The two of them were killed in a car accident.

Wano Country, Kuri, Kozuki Oden's residence,

"Are you telling the truth? Did Kurozumi Orochi really escape?" Kozuki Oden asked, touching his chin.

"Yes, Lord Oden, the Shogun's residence is empty now, except that the rest of the Kurozumi family members around Kurozumi Orochi have not seen him," the guard said in a serious tone.

"I know, go down!" Kozuki Oden waved his hand, signaling the guard to go down.

"Lord Oden, is the Whitebeard Pirates really so famous?!" Kin'emon had never been to sea, so he didn't know the division of forces on the sea, and asked with a puzzled look.

"Of course, White Guitar is a man who can wrestle with Pirate King Roger, and he has the power of the Superman Tremor-Tremor Fruit that can destroy the world. He can be said to be the top powerhouse on the sea at present." Kozuki Oden seemed to be recalling the battle with Whitebeard Newgate and the pressure that Roger and Whitebeard Newgate erupted in the battle during the voyage. He could not forget it at all.

"Hahaha, as expected, Mr. Oden, Dad's reputation is still very strong, so don't hide your problems in the future. Before coming, Dad asked me to tell you a word,

Asshole, Oden, if you encounter problems that cannot be solved, remember to come to me, don't forget, I am your brother! The Whitebeard Pirates are all your family." Marco imitated Whitebeard's tone and narrated.

"ᕦ༼༎ຶ_༎ຶ༽ᕗWow, this guy Baiji is really, really touching." When Kozuki Oden heard the word "family", the happy times in the Whitebeard Pirates quickly emerged in his mind, and he was moved to tears and laughter unconsciously.


In the East China Sea, Xia Hao and Axing began their first adventure. Looking at the towering jungle in front of them and the majestic mountains in the middle of the island, Axing was happy to be the first to get off the boat.


The observation Haki was fully released, and the entire island was shrouded in it. Quietly sensing the degree of danger of all lives on the island, Xia Hao stopped detecting five seconds later because there was no one on the entire island who could threaten him.

However, Xia Hao's black and shining eyes glanced at Axing who was jumping on the island. If it was used to train Axing, it would be just right!

"Axing, next, we will stay on this island and wait until you defeat all the creatures on the island, then we will go out to sea," Xia Hao said in a serious tone.

"Ah, no way, boss (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)" Axing cried when he heard it.

"Can I ask, boss, how many guys on this island I can't defeat at present?"

Now Xia Hao and Axing have confirmed the name of the island they came to, the Beast Island-Casca Islands. Because of the unique geographical conditions and special strange powers on the island, the beasts on this island have become more terrifying than the same kind of beasts, and their strength and speed are far superior to ordinary beasts.

It is a real beast island. It is said that no human has ever lived here, because you don't know when a group of beasts will attack, and not even a skeleton is left.

"Five hundred and one!" Xia Hao said calmly. Just now, an inexplicably dangerous force appeared in Xia Hao's perception. Although it was only for a short moment, Xia Hao believed that the perception would not be wrong, so Xia Hao also included it in the ranks of defeat.


"Go, dinner tonight depends on you, Axing!" Xia Hao waved his hand, signaling Axing to go quickly, after all, it was time for dinner.

"Wood Release: Wood Man Technique!"

"Wood Release: Wood Clone Technique!"

Looking at Axing's figure getting farther and farther away, Xia Hao clapped his hands, and a clone exactly like Xia Hao appeared. Then, thick trees rose from the ground, and a huge wooden man also appeared beside him, with a wooden dragon coiled around his body, looking very ferocious.

Led by the wooden clone, the wooden man strode forward. With every step, the ground shook. Xia Hao still didn't feel comfortable letting Ah Xing take risks alone. After all, these beasts were extremely fierce, and he didn't want Ah Xing to die before he could accomplish his mission!

Ah Xing: Someone is cursing me, but I won't say who it is! ( ´^` )

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ground was shaking. Ah Xing looked up and saw a huge grizzly bear in front of him. Its thick, slender and sharp claws slapped down from above, as if it wanted to beat him into a pulp. But Ah Xing was not the kind of guy who would sit and wait for death.

He shook his fist hard.

Fist, the animal-type devil fruit wind god pterosaur form is fully fired, waving its huge wings and flying backwards quickly. Looking at the sharp claws that were close to his face, Ah Xing was angry.

"Wind Blade: Stab!"

Ah Xing waved his wings, and countless sharp wind blades burst out from the sky. The originally fierce grizzly bear was directly attacked by the wind blades, and blood kept gushing out. After a while, there were more beast corpses on the Gasca Islands.

"Yes, we won!"

Looking at the grizzly bear lying on the ground, Ah Xing jumped up happily. Is this the feeling of mastering power? !

Next, with the grizzly bear as a model, the rest of the process was much faster. After a while, Ah Xing was filled with the delicate bodies of countless beasts behind him, quietly waiting for Xia Hao and Ah Xing's pity and love.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

When Ah Xing was full of fighting spirit, the roar of a beast made Ah Xing come back to his senses. He looked into the depths of the forest. Suddenly, Ah Xing felt that everything in front of him seemed to be much clearer. Not only that, a picture appeared in Ah Xing's mind. In the picture, large and small light spots were moving at high speed, as if avoiding something.

After thinking for a moment, Ah Xing laughed happily. He didn't expect that he would awaken his observation Haki in this situation.

Then, let me see how strong a creature with a light spot several times larger than me is.

Ah Xing's black eyes released an amazing light, and he looked very excited.

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