"Thank you so much, Doctor! I really can't believe that I'm really starting to get lucky!"

Steven is very happy. He can always believe in himself and actually usher in such a critical and important opportunity as Luo Tian encouraged before!

And Dr. Abraham naturally has no river water. Levin said that he I had met Luo Tian before and did not tell him about some of the transactions between myself and Luo Tian.

These agreements were to be kept confidential, so Dr. Abraham just smiled, then took out the document and treated it as She gave him the best stamp in front of Steven!

Steven couldn't believe that all the things he had dreamed of happened so easily in front of his eyes!

But the ecstasy made Steve Wen didn't have time to think that much, he just felt that he had been unlucky before, and that his bad luck for many years was finally ended at this moment.

"To be honest, I even thought about falsifying my qualifications before!" excited StevenAt one point, he even voiced out this idea, but fortunately he hadn't done it yet, otherwise there would have been more troublesome things waiting for him to do.

Dr. Abraham looked at Steven who was so excited, and smiled kindly.

"Very good child, I know that you cherish this hard-won opportunity now, so I also hope that you can continue to do so in the future and never forget your original intention."

After Steven heard this, he naturally took a very serious look at his documents and Dr. Abraham, and then answered

"Don't worry, doctor, I will definitely work hard to do it!"

Steven answered very firmly and with determination. Dr. Abraham nodded with satisfaction after reading it.

"It seems that Luo Tianna's recommendation is indeed correct. His friends should indeed have very good qualities. It seems that I am very lucky this time. I have killed two birds with one stone!"

Dr. Abraham was also very happy, because after his interview, he found that Luo Tian was not exaggerating. Steven is indeed a very outstanding young man, a stage that many young people cannot reach nowadays, and the company is also very thoughtful. Determined.

Many qualities indicate that this Steven will be a very good soldier in the future.

In this case, Dr. Abraham is very relieved.

"I can tell you now that your previous five attempts were not in vain. Precisely because your previous five attempts have proved that you are not a young man who can give up easily, and the most important thing about you is your unremitting persistence.!"

Dr. Abraham affirmed Steven again, and naturally gave a very high evaluation to his previous determination.

"Thank you very much, Doctor, but I also have to mention my friends. I can persevere until now because my friends have been cheering me on. I am really grateful to them. Dr. Abraham smiled again. He also agreed with this statement that Steven has good friends, because after all, it was Luo Tian who recommended Steven to him.

Very good, it seems that Steven is too A guy with a strong sense of justice, loyalty and friendship, he is really suitable to be an excellent soldier!

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