And Daniel also thinks that he is definitely not the only one who thinks so.

"I really don’t know why, this guy is too powerful or something, but he actually recommended that little guy to also receive the super serum! The problem was actually solved!"

Speaking of this, Daniel couldn't help but recall some of the previous things, and now he thinks about it with great regret. If he had met Luo Tian in advance, he might have had the opportunity to get an injection of the super soldier serum!

If that were the case , Daniel may now have a very strong physique, and he will also be able to attract the appreciation of more beautiful beauties!

"To be honest, if I came in at the same time, maybe I could still find a way to get to know that guy! The little dwarf at that time was indeed not worthy of being Luo Tian's friend."

Daniel said, and then stared at Steven. Steven had finished dancing and was drinking wine with Chief Carter. However, the super soldier serum seemed to make it harder for Steven to get drunk..

It stands to reason that if Steven should have concentrated some attention, he could also hear some conversations not too far away, but at that time, Steven seemed to have been very happy to have the opportunity to chat with Chief Carter alone. So he didn't pay attention here.

At this time, Daniel was a little sobered by the cool breeze, and then he couldn't help but feel a little wary about some of the things Peter said, because after all, he was a guy he had just met. , he actually told him so many confidential things, naturally he was a little suspicious.

So Daniel quickly urged Peter

"Okay, okay, what do you want to say?"

"Actually, I just want to say that I know a lot of people here. Are you also interested in the ingredients of the Super Soldier Serum?"

Unexpectedly, Peter went straight to the point without thinking about going around any more detours. This also made Daniel more awakened.

After that, as soon as Peter opened up the chat box and got straight to the point, he became even more excited. He clearly told some information about the super serum that he knew here!

Addicted to it, he couldn't help but feel very surprised. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him looked so ordinary, and he was just the owner of a bar, but he actually You can get so much information!

If it weren't for the fact that he knew a lot about this bar, he would have suspected that this bar might also be some kind of secret communication base.

"Believe me, I think as long as you can somehow get the super serum, then if you inject it first, then even if you are discovered by then, they will not be able to do anything to you!"

Peter said at this time, and then stared at Daniel with his own eyes, as if he was saying something very strange and important.

"At this time, if you can strengthen your body first, then you may have more opportunities to perform more tasks!"

"If you think about it, since everyone can have the serum, why should you have less than them? So this is a very good opportunity!"

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