Luffy held up this map and jumped for joy as if on stimulants: "That's great! There really is an empty island!"

Usopp also jumped for joy along with Luffy: "That's the legendary island!"

Chopper raised his little hoof high: "Sky Island!!!"

Nami bluntly expressed her inner thoughts: "Don't be too happy too early. There are many deceptive maps in this world."

After hearing this, Luffy was unhappy and yelled at Nami: "Aren't you a navigator? Think of a solution quickly?"

Nami didn't back down: "The problem is, I don't know how to get up there!"

This is a veritable "ascension to the sky". You can go up to it at your request? Just do it as you say? Do you think that's an elevator?

At this time, Sanji came over humbly and took out some colorful shells: "Nami-san, there were many beautiful shells on the ship just now, I brought them to you."

"Idiots, who cares?" Nami walked onto the boat with an angry look on her face, "What a bunch of idiots, I'm afraid the days ahead will be even harder."

At this time, Robin handed her something, and Nami took it and took a look: "Hey, isn't this a permanent pointer?"

"Well, I just found it in the coffin. This pointer is made of special materials. It's been two hundred years and it's still basically intact."

Nami lowered her head and cried like a tearful person: "Uuuu, only you understand my mood."

Seeing her like this, a cold sweat broke out on Robin's head: "Yes, it's hard to find a soulmate..."

Nami held the pointer and looked at it carefully, then compared it with the chart and route: "This should be the pointer pointing to Gaya Island."

Luffy held a box of lunch, his mouth full: "Gaya? Are we going to Gaya?"

Chen Qi came over and looked at Luffy: "Hey, isn't it up to you to decide the course of this ship?"

Luffy raised his fists in the air like a two-fighter: "Okay! Turn the helm immediately and drive to Gaya!!"

Just when everyone was about to carry out the captain's order, Usopp said with a serious face: "Wait a minute, if we sail to Gaya now, wouldn't the pointer's record be erased again? In this case, we won't be able to go to Kong. Island.”

After hearing his words, Chopper's eyes popped out: "Huh?"

As soon as he heard that he couldn't go to the Sky Island, Luffy immediately made a pause gesture, indicating that the ship would stop moving immediately: "Nami, what's the matter with you?"

Nami: "What's going on? Didn't you say you were going to Gaya?"

"I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to go to Sky Island, right?"

"But the question is how to get there?" Nami spread her hands helplessly.

Luffy acted like an idiot: "Okay, let's go to Gaya and ask again."


Then Luffy raised his fists and said, "Okay! Let's go to Gaya!"

Chenqi and Usoppin immediately became angry. They slapped Luffy on the head with one hand on the left and the other on the right: "You've been talking for a long time, but the result is the same?"

Luffy: "Okay, brothers, let's go! First to the restaurant! Then to Gaya!!"

Chen Qi shouted: "You have reversed the order!"

The Meili gradually approached Gaya.

The houses above are neatly arranged, and there are many coconut trees.

"This island looks really nice."

"Is that a resort?"

"It seems like I can't help but want people to relax!"

However, what is extremely inconsistent with these is that there are large pirate ships parked at the island port, each one showing off its power and being extremely ferocious.

The town on the west side of Gaya Island is a lawless zone that is not under the jurisdiction of the government. It is a good place for lawless elements to fight with each other.

This is a town full of violence - a voyager's log.

Luffy and Zoro wanted to get off the ship and take a look.

Nami said: "This place is a place of right and wrong, and I have to keep a close eye on you."


"We are here to store the voyage records to Sky Island. You are not allowed to cause trouble here. You are not allowed to fight here. I want to watch you."

With that said, Nami followed Luffy and Zoro.

They left, and Chen Qi jumped off the boat and told Chopper that they were going to relax.

Sanji poked his head out of the cabin: "What? Naomi-san is gone? I have to go down and have a look too."

When Usopp and Chopper heard this, their hearts suddenly thumped: "You are not allowed to go!"


Chopper and Usopp came up, each holding Sanji's leg.

Usopp's expression was exaggerated and he burst into tears: "You leave, what if this ship is attacked?"

Chopper and Usopp had exactly the same posture: "Please don't leave us!"

Sanji: "I know...I know, let go..."

"What about Robin-chan?"

"Huh? She seems to have left too?"

On the streets of Magic Valley Town on Gaya Island.

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami were walking, and Chenqi didn't know where he went.

Luffy was a little annoyed by Nami's nagging: "I know, I won't fight in this town."

"Very good, then you have to keep your word, and the same goes for Zoro!"

Sauron: "Yeah."

Luffy: "By the way, where is Chenqi? You should care more about him, right?"

Zoro: "If that guy gets into a fight, it's not a joke."

Nami was startled: Yes, where has this man gone?

Nami looked around and didn't see it.

Could it be that you got lost again? This guy can lose track of people? Is his wanderlust really worse than Zoro's?

Nami was watching, when a sick man rode a horse by the roadside. The man climbed on the horse, like someone who was about to faint but was still conscious.

Suddenly, the man fell off his horse and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

The man crawled on the ground and looked at Sauron helplessly: "You two little brothers, can you help me up?"

Zoro broke into a cold sweat: "Are you too lazy to get up?"

Luffy and Zoro were so kind and actually helped this man onto his horse.

"I'm so sorry, I was born weak and sickly... drive!"

The man pinched the horse's belly with his legs, causing the horse to cough up two mouthfuls of blood.

Even horses have this virtue.

(Don’t go out like this. How about staying at home?)

Suddenly, the sick man took out a basket of apples and handed it to Sauron: "Thank you for helping me up. It's a small thing, just eat one."

Sauron was very vigilant: "I don't want things of unknown origin, you can leave."

As soon as Zoro finished speaking, Luffy acted like an idiot. He picked up an apple and ate it. While eating, he said back: "Apple, thank you..."

Its speed was so fast that Nami and Zoro simply couldn't stop it.

"You idiot, don't eat it!"

Only a "bang" was heard and a store not far away suddenly exploded.

It turned out that five people in the store ate the sick man's apples, and an explosion occurred.

Now, the store is miserable inside...

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