Pirates: Bleach Vice-Captain

Chapter 552 The Island on the Elephant’s Back

A week later, on Bartolomeo's ship.

The fog was so thick that I couldn't see ahead.

On the ship, Bartolomeo and his crew were all vomiting.

Chen Qi couldn't help complaining: "Are you too seasick? Are you still considered a pirate?"

One of the crew members said: "Chew, chew, chewing gum will be better."

A crew member who was not too seasick said: "Boss, I seem to see something in the one o'clock direction."

Bartolomeo was already exhausted from vomiting: "What did you see? What is it?"

Crew: "In the thick fog, I don't know if it's a mountain or a monster."

Bartolomeo: "How is that possible? There are tons of monsters that have been misunderstood?!"

The crewman kept observing with telescopes: "But it seemed to be moving slowly just now."

Bartolomeo: "Are you confused because of seasickness?"

Upon hearing this, Luffy became excited: "It's a moving mountain! Let's go and see it!"

Usopp went up and grabbed Luffy's mouth directly: "You idiot! We should escape from this 'fog maze' now! If we hit a reef, we will be on a sailboat!"

At this time, Trafalgar Law suddenly said: "Wait a minute! God!"

This sudden title made Usopp scratch his head in embarrassment: "Calling me God is too polite. People will be shy. The bounty is 200 million, haha——"

Then, Luo's words made Usopp's mood suddenly hit rock bottom: "You should have read your bounty order carefully if you are a general, right?"

"Eh?!" Usopp shuddered when he heard this.

Then, Luo turned to Luffy and said, "Look, the direction of the life card is pointing over there, which means your partner is over there."

Luffy looked at the life card in Luo's hand: "Oh, it's true!"

Chen Qi said: "I heard that some islands use thick fog and reverse flow to prevent outsiders from entering."

Frankie said: "The wind is also against the wind, furl the sails and move forward at full speed!"

Crew: "Roger that!"

Robin said to Usopp: "Usopp, your face looks very bad! Do you want to eat gum?"

Usopp's face was indeed pale: "Reality always gives me a loud slap in the face——"

Obviously, he was frightened by Luo's words just now.

Following the direction pointed by the life card, the ship broke through the fog, and the scene that came into view shocked everyone.

Luffy looked up at the huge island in front of him: "Is this [Zou]?"

Bartolomeo: "Isn't it right? This place is too strange!"

Usopp looked panicked: "This, this is definitely a problem, let's turn around and run away!"

Chen Qi's face was quite calm: "Hey, let me tell you, isn't this just an elephant?"

Robin told everyone: "Yes, [Zou] is the name attached to the elephant's back."

Usopp was even more surprised: "Hey, hey? Is this alive?"

Robin continued to explain: "It will always keep moving and only exist in a certain area of ​​the magical island."

Luo said: "Because it's not land, you can't find it with the [record pointer]. This is my first time here. Now its back is facing us, which means the Blackfoot masters have probably gone up."

Robin: "We've been chasing this elephant."

Luo said to Bartolomeo and the others: "That's right, let's prepare to land. Can you share the food with us?"

Bartolomeo: "Why should I share it with you?"

Luo: "Can we give it to Straw Hat and Demon Sword Master?"

Bartolomeo: "They can take them all."

Two completely different attitudes.

The ship sailed under [Zou] and they saw [Sunny].


Bartolomeo and his crew let out a series of exclamations.

Zoro complained: "You guys are so noisy!!"

Bartolomeo's excited tears were about to fall down again: "This is the 'great ship' that carries the Straw Hats! Senior Sonny! Please accept your respects, young ones!"

With that said, Bartolomeo and the others actually knelt down and worshiped Sonny.

Usopp's head grew bigger and he complained: "Stop worshiping!"

Robin smiled: "Great, everyone is ready to rush to [Zou]."

Franky also said relaxedly: "It seems that they escaped from Big Mom's hands skillfully, and the ship was not damaged."

Chenqi, Luffy and others boarded the Sonny.

Kanjuro and Kinemon were the only two people left on the Sunny.

Chen Qi said to Kinemon: "Have they all gone up?"


Usopp crossed his arms in front of his chest: "Okay, everyone, please be careful and go there for me!"

Chen Qi slapped him on the forehead: "You come with me too, Hun Dan!"

Bartolomeo also wanted to go on his own adventure. He said to Chenqi, Luffy and others on his ship: "Seniors, do you need anything else? Although I also want to go with you to meet the Straw Hats. We have an all-star lineup, but we don’t want to cause any trouble to the seniors. Our happiness index has already exploded, and we’ll wait until the day we meet again!”

"All our crew members will definitely improve their strength in an all-round way and live up to the great name of Straw Hat. If you can be of any help to the great gods, please leave your signatures and grant us the supreme honor. Glory!"

Bartolomeo's words moved, shocked, and made people cry, but Chen Qi and the others didn't seem to hear them.

It was completely ignored.

But even so, Bartolomeo and the others felt very happy.

Chen Qi and others' attention was focused on a piece of graffiti on the deck of the Sonny.

Drawn by Kanjuro.

Luffy: "Huh? Is this an earthworm?"

Franky: "Looks like a snake to me."

Chen Qi: "Don't they have legs? They should be lizards."

"Show up!"

Kanjuro activated his ability, and the snake-like, worm-like and lizard-like thing instantly came to life.

Kanjuro shouted, "Shoryū!"

Franky: "Hey? Is this a dragon?"

Usopp complained: "Wow! A disgusting creature came out!"

Robin thought this 'dragon' was very cute.

I saw this 'dragon' slowly climbing up [Zouwu], but its tail was on the railing of [Sunny].

Chen Qi had five black lines on his forehead: "It turns out he can't fly."

"Hahahaha! It's so fun! So guys, let's go!"

Luffy laughed, climbed on the creature's back, and said to Bartolomeo: "Goodbye, Lomi-nan (O), thank you for sending us here!"

Chen Qi also waved to them: "Goodbye, Bartolomeo, you must become stronger!"

Upon hearing this, Bartolomeo cried directly: "Huh? The two seniors called me by my name?!"

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