"You hateful marines, have you forgotten the justice you bear?"

"Oh! Don't say that! Yan Nan and everyone are good people. The really bad ones are the mouse colonel and the colonel of the 153rd branch. Those are the bad colonels!"

"A good navy would have pirates explain it to them? Damn pirates, damn navy!"

"I have told you that we are not bad people! I didn't lie to you. I really didn't want to do anything to you. I just went there and you had something to eat. Ouch, it's really hard to explain!"

"Stop fooling me, evil navy!"

"Please don't talk about Yan Man like that, he is really not a bad person!"


Colonel Smoker looked at the two people who were quarreling with a dark look on his face, and said in a cold tone to Mock, who still wanted to explain for him, "Shut up!"

After another faint glance at the sallow-faced old man, he still didn't say anything to the old man, and didn't even take another look. He flicked the cigarette ashes on his hand.

"And don't call me Yan Man again, or I'll arrest you! Take him away quickly, and then get out of here!"

"Okay! Smoke Man~, yes, Smoke Man~" Mock nodded happily, then scratched his head, looked at the chaotic scene in front of him, hesitated, and turned to Colonel Smoker on the side. , said, "How about you lend me some people first? There seem to be too many people here. If you want to go faster, I don't have enough manpower."

The words fell.

Smoker: ...

His face turned blue and black for a while.

What does this guy think of the Navy?

But looking at the chaotic scene in front of them, and then looking at the group of scavengers with sallow faces and ragged clothes, and the stench all around, it was their garbage dump.

This scene...

He couldn't help but think of the scene he saw when he was in the Kingdom of Goa.

Perhaps if it were just him, as a navy man, he would turn a blind eye like Vice Admiral Garp!

After all, that is a franchise country!

But now a bastard suddenly appears. In this case, let him see what changes that guy will make!

With a long sigh, he waved his hand to Dasqi with a dark face, "Hurry up!"


"Colonel Smoker..." Dasqi looked at Colonel Smoker hesitantly and said in a low voice, "I have never arrested civilians."

"...You figure it out!" Faced with deputy Dasqi's inquiry, Smoker also remained silent for a moment, but still had a dark face, "Tell them to arrest the people quickly and get out of here."



Dasqi could only bite the bullet and lead the navy to help.

"Don't run, please don't run, we are not bad people!"

"Trust us, you'll have something to eat when you get there!"

"We really didn't lie to you!"


Looking at the scene in front of him, Luce's eyes widened again.

The navy actually helped catch pirates?

Damn it!

"What on earth are you marines doing?" Luce roared angrily, "Are you actually helping pirates capture slaves? You evil marines!"

Smoker: ...


Looking at Smoker who was covered in white gas, Mock also felt that the scene in front of him was indeed a bit bad. He smiled sarcastically at Smoker and scratched his head, just as he was about to say something.

A Mork pirate ran over and said, "Captain Mork, we found a group of hidden children."


"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

"Grandpa Luce!"

Luce, who was originally angry, froze again, and then with a look of panic on his face, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the child who had been found, then turned his head and looked at Mock with a sad face. , "Please let the children go, let my granddaughter go!"


"Oh, you still have a granddaughter! Take it with you!" Mok said cheerfully, "It just so happens that the Conomi Islands are short of children!"


These damn pirates don't even spare children?

Luce's face was startled, and he said in panic again, "No! No! Don't take the child away. I have a baby. I still have a baby. I heard that it is the secret treasure of the sea. I heard about it at the meeting of the participating countries. Yes, I’m not going to lie to you, it’s very valuable. I originally wanted to use it to bring everyone back to the Kingdom of Michael, or to exchange for some food. Please don’t hurt the children, I can give it to you!”

"Oh, there is actually a secret treasure? A secret treasure from the sea? Is it the devil fruit that the boss mentioned?" Mok's face suddenly showed an excited look, "Take them all away, take them all away! Hahaha, there is a big harvest. Take away the children and the secret treasure."

"Damn it, damn it..." Upon hearing that the pirates wanted to take away even the secret treasure and the child, Luce's eyes suddenly showed a look of despair, "You devils!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I don't want you in vain, let's see what it is first!" Looking at Luce's desperate eyes, Mock thought that the old man suspected that he wanted to steal his things, so he quickly explained cheerfully, "Take it with you." Go! Take them all away!”


Smoker on the side has been watching the scene in front of him with a dark face, and even the cigar in his hand is trembling.

Is this guy always out to arrest people like this?

I don’t know, I really thought this was a group of vicious pirates!

And they...

Smoker raised his head with a dark face and looked at the navy in front of him who was helping the pirates catch people.

A bunch of corrupted marines helping pirates? !

"Evil Navy! No, Navy!" After seeing that there was really no other way, Luce raised his head and looked at the Navy Captain on the side, with a pleading and excited tone, "Just Navy, please save the child!"

The words fell.


Smoker also came back to his senses, with a somewhat hesitant look on his face. After looking at Luce, he raised his head again and looked at the child who had been brought out and was also wearing rags. He sighed and said lightly, "I'll tell you when we get there. better!"


"Better?" Hearing Smoker's words and looking at the indifferent Smoker, the old and thin Luce once again showed his sad, angry and desperate look, and roared with all his strength, "You group of degenerate sea creatures who have betrayed justice. thief."

"Smoke Man and the others are very nice people!"

"Still colluding with the evil pirates!"

"Although we cooperate, we are not bad people, really!"

"You still want to deceive me now? Evil navy, hateful pirates! Devil!"

"I really didn't lie to you! If you don't believe me, let Yan Man tell you!"

"Shut up, too!" Smoker looked at Mock, who was getting darker and darker, and his face turned green. When he looked at him again, he seemed almost the same, and said impatiently, "Take the people and get out of here!"

"Oh, Yan Man, it's okay! I'll explain it myself later!"


Before Yan Man could say anything.

"Porro Porro, Porro Porro~"

Mok's phone rang. After being stunned for a moment, he answered the call directly, "Oh, I know, boss, I'll go back now!"


Then he looked at Yan Man beside him, "The boss yelled that I'm done with my work, so Yan Man, it's time for me to leave! Everyone, hurry up! The boss has called us."

"Get out!"

"Fallen navy, I will curse you!"


at last.

With the help of the Navy, the Mock Pirates finally completed their work.


Under the curse of the navy, he led everyone on board the new ship of the Mock Pirates and set off towards the 16th branch of the navy.


Smoker's face was equally ugly, his hands were shaking with anger and he was smoking a cigar.

"Colonel Smoker, don't be angry, they will understand when they get there." Looking at Smoker who was scolded and did not dare to speak back, Dasqi snickered, and then sighed again, "I just said You see, they are worse than the Goa Kingdom. At least the Goa Kingdom still has the stinking fruits abandoned by the nobles to eat, and they will definitely understand Colonel Smog’s good intentions by then!”

"It doesn't matter!" Smoker pursed his lips in disdain, flicked his cigarette ashes, and took a deep look at the Mock Pirate Ship in the distance. "If I find out that they have done anything bad, I will catch them myself." Theirs, I don’t want to see them for a moment now!”

Turning his head, "Go back!"

"Yes!" Dasqi also stood at attention and responded, but after a while, he seemed to remember something again, "Oh, that's right! I almost forgot!"

"Forgot something?"

"Didn't Colonel Smogg say that he wants to return the gift given by Colonel Shache?" Looking at the frowning Smogg, Dasqi said quickly, "It's just right for Mok and the others to take it away together. It's not too late now." , I asked them to wait!”

With that said, he was about to call on the navy to shout at the Mock Pirates, asking the Mock Pirates to stop.



"???" Dasqi turned his head in confusion and looked at Colonel Smoker who stopped him, "No, no need for what? Colonel Smoker won't say..."

The words are not finished yet.

"I said you should stay here for me!" Looking at Deputy Dasqi who was snickering, Old Smoker blushed, glared at her again, and looked away.

For him to be scolded so badly?

Now you still want him to return the things?

He flicked the ash from his cigarette and said expressionlessly, "That's what I deserve. You know, the shells I fired at that time were not reimbursed yet!"

"Yes! That's right, we deserve it, Colonel Smoker! The military expenditure application..."

"Those bastards, keep sending them to me!" Smoker said fiercely as if he remembered something, "Tell the Navy Headquarters that we encountered the extremely vicious Mock Pirates in the Kingdom of Michael and suffered heavy losses. Let them get the money quickly!”

Let him learn from that guy?

Okay, I want to see what you are going to do this time?

Ignoring the weird-looking Dasqi, he returned directly to his warship. Looking at the Mock pirate ship that was moving away, Smoker frowned again. After taking a hard sip, he took the He picked up the cigar from the corner of his mouth and asked, "Working?" He flicked the cigarette ashes again, "What does that guy want to do?"

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