Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 389 Quarrel Mode

Bank's restricted area, Chenqi Luffy's side.

"Do you know where this place is?"

When Teabeard said this, everyone sounded serious.

"It is said that this place was once a lush treasure house of life."

Luffy: "Here?"

Chen Qi: "I can't even see a shadow."

Teabeard continued: "This used to be Vegapunk's experimental base. It was an experimental site where weapons and drugs were continuously developed. I heard that some prisoners were not sent to prison, but to this island. Those who come in are like guinea pigs.”

"But four years ago, Vegapunk made a mistake while conducting weapons experiments. Two of the three research institutes were blown up. This is the site of the research institute at that time!"

Usopp: "No wonder it's in such tatters."

Teabeard: "The explosion released huge amounts of heat and toxic substances, destroying all life on the island! But in this case, those bastards actually left behind the prisoners who were used as guinea pigs, and they escaped without a single one left. Go to the island and blockade the island."

Upon hearing this, everyone was suddenly startled.

Even Chen Qi's brows wrinkled slightly.

There was still some lingering fear on Teabeard's face: "I heard that the prisoners who stayed were hiding in the research institute that still retains the shell to avoid the poisonous gas that filled the island. Those who survived by inhaling too much poisonous gas suffered injuries to their lower limbs. paralysis"

"But after that year, it was our compassionate master who came to this island. He evolved the air on the island with his special ability, equipped the prisoners with legs with scientific power, and accepted them as Subordinates!"

"Oh! Master!!" Franky (Chopper) and Chopper (Sanji) were moved. They raised their fists and loudly catered to Teabeard like crazy people.

"I came here a year after that, that is, two years ago. At that time, because the substance had not dissipated, it made people want to vomit when I breathed it in. Just when I lost the power to live, I felt that life was about to end. When it came to an abrupt end, the person who appeared in front of me was the master, and the people who were given legs by the master. I also survived under the careful care of the master."

As Tea Beard spoke, tears filled his eyes:

"If Vegapunk, who took those people's legs, is a demon, then the master is a compassionate savior! And just a few months ago, the second savior, Trafalgar, the newly promoted Shichibukai ·Luo also came to this island”

Usopp: "Savior Two?"

Teabeard: "Yes, he used his own abilities to put legs on those of us who cannot walk freely. They are living animal legs! We who thought we would never be able to walk in this life were really crying with joy at the time!"

Franky (Chopper) and Chopper (Sanji) burst into tears and said in unison: "What a touching story!"

Luffy also smiled: "Tela Nan is indeed a good person! Chen Qi and I were also saved by him!"

Nami (Franky): "Vegapunk turns out to be so bad!"

Sanji (Nami): "The guys with mutton legs I saw in the research institute, I thought they were all ability users."

Chen Qi touched his chin: "In this case, both the half-man and the bird girl understand, then what's going on with the dragon?"

Teabeard: "Ah, you have all seen the dragon. It was an artificial creature originally created by Vegapunk to guard this island. It can adapt to any environment."

"I heard that the Celestial Dragons also liked that dragon very much and gave her a name, but I forgot it. When you see it, just run away as quickly as possible. It is very fierce!"

"I know." Chen Qi looked very perfunctory. In fact, the dragon had been defeated by him long ago.

Teabeard's expression became serious: "In short, you should understand who is the greatest on this island, right? This Bank restricted area is already the territory of our master, woohoo! You have to be happy! And the great The master is still continuing to research for the future of mankind, so you can serve as the very few 'guinea pigs' needed for this!"

"You absolutely can't escape! Woo ho ho!"

Hearing his words, Chen Qi smiled indifferently: "Just because he has someone like you, he can't do anything to us."

But his friends didn't pay attention to his words at all. The children actually started rolling snowballs and playing with Luffy.

"Wow! My body has become so hairy!"

Franky (Chopper) was shocked by the sudden deformation of his body.

Chopper (Sanji) explained: "This is fur enhancement! You can transform into six stages by feeling."

Franky (Chopper) complained: "Your body is really unstable!"

"Just get used to it!"

Sanji (Nami) looked around: "Huh? Where did that samurai go?"

Brooke: "Just now I met a man with only the upper body but no head. He asked carefully where he saw it, and then he went out!"

Sanji (Nami) felt like he was facing a formidable enemy: "Oops, why did I say you were so quiet all of a sudden? I was careless!"

Brooke was puzzled: "Is there anything wrong with this? Brother Sanji?"

Sanji (Nami): "I was the one who brought out the guy who couldn't move and only had his head left. 'Nosy' also has to be done from beginning to end. If he has any shortcomings, it's my responsibility!"

Brooke: "I see. Even though he is a samurai, if he doesn't have the upper body to use a sword, he can only run away when he encounters an enemy. So, do we want to help them to the end?"

"Okay! Hey, everyone, we need to go out for a while, okay?" Sanji (Nami) said to everyone.

He was going to go find the mutilated samurai with Brooke.

The two of them turned around to look for it.

Brooke: "By the way, let me take a look."

Sanji (Nami): "Okay, by the way, let's find a camera."

When Nami (Franky) heard this, she got angry: "You guys stop right there!!!"

Because she was worried about them, Nami (Franky) asked Zoro to go with them.

Reluctantly, Zoro also ran with them, yelling at Sanji (Nami) as he ran: "Just because of the good things you did, I had to go with you to find that strange samurai, you bastard kappa!"

Of course Sanji (Nami) wouldn't let him: "I don't want you to come yet! Such a good opportunity has to be with you, a stupid green algae ball!!"

In this way, Nami (Franky)'s "plot" will succeed. As long as the two of them are together, they will immediately enter quarrel mode.

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