The young man who had just exploded was in a mess.

Looking at the boy who decisively pressed the bomb switch, the surrounding pirates had distorted faces and were extremely terrified. Who would have thought that the bomb maniac who had defeated many large and small pirate groups was not only a little devil, but also a madman who wanted to detonate the bomb at any time. This time, he was even more cruel and wanted to blow himself up!

"Madman, you madman, Didati, you will die if the bomb explodes!"

"Run quickly, this guy actually wants us to be buried with him, how can we repair it!"

"Retreat quickly!" The captain of the Beast Pirates, who was originally full of confidence to encircle Didati, was also scared at this moment. The number of bombs seen through the telescope, once all exploded, even the main ship at the farthest distance would not be completely safe and sound.

Not only that, Didati's small wooden boat was specially modified, and the throwing device on the boat could throw up to 300 meters, and the Beast Pirates were not aware of all this.

But vaguely, the captain of the Beast Pirates felt the threat of death.

"What a terrible guy, he actually wants to die together!" Ah Xing looked at the ferocious Didati in the distance, shrugged, and showed a surprised expression.

"I can bear it!" Mengshan stared at the distance and spoke in a muffled voice.

"Tsk, I know you have thick skin and flesh, but it's better not to try it (ー_ー)!!", Ah Xing was speechless when he heard Mengshan's voice. Who would measure the strength of the body to see if it can withstand the bomb attack?

Even the thick-skinned giants can't be safe and sound. It can be said that thermal weapons can also play a terrifying role in this world.

The power of technology has infinite possibilities. The world's strongest scientist Vegapunk can even develop a terrifying weapon that can destroy an island with one blow.

"Interesting guy!" Xia Hao looked at Didati who was calmly waiting for the explosion, and felt that he could save a wave. He glanced at the superhuman bomb fruit in the system backpack and thought that his master might have come.


Xia Hao threw a small steel egg towards Didati's wooden boat, and then the Flying Thunder God Technique was activated instantly. The next second, Xia Hao appeared above Didati's wooden boat.


Xia Hao stepped on the air with both feet, and his figure flashed behind Didati, then hugged him by the waist with a confused expression, and then the two disappeared on the wooden boat.

The next second, a violent explosion resounded through the sky, and the entire sea surface seemed to be shaking. Within a mile radius, the shock wave generated by the explosion destroyed everything wantonly. The large and small ships of the Beast Pirates were completely destroyed by the terrifying shock wave at this moment. Countless wooden boards flew all over the sky, and a huge vortex appeared, like a black hole that kept absorbing everything around it, and the huge wreckage of the pirate ship was swallowed up in an instant.

After a long time, a gust of sea breeze blew, and the originally tragic scene disappeared, and the sea returned to its original state again, as if nothing had happened.

On the Haotian, Didati looked at Xia Hao and the other two with a vigilant look. Although they did not fight, Didati could feel that he could not defeat the three people in front of him alone. He subconsciously touched his pocket, where his last bomb was stored.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's the expression on your face? The boss is your savior." Looking at Didati's vigilant expression, A Xing shouted with dissatisfaction.

"Tsk, who asked you to save me? Just now, it was my most perfect work of art (* ̄rǒ ̄)", Didati said with a curled mouth.

"Huh?! Art! (ー_ー)!!"

"Let go, your bomb has no effect on us, it's too weak!" Xia Hao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then sat on the chair and said in a relaxed tone.

"Bomb?! (ー_ー)!!", A Xing was startled, and instantly showed the half-beast form, ready to kill Didati with one blow at any time.

"Art is explosion?!" Xia Hao suddenly had a figure in his mind, looking at Didati with a strange expression, yellow hair, arrogant demeanor, strange attitude and yearning for explosion.

Really like!

"The most perfect work of art? It's just a group of pirates with a bounty of just over 100 million. They can be easily destroyed. What is there to be proud of, Didati, if one day you can blow up the entire holy land of Marijoa, it can be called the most perfect art", Xia Hao looked at Didati with a proud face and said in a flat tone.

"Blow up the holy land of Marijoa?!" Didati was stunned by Xia Hao's words. That is the holy land of the Celestial Dragons, the seat of the world government that has controlled the world for 800 years, the world's highest power center, and every day

With a navy admiral guarding it, he actually fantasized about blowing it up? !

Didati thought Xia Hao was a little absurd, but he was vaguely looking forward to it. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Xia Hao's words seemed to open the door to a new world for Didati.

If he could really do it one day, it would definitely be the most perfect work in the world.

However, he was alone, and the bomb had been researched for five or six years to have such power. How could he blow up the huge holy land of Marijoa? Thinking about it, Didati's face darkened, but he really didn't want to give up. Isn't the most perfect art the meaning of his life? !

"Do you know the devil fruit? Join us, I can help you achieve all this!" Xia Hao looked at Didati with a frown and said.

Without financial support, manpower is ultimately limited. Even Vegapunk, the world's strongest brain, chose to join the World Government for research. Therefore, Didati, who was alone, could not research a bomb that destroyed an island.

"Devil fruit?"

"Yes, I have a superhuman bomb fruit here. If you eat it, you can gain unimaginable power. At that time, as long as you have a big enough imagination and are good at development and creation, blowing up an island is not a problem." Xia Hao continued to seduce Didati. Theoretically, there is no limit to the superhuman devil fruit. The strength of the ability depends entirely on the developer.

Didati was tempted. He really wanted the bomb fruit. He had heard before that the cheapest devil fruit cost 100 million berries to buy.


"I agree to join the Haotian Pirates. Please take care of me in the future, Captain Xia Hao!"

After thinking for a moment, Didati opened his sparkling big eyes and looked at Xia Hao, saying with a serious and excited face.

The seriousness is that Didati has made up his mind to become a member of the Haotian Pirates. He will no longer be alone in the future. He has a partner by his side.

The reason for the excitement is self-evident. The superhuman bomb fruit, with it, is equivalent to completing half of the dream.


Xia Hao took out a strange-shaped devil fruit from his backpack and handed it to Didati.

"Just give it to me like this?!" Didati was a little unbelievable. Although he had joined the Haotian Pirates, he believed in himself too much, and this was a devil fruit worth at least 100 million berries, so he didn't feel sorry at all.

"Hahaha, of course, as long as you join the Haotian Pirates, we will be partners in the future. It's just a devil fruit." Xia Hao patted Didati on the shoulder and said.

"ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ(ノ∇︎〃 )"

At this moment, Didati looked at Xia Hao and deeply engraved his figure in his mind. A man will die for his confidant, not to mention that this is his guide on the most perfect artistic path in the world.

Didati was moved to tears and laughter, and he had a real sense of belonging to the Haotian Pirates.

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