"Yes, it was indeed like this. After he showed the serum, different changes took place immediately. It was just a pity that it was just a sample at that time, not a mature finished product, but even so, he actually succeeded in persisting. Come over."

But as soon as the words changed, Dr. Abraham emphasized very seriously that the next thing could be seen. The most important thing he wanted to say was the next thing.

"But the most important thing is that Schmidt himself is a guy with problematic thinking. Since this serum can strengthen everything about a person, it not only strengthens the good parts, but also strengthens the bad parts!"

"I see, I think I should be able to understand why you chose me."

Steven was stunned for a while, and then he suddenly realized and figured out the reason.

Dr. Abraham immediately smiled after hearing this:"Yes, that's exactly the case. That’s why I decided to take the advice and choose you!"

Otherwise, how could a very frustrated scientist simply decide to adopt it because of other people's recommendations?

"Very good, this way you can understand the current situation, so I have high hopes for you and your friends, and I hope you can not forget your original intention."

After Dr. Abraham's heartfelt talk, Steven naturally felt something. Then he nodded solemnly, hoping that Dr. Abraham could rest assured that he would work hard to do this well.

"That's right, you not only have to be a good soldier, but you also have to be a better person. Dr. Abraham said, and then he took out his treasured wine bottle and poured some wine for himself and Steven.

Steven asked Dr. Abraham:"As far as I know, if If we are doing experiments tomorrow, we shouldn't be allowed to drink, right?"

As a result, Dr. Abraham was not surprised when he heard this. Instead, he smiled and deliberately teased Steven:"Oh, it seems that you are really smart. It is indeed like this, so I will drink it for you. Well, you can still express your celebration!"

Luo Tian listened outside and couldn't help but complain in his heart:"You bad old man, believe me, you are so bad!"

After that, Dr. Labrahan said goodbye to Steven.

Not long after, Luo Tian also came in to visit Steven.

"How about it? Are you very nervous? Tomorrow will be the day of the experiment."

Steven shrugged. He didn't know whether what Luo Tian said was true. He thought Luo Tian should be able to see that he was in a very nervous state, so he didn't deny it.

"It's natural to be nervous. I'm not you. You have such a healthy body. I think you must be fine. Naturally, I am very nervous. It would be a pity if I failed."

On the one hand, Steven regrets the rare quota for the Super Soldier Serum, and on the other hand, he regrets that he has not had time to show off his skills in this life.

Steven suddenly remembered that he had not solemnly said goodbye to Bucky in the end. If this happens, I can't help but feel very regretful.

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