Before leaving, the little boy called Luo Tian in a special way and expressed his gratitude and some admiration to him.

"Thank you so much. Big brother, my name is Aldrich. Don’t look at me like this. I am very good at studying. If I become successful in the future, I will definitely be as smart as you, big brother!"

Luo Tian smiled slightly, then touched the child's head.

"Hahaha, you are a very brave child, don’t worry, I will help you find your pocket watch!"

I thought he would be very happy after hearing this:

"Really? That's really great! You are such an invincible and good superhero!"

The little boy was very happy, and he now regarded Luo Tian as his role model and a superhero. Luo Tian smiled again after hearing this, and then asked the little boy's name.

"So what's your name?"

The little boy immediately answered that his name was Aldrich, and his family lived in a slum not far away.

Luo Tian nodded, and then said that if he found the pocket watch later, he would return it to the little boy. They were told not to worry too much. The little boy also believed in Luo Tian very much.

So he reluctantly said goodbye to Luo Tian.

Jack also said that he had a new understanding of Luo Tian and admired Luo Tian even more. , because Luo Tian wanted to discuss more detailed matters with the patrol team.

So Luo Tian asked Jack to send the little boy Aldrich home first.

At this time, Sophia also wanted to continue due to professional convenience. After following up on this matter, because I admired Luo Tian very much, I came up with the idea of ​​going to the patrol bureau together at this time.

And because Sofia planned to report this matter, she wanted to write a very detailed manuscript , and this matter is also very related to the Patrol Bureau.

Therefore, the Patrol Bureau also agreed to Sophia's proposal.

Sophia and Luo Tian came to the Patrol Bureau in a car together.

"Come, sit down and have a cup of hot water."

The current captain is older than Luo Tian. Although he looks a bit serious, I have to say that he is indeed a very good guy. As soon as he arrived, he poured hot water for Luo Tian and Sophia himself.

"Thank you Mr. Captain."

Sofia smiled and expressed her gratitude to the captain.

"It's nothing, it's just a small matter. I need to talk to the higher-ups about this matter. Just wait here for a while."

At this time, Luo Tian has not told them his identity, but there is no need to worry. It will not be too late to wait until the higher-ups arrive. Later, Luo Tian will explain this matter to Chief Carter and Colonel Phillips. thing.

At that time, the two parties can cooperate to promote this matter, but maybe Carter Changhuan will want Luo Tian to do some more important things, so he will send someone else to follow up on this matter for him.

However , None of this is very important to Luo Tian. What is important is that he can hand over the pocket watch to him when he is at that home or is successfully captured.

Soon after the higher-ups arrived, they and Luo Tian and Sophia understood the ins and outs of this matter, and then immediately sent some special personnel to follow up on these matters.

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