Pirate’s Brood Order

Chapter 473 Escape

The messy air flow swayed, and the clouds rolled into the shape of a skull, covering the entire sky island. Two black eyeballs overlooked the earth, and they laughed wildly with their arms raised.

The skull behind roared down, setting off a turbulent airflow, and thunderous roar in mid-air, like the roar of the skull devouring everything, and the shadow of a bat in the eye hole on the left flashed away.

on the ground.

The surviving soldiers of the gods swarmed up with wine cups without any resistance, and the monsters were torn to pieces. The priests under Enilo looked up at the sky, and the long knife sprayed out by Yunbei snaked a bloody trail from the monsters. The next moment , was rubbed by the skull, and his whole body trembled, as if his bones had been smashed to pieces, and he shot people backwards.

Blood was spurting out of the nose, his head was hypoxic and his eyes were dazed. While he was still in the air, a bloody red tongue pierced his shoulder and rolled over, like a mosquito caught by a frog.

A pirate jumped up next to him, his scaled hands were like two thorns, piercing his chest like a dragon in an instant, blasting two bloody holes.

The tongue was released immediately and the priest's body rolled twice on the ground before being trampled into a pulp by Wang Yang of the monster.

far away.

The blue-white flame sprayed, and the Sandians stepped on the skateboard of the jet stream, gathered together with difficulty, and cooperated with Weber, who was manipulating the burning shell, to resist hard.

Surrounded by strange charred corpses, not only did not scare off the monsters, but it seemed to arouse their ferocity even more, with terrifying howls from their mouths, and wave after wave charged up.

The holy land was soaked in blood, and the Sandiyas hadn't succeeded in snatching back their ancient homeland from Enilo, but the black shadow of the skeleton covered the sky first.

Deep and desperate emotions fermented in the shadows, and even a ray of dawn could not shine in the sky.

"Won't the Shandians never regain their old holy land home?"

Wei Bo looked at the Sandians who were torn apart by the monsters. They were all the strongest fighters, but in front of the endless monsters, they were like weak dolls, easily torn to pieces.

In the distance, there was a fierce collision of thunder and lightning and sword light. The terrifying aftermath even made the invisible space tremble. The center of the collision was a vacuum zone, where even Wang Yang of monsters carefully avoided.

All those who were accidentally involved will turn into broken dross and sprinkle in the air in the next moment!

Weber bit his lip hard, and felt powerless despair for the first time in his heart. If it was only Enil, Weber would drag him to hell with him even if he risked his life, but... far more than just a monster, Holy Land Have fallen into a sea of ​​monsters.

There was a fierce cracking sound, countless rubber fists punched through the monster's position overwhelmingly, the straw hat gang appeared beside Weber, Luffy's whole body was flushed red, his whole body seemed to be overheated, and intense water vapor evaporated from his body. Anxiously shouted: "Go, hurry up!"

"Where are we going? This is the holy land of the Sandians. Am I going to just watch it being destroyed by monsters?" Wei Bo's eyes widened in anger, his teeth being bitten.

"Stay here, and all the Shandians will die!" Luffy's face was as black as burning coals, and he bared his teeth and growled at Weber: "If a person dies, there is no hope at all, let's live first , maybe you still have a chance to take back the Holy Land!"

For some reason, Luffy didn't bluntly share his inner suspicions with Webber that these monsters may have come after them.

"I know where the lairs of these monsters are!" Luffy lowered his voice and hoarsely said: "They destroyed the holy land of the Sandians, and we will also destroy their lairs to avenge the dead companions!"

Wei Bo froze for a moment, then looked at Lu Fei, the flames of revenge flowed in the chest of the Sandian, his eyes were bloodshot, and he said fiercely: "How do you know?"

"Our companions died at the hands of these monsters!" Usopp interjected, and shouted anxiously: "Luffy, hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!"

The slingshot fired continuously, repelling the monsters that came one by one. Sauron swung his swords into a strong wind, and the corpses of monsters piled up under his feet, like a pile of small hills.

Sauron wields his dual knives ferociously, and from the corner of his eye he looks towards the center of the battlefield uncontrollably. Enilo and the masked swordsman are fighting fiercely, and the mass of skulls on top of their heads rolls over their heads from time to time. He stabbed out a cloud lock and attacked Enilo.

The more Zoro watched, the more Sauron felt that the masked swordsman's movement and swordsmanship gave him a feeling of déjà vu, and the palpitations and anxiety that haunted him became more and more intense.

The stroll-like footwork and the simple and pure swordsmanship are all very similar to a certain figure in his memory, but the outline of the body is not a person at all!

In mid-air, a winged Pegasus flew over, its sharp wings cut off the heads of several monsters, and the sky knight riding on it was wearing a tight armor with blood stains on it, and the spear in his hand was pointing down like lightning He leaned over and pierced the monsters one by one.


Luffy shouted suddenly, stretched out one hand like a spring, grabbed the spear, and jumped up, while the other hand stretched exaggeratedly into a rubber band, wrapped around everyone's body, and lifted everyone up .

Pegasus let out a strenuous neigh, flapped its wings violently and dragged a group of people off the ground, then rushed out. After flying out of the monster's encirclement, Lu Fei let go, and a group of people quickly ran down along the vines of the giant tree like desperately. .

Behind him, the surging monsters were attracted, and they chased down along the giant tree vines. Looking up from below, the top of the entire giant tree seemed to be smudged with black ink, and it appeared in a panic-stricken way. The speed spreads down.

"Is something down there?"

"what is that?"

"It seems to be Sandia, and... my God, what are those monsters, they are going to rush down..."

Panic and confusion spread in the sky island, and soon, there were terrifying howls one after another, and the smell of blood spread.

Luffy and the others looked at it with eyes wide open, but they could do nothing. There were too many monster pirates. They could only walk across the island and quickly jumped onto the Golden Merry.

Usopp hoisted the mast, and Weber led the last 10 or so Shandians to attach the wind shell to the tail of the ship. The violent wind spurted out, and the strong impact pushed the ship forward. out, sliding over the smooth clouds.

Several monsters crawling close to the ground leaped extremely fast and grabbed the sides of the ship, but were cut off by Sauron with a knife, and blood sprayed all over him.

The ship shot out quickly and flew towards the edge of the cloud island, but the sky knight left the ship, turned on the pegasus and turned back towards the sky island...

Sauron shrank his pupils, looked at the sky knight who was flying back to the clouds, sighed, and then saw a terrifying thunderbolt falling straight down on the giant tree, and then a terrifying sword light followed, piercing through the thunderbolt , the raging thunder and lightning blasted the mask on his face...

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