The battle was a battle, but the battle was over.


A loud noise came from the Haotian. At the moment when General Fengyun swung his claws to attack Xia Hao's neck, Fang Tian Huaji appeared in front of Xia Hao and blocked the claws. The terrifying power of the animal system made Xia Hao feel a little heavy, but that was all.

Comparing strength? Even the giant Xia Hao is not afraid!

Ping ping pong, ping ping pong!

On the Haotian, Xia Hao and General Fengyun fought faster and faster. Finally, countless phantoms appeared on the deck. With the naked eye, it was impossible to tell where the real person was.

The fierce attack produced a terrifying shock wave, which spread rapidly in a ring. The lifeboat not far away began to shake. Under the impact again and again, spider-web-like cracks appeared densely on the hull, as if the ship was in danger of disintegration at any time.

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, get on board quickly, the lifeboat is about to break apart!" Not far away, a naval warship led by Admiral Fengyun appeared behind the lifeboat. A naval lieutenant commander on the warship shouted loudly, without seeing Sakaski's livid expression.

A great shame, a great shame, coming with full confidence, going back in disgrace? ! (▼ヘ▼#)

At this moment, Sakaski was extremely unwilling in his heart. Could it be that he was really not as good as a pirate? ! Looking at Xia Hao, who was fighting back and forth with Admiral Fengyun, and there was no winner, Sakaski sighed heavily in his heart.

Next time, I will definitely not lose!

"White Tiger Roars to the Sky!"

On the Haotian, General Fengyun opened his bloody mouth and a terrifying tiger roar sounded. Just when Xia Hao thought he was being attacked by sonic waves, a dazzling white light spurted out of his mouth, flashing like a laser, and the blazing light instantly shot towards Xia Hao.

"Blue Dragon Breaks the Sky!"

The Fang Tian Huaji in his hand danced quickly, and a blue energy rushed in crazily. A blue dragon coiled on the Fang Tian Huaji. Xia Hao's arm veins bulged, and he shouted and chopped down heavily in front of him.

The dragon roar resounded through the sky, and the domineering and majestic voice shocked everyone's heart. Similar to the initial domineering effect of the domineering color, a blue blue dragon of dozens of meters rushed towards the white tiger glow released by General Fengyun with its fangs and claws. In the air, dragons and tigers fought, and the two terrifying energies kept colliding and charging, again and again, and finally slowly dissipated into the void.

"What a scary kid!" General Fengyun looked at Xia Hao and put away his arrogant thoughts at the beginning. The strength shown by Xia Hao made General Fengyun take it seriously. It would be bad if he capsized in the ditch. The whole person's momentum burst out completely, and the powerful killing breath rushed to his face, heavy and violent.

"As expected of the Navy's killing admiral, the almost tangible killing breath makes the surrounding space extremely depressing, as if it were a sea of ​​corpses and blood, as if it was on a tragic battlefield." Xia Hao's face became serious. You must know that those who can become the highest combat power of the Navy are not ordinary people. Their talents and strength are the best.


Xia Hao waved the Fang Tian Huaji in front of him, and the powerful armed color domineering quickly wrapped around the Fang Tian Huaji. The whole person quickly rushed towards General Fengyun, the veins on his arms burst, and he pulled forward with force. The Fang Tian Huaji in his hand stabbed straight at Fengyun's head, and the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not see it at all.


The Fang Tian Hua Ji fiercely stabbed at Feng Yun, and when it was a few centimeters away from General Feng Yun's neck, it was firmly grasped by a huge tiger's palm. The two domineering energies collided, and suddenly lightning flashed, and the powerful aura scattered, and no one could go any further.

Again and again, Xia Hao and General Feng Yun kept attacking and colliding, relying solely on strong endurance and domineering confrontation, feeling the terrifying aura on the Haotian, the navy in the distance looked extremely nervous, because this was the first time that General Feng Yun had not taken down a person for such a long time.

"Dragon-killing magic: The claw of the fire dragon!"

After another collision, Xia Hao's right hand suddenly bent into a claw shape, and then a hot red flame gushed out of his palm, and the next moment he attacked General Feng Yun. Looking at the sudden appearance of the flame, even the knowledgeable General Feng Yun was puzzled.

Because according to the navy's intelligence, Xia Hao mastered a devil fruit ability that could create a wooden dragon and use a wooden substitute, and did not mention that he could also release flames. As for why didn't they guess that Xia Hao ate two devil fruits? ! Because it is impossible in everyone's common sense.

Eating two devil fruits at the same time will lead to death.

"White Tiger Punch!"

General Fengyun dodged Xia Hao's

After the flames were released, the body quickly bent to avoid the attack. At the same time, the tiger claws flashed with cold light, and the claws wrapped with domineering aura slashed towards Xia Hao's handsome face. Once hit, Xia Hao would definitely be disfigured.

"Wood Release: Wood Substitute"

General Fengyun's claws fell and instantly slashed on Xia Hao's cheek. Just when General Fengyun thought he had succeeded, Xia Hao was replaced by a piece of wood, and a hundred meters away, Xia Hao looked at General Fengyun with a smile on his face.


"Arm: Finger Gun!"

Xia Hao's figure flashed, and he used the Navy's Six Styles of Shaving very skillfully. The next second, he quickly stretched out a finger to attack General Fengyun in front of him. Seeing Xia Hao who was so proficient in using the Navy's Six Styles, General Fengyun's face became very ugly, and he could only passively block it. As for why he didn't use the iron block? !

A big reason is that General Fengyun felt that he couldn't bear it. The ultra-high-speed attack method of the finger gun combined with domineering aura could not be blocked by ordinary people. If he was injured at this time, the face of the Navy Headquarters would be lost.

Not far away, on the battleship of the Navy Headquarters, looking at Xia Hao who was proficient in using the Navy Six Styles, Sakaski was angry and puzzled, "Why can a pirate know the unique skills of the Navy Headquarters?!"

"I don't believe it!" Sakaski shook his head vigorously, but it didn't work. This scene in front of everyone made everyone unforgettable.

Some people even used Den Den Mushi to report to the Navy Headquarters immediately and asked people to investigate the truth about the leak of the Navy Six Styles.

Five hours later,

General Fengyun looked at Xia Hao who didn't change his expression, and his mouth curled up, feeling helpless. The guy in front of him seemed like a perpetual motion machine, and he didn't know what tiredness was. After five hours of high-intensity fighting, he didn't feel weak at all. He wiped the sweat on his forehead as if nothing had happened, and looked in the direction of Xia Hao, as if he had made up his mind.


General Fengyun took a deep look at Xia Hao and spoke in a heavy tone.

Continuing to fight would be just a waste of time. The power displayed by Xia Hao made General Fengyun unable to control it. Moreover, General Fengyun vaguely felt an extremely violent and domineering power from Xia Hao's body. In other words, Xia Hao was still not using his full strength at this moment.

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