Pirate’s Brood Order

Chapter 311 The Age Breeds Ambition

"According to the information we collected from our investigation, Longshi Trading Company is indeed a trading company in the East China Sea, and it seems to be conducting some kind of covert transoceanic transportation transaction with Baroque Studio. Afterwards, Baroque Studio suddenly killed Longshi Trading Company. Maybe it was out of the consideration of silence, but unfortunately, the people from the Longshi Trading Company escaped, and the senior spies sent by the Baroque studio to hunt down lost contact in the East China Sea, and I am afraid they were counter-killed."

"The exposure of His Royal Highness Weiwei's identity this time caused the Baroque Studio to hunt down and kill them. During the hunt, they happened to encounter people from the Longshi Trading Company. I guess the Longshi Trading Company sent them here to retaliate against the Baroque Studio. This should be a coincidence." Bell said the answer that had been postponed dozens of times in his heart: "There is a probability of more than 80% that Her Highness Weiwei was hijacked and controlled by people from Longshi Trading Company. Gu Shengsheng told Longshi Trading Company about his true identity, and Longshi Trading Company temporarily cut off His Royal Highness Wei Wei's contact with the outside world due to some unknown factors and intentions."

This kind of conjecture and explanation is indeed the most likely to be close to the truth, but concern is chaotic. Cobra can't calm himself down and think rationally. Every cell in his body is suffering from fear. In the final analysis They know too little about Longshi Trading Company.

It's like a force that came out of nowhere and rushed into the heartland of Alabasta, but he knew almost nothing about the purpose of Longshi Trading Company.

"Is it as simple as just taking revenge on the Baroque studio?" Cobra paced back and forth, his lips biting the skin were red like frozen blood scabs, "What's happening in the Baroque studio recently? And that sand crocodile? "

"Baroque Studio has had a rough time recently. First, a Longshi Trading Company with no clear bottom line, and then the new naval captain stationed in the Alabasta branch pulled out several hidden strongholds of Baroque Studio, and the cunning The sand crocodile seems to be surprisingly quiet recently." Bell thought for a while and added: "Under the instruction of Prime Minister Michigan Bee, the entire military has moved into action, deploying heavy troops to draw a blockade red line along Sakana, and the entire Ala Busta's eyes are focused on the past."

"Once the one-month time limit is up, the area outside the red line will be regarded as a rebel zone. At that time, the military region will launch a military operation to suppress and eliminate the rebels. Prime Minister Michigan announced that he will complete the rebellion against the entire Alabasta within half a year. The purge will bring the chaotic Alabasta back to a stable and peaceful order."

Cobra's expression was a little gloomy. The situation was so turbulent that the royal family of Naferutali had completely lost control of the country. Except for the need to protect the first military region of the capital Albana and a limited number of individual courtiers, his decrees could no longer move forward. One step out of Alba.

"In retrospect, Michigan may have said something right. If I had used iron and blood to suppress the rumors of dancing fans from the very beginning, then everything would not have fallen into the abyss it is today. It is my kindness and cowardice. This country." Cobra rubbed his face, the nasolabial folds on his face looked very old, he hissed at Bell: "My only hope now is that Vivi can be safe, she shouldn't accompany me, a sinner, to bear this burden. everything."

Bell whispered, and finally sighed: "Longshi Trading Company is a trading company in Donghai, and the newly transferred naval captain stationed in Alabasta is also from Donghai. He may know something about Longshi Trading Company, I will think If there is a way to get in touch with him, Majesty Cobra, don't worry, I, Bell, will definitely bring Her Highness Weiwei back safely."

"Icarem has been sacrificed, and the only people I trust the most are you and Jaca. I hope Vivi can come back safely, and I don't want anything to happen to you two." Cobra grabbed The back of Bell's hand urged.

"Your Majesty Cobra, Alabasta's current turmoil is not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself too much. You are the most benevolent and kind-hearted king I have ever seen. You cannot blame those cunning wolves and poisonous snakes. You can only be blamed for the fact that this chaotic and bloody era has bred too many careerists and schemers." Bell said heavily, and then stretched out his arms, half of his body slid close to the ground and flew away.

"Don't blame me for all of this?" Naferutali Cobra walked out of the palace gate and looked at the wind and sand, and the entire cloud seemed to be dyed thick and breathless.

A giant black wolf was galloping on the top of the palace wall, and the giant eagle in the sky folded its wings and landed, "I have to go out and find His Royal Highness Weiwei. During my absence, you must protect Cobb closely. Your Majesty, this country is completely out of control, and I am worried that someone will harm His Majesty."

The giant black wolf changed into a human form, and Jiaka nodded heavily at Bell with the thick knife handle in his hand, "Don't worry, no one will be able to hurt His Majesty Cobra unless you walk over my corpse. A hair."

Seven days later.

In a desert manor in Sakanade, the surrounding area was blocked and guarded by elite soldiers, and some officers who came and went entered the banquet hall.

This is a very spacious banquet hall. The entire first floor of the manor is covered with crimson velvet blankets, and the golden chandelier is devastated and bright. Officers in uniform walk around the banquet hall.

There is a row of oval sofas near the center of the banquet hall. There are about 20 people sitting here, all of whom are senior generals of the military region or invited important ministers of the Kingdom of Alabasta. Some of these people are sitting upright. On the sofa, some leaned sideways and yawned, while others lowered their heads to drink.

Michiganby was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, and the chief of staff was standing behind Michiganby, looking at a corner of the banquet hall from the corner of his eye. Bell, dressed in a long off-white dress, was standing in the corner with a wine glass Instead of approaching, he just looked in the direction of the door with his sharp eagle-like eyes from time to time.

"He's waiting for someone! Hasn't the royal family of Naferutali completely given up yet?" The chief of staff licked his lips, lowered his head and whispered in Michigan's ear.

Michigan opened his eyes slightly and glanced over, then moved to the doorway, then opened his eyes suddenly, stood up and faced the outside.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, Zangao stood behind Yarlin and unbuttoned the white cloak behind him and hung it on his arms. Yarlin lightly adjusted the button of his collar and walked into the banquet hall with a smile on his face. ...

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