Finally, Zeff still said seriously that he would try his best to satisfy the customers.

As for Sanji... he was still restricted by Zeff in the kitchen. According to Zeff's opinion, this embarrassing thing should not be allowed to come out and embarrass himself.


Sanji must be very dissatisfied with this!

Sanji, who has recovered a little, flicked the ash of his cigarette, looked at Zeff dissatisfied, and said, "Old man, I am also a chef, you can't restrict a chef from entertaining his guests!"

After speaking.

Before Zeff said anything.

"Are you treating me?" Paddy said mercilessly, "You are harassing me, so stay here! Don't embarrass our Barati Sea Restaurant!"

With sarcasm, "After this, we will tell you how beautiful the world's most beautiful woman is!"

"What are you talking about? How could I harass women?" Sanji rolled up his sleeves and glared at Paddy, "You are insulting my chivalry!"

"Is that chivalry? You are a pervert!"

"Do you want to fight?"

"Come on, circle-browed boy, it seems that before eating, I'd better knock you down first to avoid embarrassment!"


"Okay, be quiet!" Zeff looked at the scene in front of him expressionlessly, as if he was already familiar with this scene. After scolding the two, he said calmly, "Although Sanji is a little out of tune, he is not as you said, Paddy."

As someone who watched Sanji grow up, he still knows this child well. Although he is a little lustful, he is not offensive to women.

According to Sanji, he just wanted to protect those weak women.

Speaking of which, he was the one who taught Sanji the spirit of chivalry, but for some reason, this kid learned it in a crooked way!


"This time is different! Sanji, you should be honest!" Zhepu sighed and said meaningfully, "Do you still remember the rumor?"


Everyone was stunned when they heard Zhepu's words.

But after just a moment, Paddy had thought of something and frowned and said, "The old man is talking about the rumor of playing a female pirate? Didn't the party refute the rumor last time? They said it was all rumors!"

"It was indeed a rumor at the time, but who knows if it is true this time?" Zhepu also flicked the ash on his hand and looked at the people in front of him, "I have also heard of this empress. It is rumored that she is very arrogant and hates men very much, but this time she will accompany a man to dinner, so, think about it!"

Another melancholy sigh.

"Therefore, Sanji, you better behave yourself today!"

"Damn it, that guy already has Ms. Robin, Ms. Violet, Ms. Ian, Ms. Kuina, and Ms. Nami!" Hearing what Zeff said, Sanji gnashed his teeth with resentment and anger, "Now here comes the world's most beautiful woman, that guy is really not a good person!"

"You are jealous!"

"I am jealous... Bah, Paddy, what are you talking about?" Sanji stared at Paddy in anger, "I am a knight, how could I be jealous of a scumbag who plays with women?"

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"What do you mean?"

Just when the two of them started arguing again.

At this time.

A shout came from the door.

"Old man, it seems that the guests of Chief Xia Che are here!"


On the other side.

Xia Che, who didn't know that he was wronged again, also saw the Perfume Serpent of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Although he didn't know why the empress came again, Xia Che still expressed his welcome.

How could he not welcome her?

They sent three well-behaved and obedient coaches.

To be honest, they were so well-behaved that even Zefa was surprised. They didn't hide anything and almost taught the Lily Kingdom all its secrets.

They answered whatever was asked and said, "Lady Snake has told us not to hide anything!".

You can imagine.

It is estimated that Hancock had already helped him train the people before he set off.

It must be said that Xia Che was also a little surprised at that time.

Of course, based on the cooperative relationship, he did not treat them badly. Not only did he help them remove the mark, but he also sent several boxes of small blue pills when they left. I believe that the strength of the Lily Kingdom will also be greatly improved.


What are they here for?

Xia Che touched his chin, "Don't catch Mok again!"

You know, Mok blew up his armor some time ago, so he had to come back to change it.

So, even if he met him on the road and was caught again, he was not surprised!

At this time.

"Ka Ka~"

Hearing some movement, Xia Che also raised his head and looked at the Perfume Serpent that had already docked, with a slight smile on his lips, "Are we there?"


"Are we there?"

"We're already there, really, what are we doing here again?" Mary still muttered with some dissatisfaction, "And why did that guy ask us to come here? We are almost there, but we still have to take a detour."

"Shut up!" Hearing her younger sister's words, Hancock was still indifferent, "I have my own plans!"

"But big sister..."

But before Mary could finish her words.

Hancock's cold words rang again, "Are you questioning my decision?"

As soon as these words fell.

Mary immediately calmed down and lowered her head quickly, just as she was trembling all over.

"Snake Princess." A crew member of the Nine Snakes Pirates ran over and said, "It seems that the leader of the East China Sea Navy is coming!"

As soon as these words fell.

Hancock, who was looking cold, suddenly had bright eyes and a slight smile on her lips, and seemed to be very happy to say, "Are you here to pick me up?"

As she said, she waved her hand without waiting for others to say anything.

"Hurry up and follow me down!"


Sister (big sister), please don't be so direct!

Mary and Sanda, who saw this scene, couldn't help but sigh.

"Is big sister hopeless?" Mary sighed helplessly and shook her head angrily, "Damn it! If we had known that no matter what, we should have caught the East China Sea overlord on the way and sent him to that guy, so that should be enough to repay that guy's kindness!"

On the way, they did meet the ship of the East China Sea overlord.


The other side seemed to have discovered them a long time ago. When they were about to approach, the ship turned around and ran away, and it ran very fast!

It was faster than their Perfume Serpent? !

You know, their ship was towed by two sea snakes!

The speed was not slow!

To ​​be honest, she was a little curious about where the guy's ship was ordered.

"Well, if we didn't catch him, we didn't catch him. Anyway, Mr. Rayleigh is our benefactor!" Sanda on the side said helplessly to Mary.

In fact... she was relieved that she didn't catch the East Sea Overlord.

After all, she knew that if she caught him this time, her sister would definitely not let him go easily.

"Maybe we just misunderstood?"

"There is absolutely no misunderstanding. That guy likes to play with female pirates. He must have set his sights on my sister!"

"Don't be so absolute. What if we really misunderstood?"

"Damn it! My sister is so beautiful, and she's a female pirate. He didn't fancy her?"


So, what do you want to do?

Sanda looked at her angry sister speechlessly, "Don't think too much. My sister may really just want to trade with the East China Sea Navy. After all, their little blue pills are really good."

To be honest, although they were a little dissatisfied with this transaction, if they could get the little blue pills again, it would not be a loss for the Lily Kingdom!


Marie pouted and pointed below, "Look at that. Do you believe it?"

As soon as these words fell.

Sanda had also seen the figure of his sister running towards the leader of the East China Sea Navy impatiently. The corners of his mouth twitched immediately, but he still sighed and said, "Don't question your sister anymore. If she gets upset again, don't blame me for not reminding you. Let's go down too!"


At the same time.

Just when Xia Che was entertaining Hancock.

On a ship on the route to Rogue Town.

The orange-haired girl who hung up the phone angrily looked at the two female swordsmen with knives on their waists in front of her, "I said that guy likes female pirates!"

He clearly asked them if they wanted to watch the show, but he actually left them and ran to have dinner with a female pirate?

It's really abominable!

"Change the lane for me, we'll go too!"

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