The battle was over, but the battle was over.

Xia Hao's figure flashed on the bow of the Haotian, and he landed on it safely. Then he looked at the O'Hara Island that was washed by the gunfire, and sighed helplessly. After all, he was still not strong enough. Although Xia Hao was not afraid of the Demon Slaughter Order, he could not protect all the people under the Demon Slaughter Order with his own strength.

It would be difficult to climb to the sky with only Xia Hao and three people!

"We have done what we can, and the rest depends on fate", Xia Hao shook his head, because his arrival changed the ending of the refuge ship being destroyed by Sakaski, and also transported some precious books to the Haotian.

Moreover, before Xia Hao left, he had injected a force of his own Wood Release into the Tree of All-Knowing, increasing its fire resistance several times. Perhaps...

Near the Tree of All-Knowing, the navy landed on the island and began to search for living scholars, intending to make up for it, and also saw an amazing scene.

"(⊙o⊙) Unbelievable, it's books? Books that fill up a lake!"

"Too scary, it's worthy of being the gathering place of the world's strongest scholars, but it's a pity that they studied the taboos of the World Government and violated the law."

"Hey, hurry up and search for survivors, it's time to go back and hand in the task."

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go, the Demon Slayer Order is too scary, even the onlookers will shudder unconsciously!"


A group of navy troops began to search all areas near the Tree of All-Knowing, just in case, no fish must escape, this is the choice that the World Government has been planning for several years before choosing to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

No one can study the historical text and the history of the blank 100 years, otherwise they will be hit hard by the World Government.

The books in the lake, the treasures of human culture, are meaningless in the eyes of these ignorant soldiers, and they also did not report them to their superiors. This is the victory of O'Hara Island.

Two days later, the information that the O'Hara scholar was eliminated by the World Government for committing crimes spread throughout the Grand Route. Everyone believed in the information released by the World Government, because the strong is justice. They also verbally attacked the criminal O'Hara Island and scolded the scholars for their illegal behavior.

In the holy land of Mary Joa, in a huge palace, the five elders, as the highest power in the world, heard the news reported by the World Government personnel below and smiled with satisfaction. Although there was a little unexpected situation in the middle, the final result and the reaction from all over the world now showed a very good effect.

"Captain of Haotian Pirates, Xia Hao, former intern of Roger Pirates, the first bounty is as high as 150 million berries. I didn't expect this kid to appear in O'Hara! Does he know something?"

"No, Xia Hao should not have gone to the final island of Raftel, otherwise he would have chosen to hide like the other members. After all, Roger's words before his death were too influential."

"I agree with this point of view, but we can't just leave it alone. I think we should increase Xia Hao's bounty and let the navy pay special attention to it."

"That's it. O'Hara has been wiped off the map. It's time to report to the adults."

The five elders said one sentence each, and the direction of the world was determined between their words.


A month later, in the center of O'Hara Island, near the Tree of All-Knowing, a young man with slippers printed on his face looked at the tragic island in front of him with a solemn face and remained silent.

"Sure enough, this world is completely corrupt. I must build a resistance force of my own to overthrow the dark and unfair rule of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government!"

The young man is Monkey D. Dragon, the future leader of the Revolutionary Army, known as the most vicious man in the world.

"Hey, that guy is? Vegapunk, I didn't expect to see you here again," Long looked at a man with a shocking big head not far away with some surprise.

"You are? Dragon?! (⊙o⊙)", Vegapunk turned around and looked at him, and said in shock.

"Sure enough, it's you, Vegapunk, your head is still so conspicuous."

"What are you doing here?!"

"I have some friendship with Uncle Kroba, so I came here as soon as I got the news of the destruction of Ohara," Long looked at Vegapunk and said.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect you to refuse to join us and finally become a dog of the World Government, Vegapunk," Long said to Vegapunk in a somewhat cold tone.

"Humph, join the poor jingle-dong bunch of you?

My research requires a lot of money, and only the World Government can give me everything I want, so I need the power of the World Government to accomplish my goal," Vegapunk replied bluntly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. So what is your purpose here?" Long asked curiously.

"Of course it's the historical treasures that Dr. Kloba has been studying for so many years. The good news is that the World Government has not found these books. The bad news is that the books are now collected by the giants from Elbaf. This group of big guys seems to know the importance of these books. The leader is a strange man with bandages all over his body." Vegapunk shook his head and said helplessly. As a scholar, especially the smartest person who learns everything, learning knowledge is natural.

So, Vegapunk really wants to know the historical content of Dr. Kloba's research over the years.

"Really don't you consider coming to me? Vegapunk, through this matter, I plan to build an army with force and liberate the world through war."

"War? Long, don't you hate solving problems with force the most? ⊙▽⊙", Vegapunk was confused and turned to look at Long and asked.

"A group of scholars without any military power were violently destroyed by the World Government under the banner of violating the law. Just watch, Vegapunk, I will not let Kroba's death be in vain, I will not let the ruins of Ohara Island go to waste, I will definitely change this world!" Long said excitedly. The young Long was very passionate at the moment and was also full of confidence in the future.

"Really? Then wait and see, Long!"

"Of course no problem! Vegapunk! "

In the distance, the giants who had packed all the books were rushing towards the huge ship on the coast with their bags on their backs. Seeing this, Vegapunk waved goodbye to the dragon and chased after the giants.

The nature of a scholar made Vegapunk want to know what the research content was!

On the deck of the giants' ship, a small figure looked at the giants who were coming quickly. His tense nerves finally relaxed. He could no longer suppress a strong feeling of fatigue. He fainted and fell on the deck.

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