Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 101 Interesting Journey (1)

Alabasta Rain Banquet Casino interior.

mr.0 looked gloomy: "The battle plan is scheduled for seven o'clock two days later. Is everything ready?"

ms. All Sunday: "Everything is ready, hundreds of 'billions of elders' have gathered in Rapeseed."

"I called Mr. 2, but it seems he didn't catch Mr. 3."

"Senior agents will meet at the Spider Cafe at eight o'clock tonight..."

Mr.0 sat on the sofa: "Oh? Very good..."

"It's already past five o'clock now..."

Luffy Chenqi and his party finally arrived at the next city.

Chen Qi put his hand between his eyebrows and looked out over a desert with some isolated houses standing on it.

Luffy and Chenqi had the exact same posture: "Wow, we finally arrived at Uba."

Usopp: "It's Yorba!"

"No, this is not Yorba yet." Weiwei said and took out a map of Alabasta. "We have just crossed the [Sentora River] now. We are now upstream. This is the Airuma Oasis."

Chen Qi looked confused: "Oasis? Where is there an oasis here?"

Weiwei had a complicated look on her face: "No more now..."

As he was talking, several cute animals with turtle shells on their backs appeared in front of everyone.

Usopp walked over curiously, but Vivi stopped her loudly: "That's the Kung Fu Manatee! Usopp, don't go there!"

Sure enough, without saying a word, Kung Fu Manatee hit Usopp with three moves and two moves until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he lay directly on the ground.

Sauron: "I was actually knocked down by it."

Nami pointed at Luffy on the other side and knocked a kung fu manatee to the ground: "There is a winner there."

Weiwei yelled: "It's even more impossible to defeat it!! After losing, it will automatically worship the winner as its master. This is their rule."

While talking, the kung fu manatee that Luffy knocked down just now really bowed to Luffy.

Zoro: "You have the demeanor of a warrior."

"Okay, here's the posture!" Luffy waved his fist and taught him in a serious manner.

At this time, the kung fu manatees came out one after another, and nearly a hundred of them gathered at one time, and they all began to practice boxing with Luffy.

Weiwei's head grew bigger, her teeth became sharper and she shouted: "There are more and more apprentices?!"

Before leaving, the Kung Fu Manatees were still reluctant to leave. Luffy said that he would take them all away, but of course everyone strongly disagreed.

So, everyone gave them some food and continued to move forward.

Because it was noon in the desert, everyone was getting hotter and hotter as they walked, especially Luffy, who was panting with his tongue hanging out. (Rubber is afraid of heat)

The most uncomfortable person was Chopper. He was so hot with his tongue hanging out that he could hardly walk. Chenqi and Zoro made a small bamboo raft and put him on it to drag him around. (Animals are afraid of heat but not cold)

Chopper was lying on the bamboo raft looking miserable, and Usopp was still making sarcastic remarks: "Who told you to be hairy? Take off that fur."

Chopper instantly transformed into a human form and stood in front of Usopp: "Don't underestimate the reindeer! You bastard!"

Usopp said with a long mouth: "Wow! What a monster!"

Chen Qi: "Hey, Qiaoba, don't get bigger all of a sudden, or I won't hold you back."

Luffy was hot and thirsty, so he took out a bucket of water, inserted the big straw into it and started drinking. Usopp and Sanji went up and punched Luffy on the head: "You drank too much in one gulp!!"

At this moment, all the water that was still in Luffy's mouth spurted out.

"That one mouthful of yours is enough for an average person to take twelve! Give me a sip too!"

"Hey, didn't you drink just now? Give me a sip too!"

Luffy was also "angry": "What are you two bastards doing! I drank all the water and spit it out!"

"What did you say?!"

So the three struggled together like three children.

Weiwei shouted to stop: "Don't fight, it's just a waste of energy!"

After walking for a while, Luffy stuck out his tongue: "Sanji, let's start eating."

Sanji: "No, we have to wait for Vivi's permission."

Usopp leaned on a tree trunk with a helpless look on his face: "Weiwei, let's eat, I can't walk anymore..."

"But we have only gone a third of the way to Joba."

Luffy pouted: "How stupid, haven't you heard that famous saying? 'Eat when you are hungry'."

Weiwei: "Okay, let's take a short rest when we reach the pile of rocks."

"Heap of stones...heap of stones..."

Traveling in the desert is quite uncomfortable. The hot and dry weather can make people dehydrated at any time. If food is not replenished in time, it can easily lead to exhaustion. Chen Qi couldn't bear it anymore.

Everyone was hot and tired, but they had a lot of luggage. They all decided to play guessing games to decide who would carry the luggage.

In the end, Luffy lost.

"It's so heavy and so hot..."

Luffy dragged all his luggage and walked slowly, his back hunched like a turtle. He stuck out his tongue and his face was covered with sweat.

Suddenly, everyone realized that the front was no longer a desert. Chen Qi yelled: "Everyone, there is a pile of rocks ahead!!"


As soon as he heard this, Luffy looked completely different from before. He dragged his luggage and ran out like an arrow.

Usopp's mouth widened: "Running so fast!"

Chen Qi broke out in a cold sweat: "As soon as I heard that I could rest and eat, it was completely different..."

Luffy, who was running at the front, found dozens of birds lying on the ground in front of him, dying.

"Chopper! There are a lot of injured birds here, come and treat them." Luffy called out to Chopper.

"okay, I get it."

Weiwei was shocked when she heard this: "Birds? Luffy, wait a minute, those birds are..."

Before Chopper could go over to treat them, the birds seemed to be suddenly full of health. They got up from the ground one by one, took away the luggage that Luffy had brought and flew away.

These birds are called deceivers and they pretend to be dead on the ground to deceive travelers from their luggage.

Sanji was very angry. He went up and grabbed Luffy's collar: "That's our water and food for three days, and the birds took it away. How can we cross the desert?"

Luffy was also furious: "I'm a victim too, what can I do?!"

"Your brain is not as useful as a bird's."

"What did you say?!"

Zoro: "Stop it!!"

Chen Qi: "Now that the matter has come to this, it's useless to complain. It's better to save some energy. Let's take a rest and set off again."

While they were talking, everyone saw that a few hundred meters ahead, the cheating birds had not left. They were still eating their food and drinking water, as if they were provoking them and calling them stupid.

"You bastards! Give us back our luggage!!" Luffy shouted angrily and rushed forward.

"Croon! Gray Cat!"

Chenqi released the Zanpakutō, and the sand-turned blade flew towards these birds...

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