After his special officer nodded, he asked specialized personnel to take Luo Tian and Steven down to the middle of the two special devices.

At this time, Dr. Abraham had already been waiting here. After seeing Luo Tian and others coming, he said hello to Luo Tian and others.

"After a while, after you have a brief interview, we can officially start."

Then Luo Tian went through some simple interviews with Steven step by step, and then began to prepare for the formal experiment.

They took off their hats and outer shirts as required, and then they all lay down On the experimental table.

At the same time, the people outside are also carrying out some simple communication and exchanges in an orderly manner. After a while, they will watch the whole process of Luo Tian's transformation on the chat table.

This is It is a very important experiment, so they have prepared many contacts and some special media. Once the experiment succeeds or fails, they will immediately record this historic moment.

"Very good. That's it. How do you feel now?"

"All the best, Dr. Abraham. I can proceed smoothly here."

Dr. Abraham was very satisfied. Luo Tian had such an answer, and he was not surprised. What he is most worried about now is Steven. After all, his physique is really very thin. If there is a slight mistake, it is very likely that His life would be in danger, so I paid more attention to him.

"Well, it's okay to lie down on it, but it doesn't fit well there, but I feel it's okay. I really hope to drink the wine you made yesterday at the end of the experiment. The smell should be very good. What a good wine!"

It's because he was a little nervous at this time, but he tried his best to divert his attention. Yu Shi suddenly remembered the bottle of wine that Dr. Abraham had given him yesterday, so he mentioned it casually.

"Hahaha, you really have to be very knowledgeable. The wine was indeed very good, but its alcohol content was very high, so I didn’t drink more. There was still a little bit left, so you asked. Dr. Abraham smiled very generously, and then answered Steven cheerfully:

"If you want to drink it, then after the experiment is successful, I will give it to you!"

After that, Dr. Abraham checked carefully again. After Steven's side, he finally looked emphatically at Luo Tian's side. After asking a few questions and confirming, he returned to the experimental table with confidence. , and continued to operate the experimental machine.

Afterwards, Chief Carter also looked at Luo Tian specifically before leaving, and then he felt uneasy and finally went up to the viewing platform. After all, if he continued to stay here, he would only It would affect the progress of the experiment.

At this time, Luo Tian finally saw the rumored Howard Stark!

Howard is the father of Tony, the later Iron Man, and the current owner of the huge Stark Industries. He is also the A very accomplished scientist, so he is also helping Dr. Abraham conduct these experiments at this time.

This guy does look very similar to Tony in temperament, but he is a little different from Tony. He looks more mature and steady at this time. , but you can still see some shadows between your eyebrows and your appearance in the future.

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