The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"My name is Mengshan!" Mengshan said in a depressed voice.

Until now, Mengshan couldn't figure out why Xia Hao was tireless, and even the power of the last punch was better than before.

But, if you lose, you lose. As a man, you naturally keep your promise. Moreover, following such a powerful man like Xia Hao, you should be able to fulfill your dream.

"Welcome to join, Mengshan," Xia Hao said with a smile, looking at the 6.6-meter-tall man in front of him, who looked like a humanoid monster, with a terrifying body of muscles and eight abdominal muscles, which made Xia Hao very envious, because he only had six abdominal muscles now.

"Zizizizi, Mengshan, you are so tall, are you a giant?" Ah Xing looked up at Mengshan's tall body and asked.

"Well, I am the child of a giant and a fishman." Mengshan's face darkened, as if something unfriendly happened, but he still explained.

"No wonder you are so powerful!" Ah Xing nodded, "We will be partners in the future."

"By the way, boss, now the three of us should decide on the name of the pirate group?"

Ah Xing touched his chin and thought for a while, then looked at Xia Hao and asked.

"Name? Well, let's call it Haotian Pirates!" Xia Hao pondered for a while and finally thought of a name.

"Haotian Pirates are officially established, hehe" Ah Xing laughed happily, dancing and waving his hands like a child. Of course, Ah Xing is indeed a child at the moment.

"Boss, I want to ask a question?"

Mengshan touched the back of his head and asked with a silly smile.

"Tell me!"

"Why are you so strong?"

"Maybe it's because of my talent, but of course it also requires scientific training methods. From now on, at five o'clock every night, both of you will train with me!" Xia Hao thought for a while and said, why are you so strong? Am I telling you that I'm cheating? !

"Hehe, OK!" Mengshan agreed readily.

"Ah, no way, getting up so early every day?! QAQ", Ah Xing was resistant, as a child, he wanted to go to bed and get up early to have a good body.

"Of course, the original purpose of coming to this island this time was to train you. When you defeat all the beasts on the island, we will continue the adventure", Xia Hao said seriously, the power of the devil fruit is just a means to become stronger, if you really think that you can be invincible without practicing, you are wrong.

For example, Kurozumi Orochi, a demon fruit user of the Yamata no Orochi form of the Animal-type Mythical Beast, has never been trained, and lives a life of drunkenness and debauchery every day, so even after the transformation, he only ends up with his head chopped off by someone.

A waste of the precious demon fruit of the Mythical Beast.

Therefore, there are no useless demon fruits, only useless users, like Doflamingo, who has made the most of the String-String Fruit ability, not only with super strong attack power, but also with the ability of silk thread to entangle clouds for flight.

"Okay~" Ah Xing compromised, because he just saw a glimmer of danger in Xia Hao's eyes, and if he didn't agree, he would probably be beaten up.

When Ah Xing thought of Xia Hao beating someone with the Conqueror's Haki, his body trembled, it was too scary, even if he now had the powerful animal-type anti-strike ability and recovery ability, he couldn't stand it.

"In addition, if you have the opportunity to learn more other skills, such as the Navy Six Styles of the Navy Headquarters, it is a good ability,... Aba Aba..."

Xia Hao began to talk about the Navy Six Styles he knew and the help to combat power after learning the Six Styles. He also warned the two that even if they had the opportunity to learn the Navy Six Styles in the future, they should not believe in the defensive ability of the Iron Block, one of the Six Styles.

Because, they will really die, not everyone is Garp!

Mengshan: ? ? ?

A Xing: (* ̄rǒ ̄) Really? I don't believe it.

"How much does Mengshan know about the use of Haki?!"

Just now, Xia Hao did not see Mengshan use Haki, so Xia Hao felt that he did not understand it.

"Uh, I don't know", Mengshan shook his head and said when he heard the name of a new move.

Because he had been wandering outside since he was five years old, and all his skills and battles were explored through blood and tears again and again. Moreover, Mengshan had fought with beasts for 99% of the time, so he did not understand Haki.

"Axing, tell Mengshan about your domineering side," Xia Hao glanced at Axing who was lost in thought and said.


"Oh, okay!" Feeling Xia Hao's sharp eyes, he cleared his throat, put his hands behind his back, walked back and forth step by step, and began to explain the classification and function of domineering.

On the side, Mengshan looked at Axing with a serious face and listened carefully. No one had ever treated him so sincerely before. At this moment, Mengshan had a real sense of belonging and regarded Xia Hao and Axing as real partners.

"After learning the theoretical knowledge, let me explain the actual combat. Mengshan, you come to attack me!" Xia Hao thought about it, his eyes wandered between Mengshan and Axing, and finally chose the stronger Mengshan.

"Boss, attack you?" Mengshan had some doubts.

"Well, come on," Xia Hao nodded affirmatively, and then looked at A Xing: "You should have awakened your Observation Haki, right? Watch carefully and learn well. Awakening Haki is just the first step. A powerful Observation Haki user can even peek into the short future!"

"Peek into the future?! ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!" A Xing was stunned, and his mouth opened as if a duck egg could be stuffed in.

"Then, Boss, here I come!" Meng Shan's face straightened, and he swung his fist to attack, so fast that fist shadows appeared one after another.

However, all attacks were predicted in Xia Hao's eyes. His figure swayed, and he swayed and dodged like a piece of paper. All of Meng Shan's attacks were avoided.

Seeing that he didn't hit Xia Hao once, Meng Shan widened his eyes like copper bells, unbelievable. Is the gap between him and the boss really that big? !

Unwilling to admit defeat, Mengshan once again increased his punching speed, but Xia Hao dodged all of them. Finally, half an hour later, Mengshan's big face was covered with sweat, while Xia Hao still looked calm.

"Next is the Armament Haki. Ah Xing just explained its function. Let's try it out. Mengshan, is it okay?"

"Yes!" Mengshan clenched his fist and said. A man can't say no, not to mention that he is going to be the strongest giant warrior.


Xia Hao raised his right arm, looked at Mengshan's sandbag-sized fist, and also threw a punch.

When the two collided, Xia Hao's face was calm, but Mengshan, the attacker, heard a sound of bone fracture, and then his huge body was blown away by an invisible air wave.

Armament Haki is released!

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