Pirates: Build a high wall from the East China Sea

Chapter 17 A big customer is coming

Very soon.

The next day arrived.

The sea area where the Mok Pirates docked had gathered more and more pirate ships as time went by.

"The Boulder Pirates, no good~, their captain only has 500,000 Baileys, as for the other crew members, there is no bounty, even the pirate ship is the same, cheap, bought second-hand, if it is sold again, it should also be around 1 million Baileys."

"The Sea Fish Pirates, a little higher, 1 million Baileys, but the ship is worse, a rotten fishing boat, can only be sold as scrap, it should be around 300,000 Baileys."

"Why is there no big pirate? How many pirates do you need to gather to have a small target!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this pirate group actually has no bounty on anyone, are they here to join in the fun? Drive them away later, don't waste food."


Xia Che looked speechlessly at Nami who was holding a small notebook and constantly writing something, and glanced at Nami's small notebook.

Good guy, he basically recorded the bounties and pirate ship prices of all the pirate groups that came here. As for those without bounties... after recording the ships, he would show a look of disgust.


"How did you remember so many bounties?"

"Hehe, don't underestimate me." Hearing Xia Che's doubts, Nami raised her head proudly, "If you want to find a suitable big fat fish in the sea, eyesight is indispensable. This is what I have practiced for so many years, but unfortunately..."

After saying that, she sighed with regret and said with a pursed mouth.

"Before, I could only sneak up and steal their treasures, or swindle their ships away. If I could take them away with both the people and the ships like you did, I would have already achieved a small goal."

"You can't remember all the bounties of the pirates in the East China Sea, right?"

"Almost. I used to collect bounties of the pirates in the East China Sea, but since I became a sergeant, it has been much more convenient. Every morning, someone sends a new bounty." Nami nodded, said with emotion, and seemed to have discovered something, and hurriedly lowered her head, "Don't bother me, there's a big fish, the Alrita Pirates, Captain Alrita, bounty 5 million Baileys, oh, this ship was just replaced not long ago! Not bad, if you sell it, at least 6 million Baileys!"

As she said that, she kicked the little brother of the Mok Pirates next to her.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Hurry up and go to greet them. That's five million Baileys! You are now eligible to board the Mok Pirates ship. Go and pick them up from their captain."

After saying that.

"Yes!" The little brother of the Mok Pirates next to him was startled. He was a little excited when he heard the big sister Nami talking about millions and millions. He almost forgot his job today... welcoming guests.

He quickly wiped his saliva, tidied his clothes, held his head high, and walked to the side of the ship.

He was about to throw the rope mat that he had specially changed for today, but when he saw the size of the captain of the Alrita Pirates, his mouth twitched involuntarily.

He still bit the bullet and ran over with the rope, pulled the boat over, and called the two next door to help.

"Hello, Alrita. Only those who have been approved by our captain can board the ship to discuss the bloodbath of the 16th Navy Branch. You can come up alone or bring two brothers with you."

"Bring brothers? No need. I, Alrita, am enough." Alrita waved her hand disdainfully, and scolded her brothers and shouted, "You all wait here honestly. If anyone wants to escape, don't blame me for being rude."

"Yes, beautiful Miss Alrita."

After getting the answers from the brothers, Alrita turned around and jumped onto the Mok Pirate Ship.


The Mok Pirate Ship seemed to tilt slightly to one side, and the brothers of the Mok Pirates felt a pang in their hearts.

Fortunately, in the end...

Alrita still managed to board the ship successfully.

After the Mok Pirates' younger brother heaved a sigh of relief, he immediately made a gesture to invite them in, and shouted, "The great pirate with a bounty of 5 million Baileys, Lady Alrita, please come in."

"Dear guest, please come in!"

"There are peanuts, melon seeds, drinks, beer, canned oranges, and orange jam inside! Please enjoy, Lady Alrita."

This series of moves instantly made Alrita, who was carrying a mace, laugh out loud. She seemed very satisfied with the East China Sea Overlord Pirates for giving her such a face, and ordered Nodding, patting the shoulder of the Mok Pirates' brother, "Not bad, you are worthy of being the brother of the East Sea Overlord, your etiquette is really satisfactory, but I prefer you to call me Miss Alrita."

"It's my honor." The Mok Pirates' brother, who was patted so hard that it hurt, forced a smile on his face and politely made a gesture to invite him in, "Beautiful Miss Alrita, please come in!"

It was not until Miss Alrita walked in with a laugh that he took a breath and rubbed his shoulders.

But the waiter soon regained his composure and smiled elegantly.

Don't be angry, don't be angry, that's five million Baileys!


There are many more guests, don't be rude.

Looking at the next pirate flag with a skull cat head slowly approaching, his eyes lit up again, and he quickly tidied his appearance again and walked forward.


"Five million, five million, next is the Black Cat Pirates." Nami's eyes lit up again, looking at the pirate ship slowly approaching, "The captain of the Black Cat Pirates, that is a pirate worth 9 million berries, almost twice as much as the guy just now."

As he said, he sighed with regret, "The original captain, Baiji Kuro, is a great pirate worth 16 million berries, almost catching up with the guy Dragon, but I heard that he was killed by the navy some time ago, what a pity, that is 16 million berries!"

Then he looked at the Black Cat Pirates that had already docked, and became excited again.

"But it doesn't matter, the Black Cat Pirates' pirate ship is a good pirate ship, with a famous ship called Baiji Braku, worth at least 30 million berries, making a lot of money!"


Listening to Nami's words, Xia Che's eyelids on the side also raised.

Almost forgot about this guy.

He knew that Baiji Kro was not really dead, but faked his death and hid in Xiluo Village to rob other people's property.


Xia Che turned his head and looked at the docked Black Cat Pirate Ship. When he saw the man in a suit, glasses and a big back hair on the deck, his eyes narrowed instantly.

[I didn't expect that this guy would follow? ]

Silent Step, a kind of assassination technique that moves at high speed like a cat.

Learning the Six Styles of the Navy requires a certain threshold, and it is not that simple. Even within the Navy Headquarters, not all naval officers have learned it.

Therefore, although the Six Styles of the Navy is used as the training manual for the 16th Branch of the Navy, Xia Che understands... It is estimated that only a few people in the 16th Branch of the Navy can learn it, and even those who have learned it can only learn one or two styles.

So, maybe the silent step is also an option?

Maybe if Sha can't learn it, he can still learn the silent step? !

In some ways, the silent step is similar to Sha, both of which are a high-speed moving technique.

Thinking of this, Xia Che looked at the figure who had already boarded the ship and touched his chin, "It's decided."

At this time.

The current captain of the Black Cat Pirates, Zangao, and the former captain, Crow, have also boarded the ship. It seems that the Black Cat Pirates are deliberately concealing Crow's identity and did not say it directly.

But under the welcome of the Mok Pirates, the two still walked inside.


"Nellie Pirates, not bad, also 6 million Baileys."

"Sword Pirates, 13 million Baileys, not bad."

"Yage Pirates, 600,000 Baileys, ugh!"


As more and more pirate ships approached, Nami's little notebook was filled with notes.

I have to say that it was right to bring Nami along this time.

Before the net was closed, Nami had already estimated the benefits.

A big harvest!

Just as Nami nodded with satisfaction, she wrote down the bounty.

At this time.

The bright and spacious sea suddenly darkened, as if some huge monster was approaching slowly.

All the pirates looked over there.

"What is that?"

"Is there a sea king creature?"

"Impossible, there are no sea king creatures in this sea area. Could it be that they swam in accidentally?"

Just as everyone looked over there with curiosity and fear, even Nami raised her head and looked over there with the same confusion.


Everyone seemed to see something coming over here.

And there were a lot of them.

"That is... a pirate ship?! So many pirate ships~"

I don't know who saw it clearly and let out a huge exclamation.


At this moment.

Everyone saw it.

That was... a densely packed pirate ship.

"That is the fleet of the East Sea Admiral-Crick Pirates. There are so many pirate ships? Too strong!"

I don't know who exclaimed again.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the huge black panther-shaped sailing ship at the head.

In an instant, everyone looked at it in disbelief, with shock, excitement, desire and fear. Everyone's attention seemed to be attracted by the fleet that was slowly approaching.

Xia Che and Nami also looked up.

But it was different from the others...

Xia Che and Nami narrowed their eyes and raised their mouths slightly.

Their eyes seemed to emit the light of Bailey, reflecting Bailey's pattern, staring closely at the slowly approaching fleet of the Click Pirates.

The expressions and smiles of the two seemed to become exactly the same at this moment.

"Sergeant Nami~"

As Xia Che's meaningful words fell.

"Understood!" Although Xia Che did not give any orders, Sergeant Nami seemed to have understood it. She stood at attention and saluted, and said seriously, "Colonel Xia Che!"

Fifty pirate groups, and that three-story huge sailing ship...

How much is that worth!

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