Although what Dr. Abraham said was correct, Colonel Phillips still felt that Steven's foundation was too poor, so he was still very uneasy.

Regarding this matter, Colonel Phillips and Dr. Abraham communicated again, and it took several days before they could initially reach a unified opinion. For this reason, Dr. Abraham also traveled a lot to win this opportunity for Steven.

At this time, there was another candidate, and that candidate was Pearson. Colonel Phillips was interested in Pearson's physical fitness. After all, besides Luo Tian, ​​this guy also had very outstanding physical training results.

But Abraham was not very dissatisfied with this, because he felt that this guy was simply a bully, and bullying was not suitable for this experiment.

Because only Abraham is not very clear about it, his super recognition serum continuously strengthens human cells and genes, thus making good things better and bad things worse.

So if someone who only bullies the weak comes into contact with this thing, it is likely to strengthen him, and the dark side of his character may also amplify his shortcomings.

But this matter is also relatively confidential, so Dr. Abraham did not emphasize this point with Colonel Phillips, but only said some other very important things.

But in this case, from the perspective of selecting good soldiers, Colonel Phillips still prefers Pearson to accept this spot who is more suitable as a vanguard.

Still talking about this, he was overwhelmed by the numbers, and immediately picked up a bomb next to him, and then prepared to test them.

At this time, Colonel Phillips and Dr. Abraham happened to be in Steven's team. Now Steven is training with Pearson. They are the strongest and the worst in the team respectively.

As for Luo Tian, ​​because his performance was too good, he had been recruited in advance for other tests. After all, someone as good as him was already the designated candidate, so it was natural to start training him in different ways in advance.

"So do you agree with me to conduct an experiment on this?"

Colonel Phillips then made a suggestion to Dr. Abraham. Naturally, Dr. Abraham did not stop him because he believed that the person recommended by Luo Tian was definitely correct, so he acquiesced to Colonel Phillips' action.

So Phillips The colonel threw the bomb into the crowd at once!

Then Colonel Phillips immediately reminded the crowd, and then deliberately made the second sound very unexpected, and then made them pay attention to this sudden surprise.

"Oh my god, it's a bomb!"

There is a person here who reacts very quickly, and his grades are also very good. But when he saw this bomb, he suddenly panicked!

Immediately afterwards, there were some other strong people who reacted. They all ran away to the side.

Only Steven reacted immediately at this time, and then ran towards the bomb. Then he held it tightly and wanted to take the bomb and run towards the place with the least crowd. go out.

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