"Of course it's true!" Xia Che said with an upright face, "I was just passing by here, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing!"


He sighed with emotion and shook his head, "It's a pity that the vicious Moke Pirates escaped! I am ashamed of the justice I have been burdened with!"

Following Xia Che's words.


Garp and Kuzan stared at the guy in front of them expressionlessly.

It's all in front of them, and this guy is still acting?

At this time.

Before the two of them could speak.

The fallen naval colonel in front of him, Dander Sharcher, suddenly smiled again, looked at Lieutenant General Garp, and said, "Don't Lieutenant General Garp think so? You know, it was from Lieutenant General Garp. The vicious pirates who escaped down there!”

"???" Lieutenant General Garp's face was stunned, and then he scratched his head happily and said carelessly, "Yes, I almost forgot, that Mok...that guy escaped from me, They are indeed a group of vicious pirates!”



This Lieutenant General Garp...

Let Kuzan cover his head speechlessly.

Actually started acting too?


"You really didn't take any action?" Kuzan still looked at Xia Che suspiciously, and then said in a seductive tone, "You know, saving the alliance country is a great achievement. It is estimated that he can be directly promoted to the rank of commodore, or even It’s the Major General of our headquarters!”

"No!" Faced with Kuzan's temptation, Xia Che remained unmoved and said righteously, "I, Xia Che, am definitely not that kind of navy. I also have my own justice in my heart, so how can I take the credit of others?" For my own sake? Even if it’s just a pirate, I won’t do it, it’s an insult to me!”

"Really, I really just came here for a trip. Look, I didn't bring anything with me, not even a navy ship. How could I do such a thing!"

As he spoke, he looked at Kuzan with a smile.

"General Kuzan, are you planning to report me for leaving my post without permission? Don't worry, I have already asked for leave from my superiors, and it is legal and compliant!"


When did this guy take leave?

Hearing Xia Che's words, Kuzan also showed a hint of surprise on his face, but he still said in a lazy tone, "It's okay! As long as you come to Alabasta, it will be fine. This time the matter is very serious. The king Shichibukai recognized by the World Government was planning to usurp the country, but he was saved by pirates? This would make the sea laugh, so the Navy Headquarters will not admit this kind of thing. You just happened to be passing by here, congratulations. "

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Colonel Xia Che, it seems that you can get a big credit for nothing."


Faced with Kuzan's hard deduction of credit, Xia Che still didn't panic at all, and said with a smile on his face, "Ah, I have never been to Alabasta. General Kuzan, have you read it wrong? I obviously am I traveled to the Kingdom of Goa and saw Lieutenant General Garp. Under the leadership of Lieutenant General Garp, I visited the famous attraction of the Kingdom of Goa, the Uncertain Terminal, and also ate the very famous specialties of the Kingdom of Goa. Shaobing, where did Alabasta come from! If you don’t believe it, ask Lieutenant General Garp~”

"Ah, Goa Kingdom? Yes, yes! We have met in Goa Kingdom." Lieutenant General Garp, who was already watching the excitement, was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand something. Then he turned his eyes and continued to laugh. said, "Not to mention that the sesame biscuits are really delicious!"

As soon as these words fell.


Kuzan suddenly looked at the two guys in front of him with a dark face.

Just now I said I was passing through Alabasta, and now I’m talking about traveling to Goa Kingdom?

Are these two guys telling lies in front of him?

Especially Lieutenant General Garp...

You must know that he came from the Goa Kingdom with this old guy, and there is a shitty sesame seed cake in the Goa Kingdom!

He sighed helplessly and looked at Garp, "Lieutenant General Garp~"

"Ah hahaha, I almost forgot, I still have some unfinished business! You are busy, you are busy~" Lieutenant General Garp laughed, turned his head and walked outside, "I won't disturb you two!"

With that said, Kuzan looked helpless and walked outside with a silly smile while eating snacks.

at last.

Only Xia Che and Kuzan were left inside.

"Lieutenant General Garp is really..." Kuzan shook his head helplessly, and then sighed, stretched again, and looked at Xia Che leisurely, "It's really unexpected! Dande Xia Che, you actually bribed Lieutenant General Garp."

"It's unfair! General Kuzan, Lieutenant General Garp just wanted to be romantic like you. He accidentally came to my jurisdiction and met him." Xia Che didn't panic at all and said with a smile, "Don't insult me. my justice."


Do you still use insults for your justice?

Kuzan covered his head, but didn't say anything more. He sat down directly and said lazily, "I thought you would take action this time, but I didn't expect that it was resolved like this before you took action. Pirates Save the franchise countries, forget it~, let those guys have a headache with this kind of thing!”

As he said that, he seemed to no longer want to talk about this matter. He lay on the sofa and looked at Xia Che lazily.

"Where's Baroque Works?"

"Already ran away! I didn't expect that Baroque Works could run so fast!"

"I heard that Crocodile has saved a lot of money in the past few years. You must know that in the face of this situation, this money will be handed over to the World Government." Kuzan crossed his legs and said leisurely, "But The navy went to check, but there was not even a Bailey. I even heard that the Hailou Stone Prison hidden in the Yuyan was demolished. There was not even a crocodile left there. Who stole it? Where is it?"

"The Moke Pirates must be the Moke Pirates!" Xia Che said righteously, "Even the crocodiles were taken away. It must be this group of vicious pirates!"


I think it was you who did it!

Kuzan looked speechlessly at the guy who was so natural even in betraying his subordinates.

This is definitely not the first time this guy has done this!

But he didn't dwell too much on this matter. It was just a little bit of wealth. If you didn't find it, you wouldn't find it. I believe the world government wouldn't care. And thinking of those Tianlong people... Kuzan didn't bother to pay attention to it, and still said leisurely, " I heard that King Shichibukai’s plan this time is just to usurp the throne of Alabasta?”

"I don't know~" Xia Che also shrugged and said with a smile, "But everyone seems to say so. I heard that Crocodile usurped Alabasta to establish some ideal country of freedom, joy and happiness. Know if it’s true!”

He stretched out his hand to indicate to Kuzan that Princess Weiwei was here, "If you don't believe me, you can also ask Princess Weiwei. As the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta, she will never lie."

The words fell.

Weiwei on the side also nodded and said seriously, "Yes, that's it, I can testify!"


An ideal country of freedom, joy and happiness?

Is this what the Sand Crocodile guy would do?

Kuzan looked at Xia Che and the Alabasta Kingdom's princess speechlessly, but since the Alabasta Kingdom's princess had said so, he didn't ask too much.

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, he stood up and walked outside. It was not until he reached the door that he paused slightly and said lightly, "I hope that one day, I will not receive a notification from the Navy Headquarters to arrest you." Notice!”

The words just fell.

"Porro Porro, Porro Porro~"

The phone bug rings.

Kuzan rubbed his forehead, and while walking, he answered the phone melancholy, with a lazy tone, "Ah, yes, yes~, it was indeed defeated by the Mok Pirates. Crocodile's conspiracy? It seems like it was Do you want to build an ideal country of freedom, joy, and happiness? Oh, I really didn’t kid you. When I heard that, I was shocked! The Mok Pirates had already escaped.”

Then Kuzan took the phone away from his ear as he walked, then took out his ears and put on a helpless tone.

"Yes, yes, yes~, Lieutenant General Garp and I will go back immediately!"

After hanging up the phone bug, he looked at the phone bug in his hand and sighed.

"It seems like I'll be busy again after I go back. It's really a headache!"

It wasn't until the figure walked away that Xia Che stretched comfortably.

Still want to trick him?

Stop dreaming!

Seeing that the matter was finally over, Princess Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xia Che, who had saved the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Thinking of this experience... she still felt it was incredible!

She was originally worried about becoming an official agent of Baroque Works, planning to get closer to the secrets of Baroque Works step by step, and preparing to investigate the conspiracy behind Alabasta alone, but she didn't expect that she would end up solving the problem in this way.

He solved everything he was burdened with.

Thinking of this, Princess Weiwei, who seemed to have had a heavy burden lifted off her body, looked at Xia Che who was meditating in front of her, took a deep breath, and said in a serious tone, "Colonel Xia Che! Thank you very much for saving Araba. Kingdom of Stan.”

"You're welcome!" Xia Che waved his hand casually and said, "After all, you were paid. Oh, by the way, you haven't been paid yet!"

As soon as these words fell.


Princess Weiwei, who was originally moved and grateful, suddenly stiffened and looked at Colonel Xia Che in front of her with a black expression on her face, "I, I, I..."

Before she could finish her words.

Another figure appeared at the door.

Daz Bowness.


Is this guy back again? !

Xia Che and Weiwei looked at Daz Bonis at the door in surprise. They thought this guy would run away directly, or go to save Crocodile, and then be captured together?

Why did you come back?

Just when he was about to ask in confusion why this guy came back again.

Daz Bonis looked at the two people inside, with a hint of surprise on his face, and then said expressionlessly, but in a low tone, "Intern, you are exactly what the boss said, you have become this fallen navy It’s a plaything!”

Xia Che:......


Both of them had dark lines on their faces.

What is this guy talking about!

Thanks to [zzhLH] for the February ticket; thanks to [Southern Wind Knows My Intentions] for the February ticket; thanks to [I Have a Big One] for the February ticket; thanks to [Her Smile is a Sunshine] for the February ticket; thanks to [Nan Nai Ren Sheng] for the February ticket; thanks to [钨钨狗] for the February ticket; thanks to [Book Friend 20191105172850454] for the February ticket; thanks to [墨者炎冰] for the February ticket; thanks to [素桓曾先] for the February ticket; thanks to [Book Friend 20210112005624776] for the February ticket; thanks to [C Language Master] for the February ticket; thanks to [Book Friend 20230423204758 402】2 month ticket; thank [Qiu Renlan] for 2 month ticket; thank [I am curious about Ailu] for 2 month ticket; thank [Book friend 20210301106604527992] for 2 month ticket; thank [Everyday's waiting] for 4 month ticket; thank [Book friend 20190218224709710] for 4 month ticket; thank [Xinyue Zhishui] for 2 month ticket; thank [Aisriel] for 4 month ticket; thank [Book friend 20220511205050551] for 4 month ticket; thank [C Dreamer] for 2 month ticket; thank [Book friend 20220409153959323] for 2 month ticket;

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