Pirate’s Brood Order

Chapter 194 Where do you want to be eaten from?

Yarlin's "eat you" is definitely not a simple threat.

The sound coming from all directions is like a gust of cold wind surrounding Bucky. The eyes of the clown's face smeared with dye are bulging and widening. He is staring at the direction of the sound, but he can't see it at all. The figure of Arlin.

"Too fast, where are you?"

Bucky's eyes were frowned, and his beady eyeballs were frantically turning, but he could only vaguely capture a black afterimage, like a strange black mist swimming in mid-air, and sudden cracks on the ground. Open a glaring crack.

The footsteps sounded like they were directly stepping on his heartbeat, Bucky suddenly turned his neck, and before the black wind swept over, his body jumped up in the air like a frog.

The air exploded, and the broken stones on the ground where Bucky was standing just now stirred up. His terrifying palm pressed against the air, and the aroused air pressure smashed the stones on the ground. Sour "Zi La" sound.

Finger-thick veins appeared on Bucky's forehead. He swallowed in horror, flung his hands aside, and stabbed at the black mist with the dagger in his palms.

Yarlin appeared in the center of the black mist. He shook one hand, and the black condensed into a bunch of whips and slapped it. The black silk has the characteristics of a slippery fruit, and the most feared thing is the attack of a sharp blade. I saw the black whip whipped on the dagger Unharmed, it split into thin whips as long as fingers, wrapping around Bucky's fingers eerily.

Bucky's face changed, he felt like his fingers were pinched by clamps, the skin of his knuckles was bleeding, and his bones seemed to be broken, so he quickly manipulated his hands to fly back towards him.

The black thread snapped inch by inch, and seeing that his hands were about to break free, Yaerlin sneered, and thrust his right hand at one of the palms brazenly, his fingers forming a tiger's mouth, and the taut fingertips were like the sharp teeth of a tiger Bite hard into the palm of your hand.


Bucky screamed, the other palm immediately broke the black line and bounced back to the wrist to close it, but the other palm was pierced with three scarlet blood holes, and Yarlin's five fingers grabbed the flesh like hooks. Indistinctly severed hand, countless black threads gushed out from his blood-stained fingertips, spread along the blood hole and poured into the flesh. It looked like gushing ink soaked into the palm, polluting the blood vessels and flesh inside. into black.

"What did you do to my hand?" Bucky looked at the palm that was dyed black, he felt as if he was losing control and perception of the palm, as if the palm really seemed to be completely separated from the body. same as existence.

Ever since he acquired the ability to disintegrate, any part of his body can be separated from his body at will and be controlled and manipulated by himself. This is the first time that this kind of situation can no longer be sensed after being released. Bucky is very panicked now, and he subconsciously Looking at his wrist, the originally smooth incision was bright red, giving people the feeling that the wrist was really cut off with a sharp knife, bleeding out.

"Of course I ate your hand!" Yarlin touched the black silk with five fingers, and Bucky felt a chill all over his body. He heard the sound of insects biting the fresh meat, and his black hand changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was so shriveled, and in just two breaths, the palm was completely swallowed, leaving only a mass of black tentacles wriggling "hissing" in the air.

The white background of Bucky's face became paler, his red nose trembled, and he howled angrily: "Damn it, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

"Then you have to speed up your movements, otherwise..." Yarlin showed a terrifying and gloomy killing intent, reminding him word by word through the gap between his teeth: "I will eat the rest of you too. clean!"

Staring at Bucky's hysterical howls, Yarlin felt a burst of satisfaction. He has always been a very vindictive person, especially for those who made him almost face death, the revenge would be particularly brutal, otherwise , couldn't release the anger in Yarlin's heart at all.

Bucky's shot almost capsized the Yarlin gutter. If he hadn't moved quickly and avoided the center of the explosion at the last moment, he would have accumulated enough points to quickly increase the hardness and strength of the bones. The activity of muscle growth, he is probably a charred corpse buried alive in the ground right now.

There is a great horror between life and death. Yarlin experienced it once. It was a despair that strangers could never understand. Yarlin never wanted to think about it, but just now... Yarlin still has a kind of heart palpitation after the catastrophe Sensation, he bared his teeth fiercely, looking at Bucky with the cruelest cruelty in his eyes, he wanted Bucky to experience real despair.

“Fell apart pancakes!”

Bucky swayed and twisted his lower body quickly, and his entire lower body was shot out, like a high-speed spinning sawtooth shooting towards Yarlin.

"Useless acrobatics, is this the development of your own abilities? If it's only this level, you can't kill me!"

The black mist flickered on the spot, and Yarlin's figure disappeared from Bucky's vision. He suddenly appeared behind Bucky, his cheek almost sticking to the side of Bucky's face, "Where do you want the next part to start?" Be eaten by me?"

Their gazes met abruptly, Bucky's heart palpitated, and Yarlin's eyes were vicious.

Bucky's scalp was numb, and he bared his teeth and bit Yarlin. At the same time, the lower body that flew out also spun an arc strangely in mid-air, and flew towards him at a faster speed.

"Why don't you just choose this arm!"

The cold five-fingered wind cut towards Bucky's other intact arm like a knife. Bucky's eyes also showed fierce resentment. Lin's waist was hugged away.

Yarlin squinted his eyes, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, a bloody groove was cut on Bucky's arm by his fingertips, and the white bones of Nelly could almost be seen. Bucky clenched his teeth and wrapped around Yarlin's waist , Then, the chest suddenly split into several pieces that looked like toppled building blocks and fell to the ground.

The "pancake" spinning behind flew towards Yarlin's chest through the hollow chest.

"It seems that you haven't learned to have a long memory!"

Yarlin lowered his head to meet Bucky's horrified eyes, put his hands together and spun forward, and immediately countless black threads spewed and spun like a black lotus that suddenly bloomed.

The "pancake" stuck to the trembling petals and gradually stopped rotating, and the impact brought by its collision was no more than a tickle for Yarlin. Countless black threads gathered and disappeared, and Yarlin's hands were like steel. Clamps lock Bucky's feet.

Thanks to the book friend 20180109104218131 for the reward of 500 points, and thanks to Xiaozhou who travels through the sea of ​​books for the reward of 100 points.

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