Are these people... the pirates of the sea? They look so ugly.

Maya glanced back and forth between Lanxius and the Golden Tooth Pirate, and felt that if she had to be caught by one person, she would rather choose Lanxius. These... Pirates are really ugly and scary.

After he stopped absorbing the moonlight, Lanxius stood up holding the Seven Star Sword, and said with a smile: "Bacara, you are right, whether the Seven Star Sword is strong or not, and how powerful it is, you have to try it yourself to know. It's a good time for the pirates to come, just to be the test stone for the Seven Star Sword."

Lifting the seven-star sword exuding green monster power, Lanxius sneered and said, "Let me see the power of the seven-star sword."

"Hahahaha, brat, the sword in your hand looks good, give it to me, I'll be merciful and I can leave your whole body"

The head of the golden-toothed pirate laughed arrogantly, completely unaware that the prey in his eyes was... a Kunpeng that could easily swallow them all.

Lifting the Seven Star Sword, the Yin-Yang power in Lanxius' body circulates, and the Yin-Yang Slash's power clings to it.

"Seven Star Sword Yin Yang Slash"

Aiming at the head of this stupid pirate, he slashed with all his strength, and a golden-blue crescent zhangang entwined with green demon fire flew out instantly.

This Zhangang is very huge, almost hundreds of meters long, and after it was cut, a large amount of demon fire continued to form a series of crescent fire blades behind the Zhangang, drowning the pirates in front of it in an instant.

"chi chi bang bang rumble"

The shining slash that illuminated the night was struck from the top of the mountain, and finally flew out of the mountain and landed on the sea outside the sea. The green demon fire burns on the sea for a long time.

Lanxius was startled by the terrifying power, and Bacala and Maya were also stunned:.

Is this kind of power also a slash? It's so strong that it makes people a little scary. If the angle of Lanxius's slash is a little bit wrong, I'm afraid this mountain will disappear.

"My slashing power has actually increased so many times, the Seven Star Sword really lives up to its reputation"

Lan Xius took a deep breath and looked at the surviving pirates in front of him. These people were scared out of their wits.

God, what the hell was that just now.

They actually have the guts to rob this monster, it's simply too courting.

"Help, ah, run away!"

"It's the devil, it's not human power at all"

Looking at the front with cold eyes, Lanxius placed the Seven Star Sword on the ground naturally, just like the move that Saka used in the original theater version.

Aiming at the pirates who were trying to escape down the mountain, Lanxius rubbed the Seven Star Sword forward and waved it.

"Demon Fire Slash"

The moment the Seven Star Sword rubbed against the ground, boundless demonic power erupted, forming a huge demonic fire dragon, biting those... pirates like a roar.

It is many times more powerful than the demon fire slash used by Saka in the original theatrical version. The dragon of demon fire rushed directly from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. The terrifying demon flames raged on the island in the night, and those... ...the pirates, all of them were reduced to ashes under the burning of the flames, fulfilling their role as the sword-testing stone...the most complete chapter

Chapter 219 The Seven Star Sword's Guess, Maya's Decision

The terrifying power is daunting, and it is hard to tell whether it is the power of the Seven Star Sword or the power of Lanxius himself.

Maybe both.

In the original book, the power of the Seven Star Sword in the hands of Saka is far from that great, but now it is extraordinary in the hands of Lanxius.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the still unextinguished green demon fire on the sea outside the distant island, the astonishing power of slashing made Lanxius suddenly have a feeling that holding the seven-star sword could defeat the admiral of the navy, this feeling It was so powerful that it fascinated him a little.

At this moment, the green demonic power surged out from the sword, wrapping around Lanxius' arm in an instant.

"This feeling, bad!"

A golden and blue light flashed in his eyes, Lan Xius immediately.

Mobilize the Yin and Yang forces in the body.

This... Seven Star Sword is indeed fierce and evil. It was well suppressed by him before, but now after he used its power to show its power, it turned back so violently.

The strong demonic power is far more than that in the Aska Island stone room before. If the demonic power at that time was expressed as ten, then now it is...fifty, and it is still in the process of upgrading.

"Damn it, why did the monster power on the sword suddenly backfire so violently? Could it be because I used its power just now? The more powerful the power is released, the more monster power will be backlashed."

Lan Xius guessed in surprise, if that's the case, then there will be a little trouble now.

Bacala and Maya looked at the sudden explosion of the Seven Star Sword, and they were all startled.

"What's going on, this situation is that the Seven Star Sword is controlling Lanxius"

Maya held the three precious jades and judged: "It's the powerful power he showed just now. The Seven Star Sword cannot affect him with its own monster power, but as he actively uses the power of the Seven Star Sword, the monster power released from the sword will also increase. , Those two attacks just now were so terrifying, Seven Star Sword found an opportunity to take advantage of."

Baccarat listened inexplicably.

After all, this is a wicked sword, why does it sound like it still has its own consciousness.

And the more you use it, the more accidents will happen. How can you play with it? "Don't say these are useless, what should we do now, aren't you a witch, can you suppress the demonic power of the Seven Star Sword?"

Maya bit her lip, nodded and said, "I don't know if it works, I'll give it a try."

Maya cautiously approached Lanxius, half-kneeled five meters away from Lanxius, put the three precious jades on the ground, and performed the special prayer movements for a witch.

This is Maya's first time facing the terrifying Seven Star Sword.

Since she was born, there hasn't been a single outbreak of the Seven Star Sword, and this is her first practice as a witch.

"The legendary witch girl, please help me and give me the power to suppress the Seven Star Sword"

As Maya prayed in her heart, a mental wave that ordinary people cannot perceive was released from her body, and the three precious jades immediately emitted light and floated above Lan Xiusi's head automatically.

Bacala looked surprised.

Floating in the air, this little witch is really capable.

Trying to control Lanxius, the demon power is constantly increasing, and the Seven Star Sword, which has the upper hand, is suddenly weakened. Under Baoyu's suppression, Lanxius is like a tiger whose teeth and claws have been pulled out. A burst of power overwhelmed it.

An unwilling howl came from the Seven Star Sword, quickly dissipated, and finally disappeared completely, and was held by Lanxius powerlessly.

"Huhu's face was covered with sweat, Lanxius raised his head with a wry smile and looked at the three precious jades emitting soft light.

Almost, it’s really dangerous, if there are no these three gems... Lanxius turned his head to look at Maya, and smiled lightly: "Maya little witch, you did a good job, thank you for your help just now."


Ma blushed and bowed her head, not sure if it was because she was too tired just now or because of other reasons.

The three precious jades automatically fell from midair without Maya's drive.

Bacala ran over, kept caring about Lanxius, and then looked at the Seven Star Sword with disgust.

"Lanceus, this sword has too many side effects, I think it's better not to use it, you might as well hand it over to the Bounty Hunters Guild"

A sword with such a huge side effect, even if it can increase its strength, it is not worth it in Bacala's opinion.

Lan Xius was silent, and to be honest, he also had such thoughts in his heart.

It is true that the power of the Seven Stars Sword fascinates him. It is so strong that there is nothing to say. Under his driving, it can increase his cutting power by more than ten times. How powerful is the strong slash, but with regard to the yin-yang slash he released with the Seven Star Sword just now, Lanxius is confident that it will not be weaker than the knife that Hawkeye slashed at Whitebeard in the top battle of the original book. The power of the demon fire that breathed out may be stronger than Hawkeye's knife.

It's a pity that the more power you use, the greater the power of the Seven Star Sword to control the sword master. The demon power backlashed back so violently. If it wasn't suppressed by the power of Maya's precious jade, Lanxius might be in a terrible situation. Can he get rid of the control? It's hard to say.

"That... that... I have something to say"

Maya's timid voice came.

Lanxius looked at Maya, who had helped him just now, which made him quite fond of it, and smiled lightly: "Little witch, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Lanxius originally didn't intend to let Maya go, but after the moment just now, he secretly decided that if Maya begged him to let her go home, then he would just give up the Seven Star Sword, a demon sword that cannot be controlled , it doesn't make sense to take it.

Maya swallowed nervously, looked at Lan Xiusi, as if she had made a certain decision.

"You can use that beautiful moonlight to cleanse the hostility of the Seven Star Sword. I am a priestess in the family, and I can help you suppress the strong backlash of the Seven Star Sword. If you need it, I can follow you until you kill the Seven Star Sword. All the suffocation has been washed away and purified..."


Lanxius and Bacala stared blankly at Maya.

What the little witch said meant that she didn't resent them for abducting her, but was destined to help Lanxius, such a good thing... Bacala glanced at Lanxius with her beautiful eyes. , with a hint of questioning in his eyes, as if to say: "Hey, what did you do to make this little girl follow you so desperately all of a sudden?"

I didn't do anything... Lanxius himself was baffled, and said amusedly: "That...Maya, you mean that you are willing to follow me, and you don't want to go back to your hometown of Aska Island?"

Maya bit her lips tightly, and said with a sense of mission on her small face: "I am a priestess of the clan, and my natural mission is... to prevent the revival of the Seven Star Sword from endangering the world, but the witch can only suppress it, and cannot eliminate the Seven Stars like you The hostility of the sword, if you can wash the Seven Star Sword with the moonlight every day, I think that one day the Seven Star Sword will not be a demon sword. In that case, it may be what a witch should do, so I am willing to follow you , because I am a witch"

This girl is really... Lanxius couldn't help but look at this poor little girl from the beginning.

Looking at the Seven-Star Sword in his hand, Lanxius tried to ask: "Maya, you said that if I wash the Seven-Star Sword with the moonlight, sooner or later it will turn into a demon sword. This means that the Seven-Star Sword will change one day Are there any side effects?"

Maya's small face was full of hesitation: "I'm not very clear, I only know that the Seven Star Sword was handed down thousands of years ago, and it has accumulated a lot of resentment and hostility, which has not disappeared for thousands of years..."

"So you think that these...... hostility is not infinite, it's like a huge container filled with water, use a small spoon to pour water day after day, although not much each time , but sooner or later it will all be finished.”

Lanxius answered with bright eyes.

Thinking of the chemical reaction of the Seven Star Sword under the moonlight under his pull, this possibility is really not small.

In the original book, the Seven Star Sword and Saka became one, but it was hit by Sauron, and dissipated in the air, which proves that the power of the Seven Star Sword is not infinite.

If the side effects of the Seven Stars Sword can be resolved, turning it from a cursed sword into a real holy sword, then this sword will have a great effect on Lanxius.

"Okay, I've decided, this sword should not be handed over to the Bounty Hunter Guild"

Lanxius laughed, and Bacala rolled his eyes.

What the hell is this? I snatched a sword and gave it a little beauty as a gift... Dear book friends, book friends with conditions, please support and vote for some flowers monthly tickets, thank you

Chapter 220 The departure of Bacala, the horrified island ship

It has been two days since Lanxius obtained the legendary sword Seven Star Sword.

Bounty Hight, in the lobby of a luxury hotel.

"Maya, don't look any more, come here quickly"

"Oh, I see Brother Lanxius"

Hearing Lan Xiusi's voice, Maya reluctantly left the fish tank wall in front of her.

For...she who has never left Aska Island, the big city above Bonte Heights is too attractive, not to mention anything else, just the fish tanks used for decoration in the lobby of this luxury hotel The walls are not what Maya likes. Yesterday Lanxius and Bacala took her for a stroll around Bounty Heights and bought her some clothes. The simple ethnic clothes before have been temporarily taken by Maya replaced.

Sitting on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, Lanxius drank the free wine, and the Seven Star Sword was beside him, but it was in its sheath.

It's strange to say that the Seven Star Sword obviously has very powerful demonic power, but as long as it is covered by the scabbard, nothing will happen, but as soon as it is pulled out, that amazing demonic power will appear.

The entire Bundy Heights, except for Lanxius and the others, do not know that the legendary holy sword, the Seven Star Sword, exists in Bunti Heights now. If the news leaks out , there will definitely be another storm.

Fumbling with his palm on the specially-made scabbard of the Seven Star Sword, Lanxius looked at the time and said dissatisfiedly: "Really, why hasn't Bacala come down? Didn't I agree yesterday to go to the East China Sea?"

With the power of yin and yang in his eyes, Lanxius impatiently opened his perspective eyes and looked at Bacala's room, only to find that there was no one in it. Then he scanned the entire hotel, but he couldn't find Bacala either.

"Won't go shopping again"

Lancius said helplessly.

Maya obediently sat on the side drinking juice.

She has now decided to follow Lanxius and fulfill her duties as a witch, so she will go wherever Lanxius goes.

"Brother Lanxius, sister Bacala may have overslept. Speaking of which, the bed here is so comfortable. Maya didn't want to wake up this morning. Also, this thing called a sofa... ..”

Compared with the timidity and fear at the beginning, Maya is much more lively now, unknowingly talking about the... novel things she has seen since she came to Bounty Head.

Lanxius smiled and looked at this innocent girl, who was only two years younger than him, but because he had never been out of the island, a lot of knowledge was limited, but he also retained a pure girl's heart.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

This simple girl, I still have to pay attention to it in the future.

Lanxius secretly decided not to let this witch who serves himself and helps suppress the Seven Star Sword be tempted by too much money and extravagance, lest she become the money-hungry appearance of Nami in the original book.

Just as Maya was talking excitedly, a waiter came over with a letter.

"Mr. Lancius, here is a letter for you"

"My letter"

Lanxius was taken aback for a moment, and Bacala's appearance suddenly came to mind.

"No way......"

Lanxius took it speechlessly, opened it and took a look.

Sure enough, this is the letter Bacala wrote to herself.

"Dear Darling, I'm so sorry, I won't go to the East China Sea with you for the time being, let's say goodbye at Bonte Head."

"During the time I was with you, I have seen a lot of interesting things, but you are also a stingy man. You didn't give me a batch of empty island shells back then. Hmph, I'm so angry."

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