his head and looked at Roger, full of desire, wondering if he could learn such a powerful move. Xia Hao imagined that one day he would use the Fang Tian Hua Ji to use the God evasion skill. Just thinking about it was very exciting.

Kurokas looked at the Mocha Pirates, who had been dominating this sea area, and were easily killed by the Roger Pirates, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

He was calm and at peace. After all, the Mocha Pirates were destroyed and Lab was no longer a threat. He could follow the Roger Pirates into the Grand Line to find the Rumba Pirates.

"Xia Hao, you are too strong!"

After the battle, Buggy ran over with a smile, looked up and down at Xia Hao, and held Xia Hao's arms with both hands, looking left and right. Now Buggy's desire for strength is still very strong.

In this dangerous sea, finding treasures also requires strong power to protect, otherwise, it will be a waste of money.

"How about it? Buggy, do you want to find a devil fruit for you?"

Xia Hao's mouth corners slightly raised, looking at Buggy and said lightly.

"Well, no! I don't want to become a landlubber."

Buggy shook his head vigorously and spoke firmly. Compared with the rapidly improving strength, the endless treasure is what Buggy puts first.

"Really? Some things are destined in dreams, Buggy."

Xia Hao curled his lips, wondering if his arrival would change Buggy's historical trajectory of accidentally eating the devil fruit.

"Huh?! ⚆_⚆?"

Baki scratched his head, looking at the puzzled Xia Hao, not knowing what this sentence meant.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, Xia Hao, I didn't expect you to develop the power of the devil fruit to this extent." At this time, Roger came over, laughed and patted Xia Hao's thin shoulders, almost slapped to pieces.

"Hehe, it's okay, just developed a little bit," Xia Hao smiled innocently, thinking that it would be best if the system could draw a few Wood Release Enhancement Cards this time, so that the strength would rise sharply.

The Mocha Pirates were destroyed, and Crocus began to prepare for departure. The first was to heal Lab's wounds and tell him not to continue to hit the Upside Down Mountain during Crocus's absence. Soon, the smart Lab knew what Crocus meant.

He jumped out of the sea happily, his mountain-like body drove dozens of meters of waves, and everyone on the Jackson swayed back and forth like a roller coaster, and Lab made a happy cry.



Time passed quickly, and two days later, the Jackson began a new voyage. After all, Roger's body could not hold on for too long.

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