The old man was very happy.

"Ahem, Dr. Kloba, leave quickly. If you are willing to believe me, I can escort some scholars and precious books away from here," Xia Hao said. Although he didn't want to interrupt the reunion of mother and daughter, he had to make a quick decision in special times.

"What are the conditions? As a pirate, I don't believe you are so kind to help us?!" Dr. Kloba sighed heavily and said that there is no free lunch in the world, and any help has a price.

"Tell me the historical text that O'Hara has studied over the years and the information about the blank hundred years!" Xia Hao looked at Kloba and said with a smile.

"Who are you? Why do you know this!" At this moment, Dr. Kloba was not calm. The historical text and the blank hundred years were not accessible to ordinary people at all.

"It doesn't matter. If the conditions are met, I can lead some people and things away. Time is running out. If a large number of naval warships surround this place, I will also be troubled ┐(´-`)┌", Xia Hao stared at Dr. Kloba and shrugged.

Xia Hao knew very well that among the five vice admirals who launched the Demon Slayer Order this time, there were two future admirals of the navy, Aokiji and Sakaski.

They are all natural devil fruit ability users, and their strength is very difficult to deal with.

"Okay, I agree!" Dr. Kloba sighed. He had no choice. Now it seems that Xia Hao is not an evil pirate who does all kinds of evil. Maybe, there is really a glimmer of hope.

"Axing, drive the Haotian to the back of Ohara Island and be ready to retreat at any time. Mengshan, you help carry the books. Remember, choose the most important books." Xia Hao quickly arranged.

"It's bad, it's bad, Doctor. People from the World Government have landed on the island. Many residents who didn't have time to evacuate have been captured. They are interrogating the scholars about their location and are now heading this way!" A scholar ran in with a panic, panting heavily, and said with a horrified face.

"I'll lead them away!" Olivia looked determined. Although she was reluctant, it was her mistake that caused the navy to find O'Hara Island so quickly, so she planned to take it all on her own.

"It's really troublesome. You guys speed up, I'll deal with the people from the World Government," Xia Hao touched his forehead, then opened the door and rushed in the direction pointed by the messenger.

"In addition, confirm again, do you really choose not to leave in order to protect these books?"

"Well, this is a treasure of mankind. It cannot be destroyed in any case. Even at the last moment, I will choose to stick to it! I can't give up the treasure of all mankind for my own life," Dr. Kroba said with a firm face.

Although a pirate ship can transport many books, the research books on O'Hara Island cannot be carried by a pirate ship. If all of them are transferred, it will be a big task that cannot be completed in several days and nights.

"Forget it, it's up to you! If anyone chooses to leave, they can follow Ah Xing." Xia Hao looked at the group of stubborn scholars with literary style in front of him and stopped persuading them. Everyone has their own choice and way of life.

In the center of O'Hara Island, the World Government personnel formed a circle with real guns and live ammunition. In the middle were ordinary people on the island. At this moment, they were gathered together, with their heads drooping and their bodies twitching in fear.

"My lord, I found out that the scholars are in the library of the all-knowing tree in front, and the woman is also there!" An interrogator from the World Government came trotting

"Go, send someone to check. This time, we must find evidence that O'Hara scholars privately studied the historical text and the blank hundred years," said the World Government official excitedly. As long as this mission is successful, he can get promoted and make a fortune, and his position will be promoted to a higher level.

"Yes, sir!"


After getting permission, hundreds of soldiers from the World Government ran towards the Tree of All-Knowing, apparently to conduct a forced search. At this moment, a sound of breaking wind was heard, and a soldier was kicked away.

Then, more soldiers were defeated!

"Leave quickly, if you don't leave, you will die here!" Xia Hao appeared in front of the remaining senior officials of the World Government, turned his head and said to the frightened civilians behind him.

"Tap, tap, tap!"

"Go, go!"

"Go to the refuge ship, leave here and go to the west coast quickly"


There was a chaotic sound of footsteps, and the people who were originally suppressed by the World Government soldiers fled quickly. The senior officials of the World Government didn't care at all. This time, as long as all the O'Hara scholars were wiped out, they could

So, the others? They are just a bunch of useless trash.

"Who are you?! Don't you know that blocking the actions of the World Government personnel is a capital crime!" The senior official of the World Government shouted, pointing at Xia Hao angrily.

"Really?! However, for some reasons, you can't go over now, just stay here quietly."

"Asshole, since you are looking for death, don't blame me, kill him!" The World Government official waved his hand, and the two members of the World Government CP9 organization flashed beside him and attacked Xia Hao.


"Pointing gun!"

"Bang bang!"

Two violent collisions sounded, and the originally majestic CP9 organization members were solved by Xia Hao's two punches. Although the two were very fast, Xia Hao was faster!

Under the perception of the observation Haki, the attacks of the two CP9 members seemed to slow down countless times.

"Who are you, you?"

"That's not what you need to know. Now, please be quiet." Xia Hao just finished speaking, and his figure appeared behind the World Government official. He punched him, and his eyes turned white, and he fainted.

"Swish, swish, swish~ Boom, boom!"

At the same time, the navy warships that had not been able to get information about the World Government personnel launched an artillery attack, because the evidence of the O'Hara scholar's crime was already there. What they had to do now was to completely erase him from the map, kill him as a warning, and let everyone in the world see the consequences of disobeying the World Government's orders.

In the Tree of All-Knowing Library, all scholars were desperately pumping water to put out the flames, but the dense artillery attacks outside made the manpower seem extremely weak.

"Just now the boss sent a message that the World Government personnel have been dealt with by him. Now, the navy warships have begun to execute the order of the Demon Killing Order. Is there anyone leaving here? In two minutes, you can't leave even if you want to," Ah Xing shouted loudly, looking at the scholar in front of him who was trying his best to put out the fire.

"Olivia, take Robin away!" Dr. Kroba said seriously.

"No, I want to stay here too. Mr. Pirate, please take Robin away!" Olivia said firmly, and then knocked Robin unconscious with a knife.

"Let's go!" Axing and Mengshan looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Wait, this is the information your captain wants, take it away!" Dr. Kroba stopped Axing, and then handed Axing a neatly written paper from the table.

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