The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

Grand Line, Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

"What a restless guy! It's only been a short time, and he has caused another earthquake," Marshal Sengoku looked at the newspaper in his hand with a gloomy face. The Haotian Pirates fought against the BIGMOM Pirates and withdrew from the battle unscathed, which Sengoku had never expected.

Although Garp has been saying that he should pay more attention to Xia Hao's whereabouts, Sengoku didn't take it too seriously. After all, compared with the great pirates Whitebeard Newgate, BIGMOM and even Kaido, the beast who has developed rapidly in recent years, Xia Hao is really too young, and there are few members in the pirate group.

Just like Roger in the early days, although his own strength was terrifying, there were not many members in the pirate group, and the threat to the world was not high, so before he became the Pirate King and arrived at the final island of Raftel, his bounty was not higher than that of Whitebeard Newgate and Golden Lion Shiki, and the World Government paid less attention to him.

However, now, Sengoku was silent when he saw Xia Hao, who could fight BIGMOM for a day and a night without a winner. Sure enough, there was no good guy in Roger's pirate group.

So this time, Sengoku directly set the bounty at 1 billion berries. Although the real strength was far more terrifying than this bounty, for the sake of balance and stability, Sengoku did not increase the bounty too much.

After all, it was just a battle, and it was far from the level of a life-and-death duel. Judging from the intelligence that the island where the battle was fought still existed, it was known that both sides did not use their full strength.

In the new world, on the boundless sea, a bounty order fell on Axing's face looking up at the sky.

"Hey, boss, your bounty has increased again, and this time it has reached an astonishing 10 billion berries!"

After a few seconds of silence, Ah Xing burst into an excited shout and quickly ran towards Xia Hao, who was bored fishing, as if his bounty had increased, jumping and jumping happily like a child.

"10 billion berries, not bad!" Xia Hao glanced at the bounty order, smiled and nodded, not particularly concerned, it was just a string of numbers.

"Uh, boss, you are not excited?!"

"What are you excited about?! ⚆_⚆?"

"The bounty has increased, as a captain, shouldn't you be happy? Except for those big pirates, your bounty is the highest among the younger generation!

What does this mean? It means that you are the strongest among the new generation of pirates!" Ah Xing said excitedly, waving his fist vigorously.

"Yeah, got it!"

"╮(╯▽╰)╭, forget it, I won't tell you anymore", looking at Xia Hao's indifferent face, Ah Xing gave up and turned to share this good news with Didati and Mengshan, as well as his analysis of the pirate forces in the New World.


Five days later, the Haotian finally arrived at the holy land of chefs, Hankrila Island, according to the direction of the record pointer.

From a distance, Xia Hao and his group couldn't help sniffing, and a refreshing fragrance floated out from the island. For the Haotian Pirates, who had been making do with food for a long time, this was an irresistible temptation.

"It smells so good! Woohoo, I really want to have a bite of this delicious food! (⌯︎¤̴̶̷̀ω¤̴̶̷́)✧︎"

"It tastes really good, boss, let's get the boat over!"

"Me too!" Mengshan nodded vigorously, looking at the island full of real objects in the distance, and drooled with happiness from the corners of his mouth.

"Then, let's go and explore Hankrila Island together! This time I must bring back a great chef!" Xia Hao also nodded seriously, and with a wave of his hand, the Haotian quickly drove towards the port.

As they got closer and closer to the island, the strong fragrance made Xia Hao and his friends happier and happier, and the corners of their mouths unconsciously rose wildly. After all, who doesn't like delicious food!

"I can't wait!"

"As expected of you, you are the boss. It seems that we have come to a very powerful island."

"Let me take a bite first to taste it!" The Haotian was still ten meters away from the shore. Mengshan couldn't help but reach out and grab a handful of the food chocolate black soil on the shore. The crisp sound of crunching kept ringing, and Ah Xing and Didati swallowed hard.

The Haotian was docked steadily on the shore. Xia Hao turned his head and found that Ah Xing and the other two had all got off the boat and were eating like crazy. After a while, the coast became tattered and there were teeth marks everywhere.

"What a group of unsophisticated guys!" Xia Hao gently broke off a piece of grass-flavored chocolate

Leaves, slowly tasted.

There are ingredients all over this island. Now that we are full, how can we eat more delicious food later? ┐(´-`)┌

You know, this island is a holy land for chefs. Chefs from all over the world gather here to learn cooking skills. Are you afraid of not having food to eat? !

Xia Hao and his companions continued to rush towards the center of the island. After walking for ten minutes, they finally saw a luxurious and even extravagant food castle. People came and went. Looking up, they found a banner hanging above the castle, which read the 108th World Chef Competition!

"It's so lively, Boss!"

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, there are so many chefs, and, and it smells so good!"

"Hey, I'll definitely eat my fill this time!"

"Hey, are you guys here to participate in the chef competition, too?" Just as Xia Hao and his four companions stopped to observe if there were any suitable chefs to catch~ No, when they were inviting them to get on board, a voice as sweet as a lark came to their ears.

Xia Hao and his companions turned their heads and saw a girl in a chef's uniform, with long dark hair, a pair of clear pupils, soft and plump red lips, and especially her pair of round long legs, which was definitely the dream that countless otakus could not refuse.

However, looking at the saber on her waist, Xia Hao frowned. Is this a chef? Why does it feel a little strange?

A beautiful swordsman chef? ! A magical idea suddenly popped up in Xia Hao's mind. If the cooking skills are good, it's not impossible!

"No, we are looking for a chef!"

"Oh, hello, my name is Mina, and I am a contestant in this chef competition!"

"Hello, my name is Xia Hao, I am a pirate, and I am looking for a suitable chef," Xia Hao smiled and said seriously.

"Pirate?! (o゜▽゜)o☆, then you must have been to many places?! Is the outside world fun? I heard***@&%"

The girl Mina began to ask Xia Hao frantically what the outside world looks like, because as a native of this island, Mina has never been out. Although she has always wanted to go to sea and cook all kinds of ingredients in the world, she has failed because of her poor sailing skills.

"Mina, do you want to go to sea?"

"Of course ୧⍢⃝୨"

"If you can get the top ten in this chef competition, then I will take you to sea!

Will you come? Become the chef of the Haotian Pirates?!" Xia Hao looked at the excited Mina in front of him and said his conditions and made an invitation.

"Really? You want to take me to sea?! Of course I am willing, don't worry, I will definitely have no problem in the top ten of the chef competition, because since I participated in the competition, I have always been in the top five", Mina smiled happily, her eyelashes curved, like a blooming peony, beautiful but not coquettish, gorgeous but not charming.

Xia Hao: ┐(´-`)┌, it seems a bit miscalculated, but maybe everything is fate.

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