Pirates: Build a high wall from the East China Sea

Chapter 4 You are the one who brought this person here?

"Hmph, I asked you to stay here and you actually want to report the news in front of me?"

"It seems that the 16th branch of the navy has been infiltrated and completely corrupted." Smoker looked at the navy of the 16th branch of the navy who had been arrested with a livid face. "A mouse left, and here comes a fatter one." Shuo Shu?"

Well, well, I kept complaining to the Navy Headquarters that I was poor, but when they came and saw this Navy branch... they were almost extremely rich.

What is revealed in the report is that the former base director of Branch 16 was severely corrupt, what about the troops that have not yet formed combat effectiveness, the troops lack training, and the navy lacks practical experience. What is most critical is the lack of weapons and equipment. There are less than ten navy standard sabers and one navy warship. None, just like this, neither of them can share a gun. He is really powerless and unable to uphold justice~

Good guy, not a single word of it is true.

Not even a navy warship?

There are at least five naval warships lined up at the branch dock. This combat power... many branch bases in the New World cannot reach it. This is it. They are still shouting about powerful pirate groups and fighting in this weakest sea. But what?

This strength is enough to catch pirates in the Great Channel!

And out of distrust, he had already asked his subordinates to watch them and ordered all the navy of the 16th branch to stay where they were. How dare they sneak away under his nose?

It would be strange if there was no ghost!

"No, he's not that rich~" The captured sailor from the 16th branch of the Navy looked at the dark-faced Colonel Smoker in front of him and smiled sarcastically, "I didn't sneak away, I just saw him. It’s raining. I remembered that I still haven’t confiscated my clothes at home, so I just went home to collect them.”

As expected of a naval colonel who was devolved from the Navy Headquarters just like the colonel, he was walking so carefully and yet he was discovered? !

And this headquarters...

Come to investigate, why didn't you tell me in advance, so that they could collect their wealth?

If they hadn't just taken advantage of the chaos to secretly contact the colonel and get the order from the colonel to tell them not to act rashly and to be honest, everyone would probably be ready to fight with the colonel's troops by now.

Thinking of this, Hai Bing looked at the old man happily eating snacks and suddenly wailed in his heart, "I guess the boss is really in trouble this time!" 】

He originally planned to ask the colonel in person what to do next, but... he was caught anyway, and even the hidden phone bug was confiscated.

This time even the naval heroes came. It seemed that the Navy Headquarters really suspected the colonel. Although the boss was not a bad person, he did violate the laws and regulations of the Navy Headquarters.

"Collect the clothes? You actually dare to quibble?" Smoker sneered and looked at the sailor in front of him, "Forget it, tell me, where is Dander Shache now? I'll ask him personally. As a navy Colonel, is he worthy of the justice he bears?"

"Colonel Smoker, you misunderstood!" Seeing Colonel Smoker like this, the marine knew that he probably wouldn't be able to escape this time.

Looking at Colonel Smoker, and then at the naval hero Colonel Smoker, he hesitated for a moment, looked directly at Colonel Smoker, and said seriously, "Colonel Schacher is a good man. In our eyes, Schacher The colonel did not violate the so-called justice, he is everyone’s hero!”


"Justice? Hero?" Hearing the sailor's words, Colonel Smoker snorted with disdain. But looking at the sailor who was so frightened by him that his legs were shaking, but at this moment he dared to look directly at him, he snorted again. He also put away the contempt in his eyes, took a puff of his cigar expressionlessly, and said calmly, "In that case, tell me! Did your naval captain collude with the pirates?"

To be recognized by his subordinates, could they really have misunderstood?

The words just fell.

"Of course not!" Sailor held his head high and responded without hesitation.

He was right, Colonel Xia Che was not in cahoots with the pirates.

As for the Mock Pirates...that is the pirate group raised by Colonel Xia Che. How can they be considered complicit?

With a righteous tone, "Colonel, even after he was sent down, he still has not forgotten the righteousness in his heart..."

But the words are not finished yet.

At this time.

"Colonel Smoker." Colonel Smoker was the deputy next to him. Sergeant Dasqi, who was wearing a checkered shirt and suit trousers, suddenly held the long knife at his waist and looked ahead with a solemn face, "There is a group of people. The pirates are approaching."

The words fell.

Colonel Smoker, Lieutenant General Garp, and the sailors all noticed it, and they all raised their heads and looked over together.

"The Mork Pirates?"

What a coincidence!


Hearing Colonel Smoker's meaningful words, the sailors who also noticed suddenly fell silent.

The corners of his mouth twitched and he looked at the slowly approaching Mock Pirate Ship. There was something in his heart that he wanted to say, but it seemed to be stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it.

What is that guy Mok doing in the 16th Marine Branch at this time? !

Looking at Colonel Smoker with narrowed eyes and a serious face, his expression changed and he was about to change the subject and put aside his relationship with the Mock Pirates.

"Hey, isn't that Udo?"

A loud shout suddenly came from the Mock pirate ship.

That was the voice of the captain of the Mock Pirates.

"There are a few new faces, are they the new brothers of the branch? Forget it, Udo, where are you going? Why are you driving a small broken boat? Are you also going to Cocosia Town?" Mok said cheerfully, A heroic voice came, "There are so many of you, how long will it take to row this small boat? We just have to make a delivery, come up, let's go together!"

The words fell.


The three of them turned their heads and looked at the sailor named Udo behind them.

One was still happily eating snacks; one was livid and stared at him with meaningful eyes; one raised his glasses and looked at Udo angrily as if he had been deceived.

And Udo...

His body was shaking a little, his hands were shaking a little, and even his legs were shaking a little. Under the gaze of the three people, he turned his head to look at Mok, with an ugly smile on his stiff face, and faced Mok who was waving to him. Ke, shouted loudly, "I thank... thank you!!!"


"You're welcome, we are all brothers!"

With Udo's thanks, he received a hearty response from Mock.

Not a moment.

The four of them boarded the pirate ship under the warm reception of Mock. Then, under the warm reception of the Mock Pirates, the four of them took the pirate ship and sailed slowly towards the town of Cocosia.


"What happened?" Looking at the group of people, Mock scratched his head in confusion, especially looking at Udo who looked like he was crying and melancholy, "Brother Udo, are you feeling unwell?"

"I...it's okay, I just suddenly remembered that the clothes at home were confiscated."

"Is that it? It's just raining. Just dry it after you get wet." After hearing Udo's words, Mok didn't hesitate anymore. He turned his head and looked at the other three people following him, and asked curiously, "These three Who is this? Is he the new brother in the branch? Why is he so cold-faced? And this one is still in the navy at this old age? "


Please, stop talking.

Udo looked at Mock who knew nothing with a collapsed expression, blinked his eyes, and was about to give this stupid bastard a hint, asking him to contact the secret colonel quickly and tell him the situation.


"Dong dong~"

An angry Staff Sergeant Dasqi walked to the cabin door next to him, stretched out his hand and knocked on it, frowned, and asked, "What's in here?"

There are strange sounds.

As soon as these words fell.


Udo, who was about to give a hint, seemed to have thought of something, his face changed again, and he quickly said, "No, there is nothing here..."

Before he could finish speaking.

"It's really nothing." Moke happily walked to the cabin door, opened the door directly, and said, "It's just some refugees who don't have enough to eat. I caught them all."

The words fell.

As the door is opened.


What caught the eye of the three of them was a spacious but dark warehouse, and the warehouse... was filled with countless people.

Densely packed.

They were all huddled inside with frightened and desperate faces. They were dressed in rags, with sallow faces and thin skin. There were men and women, old and young, and there seemed to be mothers and children. The mother was holding her child tightly, because the door was suddenly opened, and everyone They all looked up at them in panic.

"That's not the case!" Looking at the three pairs of narrowed glasses, Udo suddenly became desperate. He turned his head and grabbed Mock's collar, shouting loudly, "What on earth are you doing? Didn't the colonel say not to let others find out? ”

"Isn't it already here? According to the boss's wishes, it's time to open the door and ventilate it, so as not to make it too stuffy inside, and everyone will not be confused when we go down later." Mok scratched his head happily and said, " And we are all brothers, so what does it matter? I haven’t seen the boss for a long time, and I don’t know how he is doing now?”

As he said that, he seemed to have discovered something. Mock's eyes suddenly lit up. He walked to the bow of the ship and waved happily to the dock just around the corner.

"Boss, boss! Boss, I brought the people here!"

The words just fell.

The three people who were originally angry because of the scene in the cabin calmed down again. Together with the desperate Udo, they came to the bow of the ship and immediately saw a familiar figure on the dock.

Black hair, white navy uniform, not wearing the cloak of justice awarded by the Navy Headquarters, but wearing a black fur coat...

Commander of the base of the 16th Naval Branch—Colonel Dande Sharche.

Collude with pirates and capture refugees.

Don’t you even dare to wear the cloak of justice?

Colonel Smoker narrowed his eyes slightly, stared straight at the figure on the shore, and took the cigar from the corner of his mouth with a cold face.

Are you still worthy of the justice you have shouldered?

Colonel Shache!

at the same time.

On the pier of Cocosia Town, Xia Che, who was about to return to the branch, also noticed the Moke pirate ship that was slowly approaching.

After looking at the five figures on the boat, he fell silent and twitched the corner of his mouth.


Who did you bring here?

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