Navy Headquarters Conference Room.

At the sudden summons from Marshal Sengoku, all the naval admirals who were still at the Navy Headquarters and who were free at the same time came over.

As all the navy generals took their seats, everyone looked at the documents placed on the table with puzzled faces.


There was a hint of surprise and weirdness in everyone's eyes.

Especially Kuzan and Garp, who had just returned not long ago, couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they looked at the familiar name on the document in their hands.

What did this guy do again?

Attack the king of the franchise country?

Kuzan's eyes flashed slightly, and his brows wrinkled slightly. There seemed to be a solemn look in his eyes, but then he returned to his lazy look, leaning back on the chair and getting up leisurely.

As for Garp...after seeing the name, he was stunned for a moment, and then continued to eat snacks happily, as if nothing happened.

And this time.

As if he felt that time was almost up, the Warring States Marshal sitting in the huge chair looked at everyone in front of him with a serious face, and said in a calm tone, "What do you think?"

As his voice fell, all the naval admirals also raised their heads and looked at him with frowns.

"Sengoku, wouldn't this be too much of a mobilization of troops?" Standing on the side, the slightly older Navy Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral He, with gray hair and a simple ponytail, looked at Sengoku with a frown, "The Mock Pirates are not Have you just entered the Great Channel? Do you need to be so cautious?”

She thought there was something going on with the sudden summons to all the naval generals in the headquarters?


Just discussing how to deal with a pirate who has just entered the Grand Channel?

The words fell.

The other naval generals also had some doubts on their faces, looking at Marshal Warring States in confusion.

Not to mention other things, even the three generals and naval heroes are here, which is enough to discuss attacking the four emperors.

In the end, so many people were just here to discuss how to arrest a pirate who had just entered the Great Channel from the Weakest Sea?

Is this too exaggerated?

Didn't you see that, except for General Akainu, who is always serious, General Kizaru has shaved his nails, and General Aokiji has also taken off his blindfold and is getting ready to sleep?

"Ahem, cough, cough. Actually, I just informed the generals in the navy headquarters who are free to come to the meeting." Seeing everyone's confused eyes, Warring States also pretended to cough twice, looking at everyone with a strange face, "Unexpectedly, everyone today They are all quite free.”


"Forget it, since everyone is here, let's discuss it carefully with me now." Ignoring the black lines on everyone's faces, Warring States returned to his serious expression, with a dignified look on his face, and said straight to the point, "Don't underestimate this. The Mock Pirates have been fighting against the 16th Marine Branch for many years when they were in the East China Sea. The 16th Marine Branch has been struggling and suffered heavy losses over the years. "

"Is he the child that Zefa has always been very optimistic about?" Hearing what Warring States said, Heye frowned and said, "I've heard about this too. I have been applying for military funds for so many years and have been crying about poverty. Some time ago, the audit team suspected that the kid was cooperating with pirates."

I heard that Navy Branch 16 has the most standardized application form among all branches.

If I hadn’t applied so many times and it was always the same pirate group, the Finance Department of the Navy Headquarters wouldn’t have suspected it.

"It has been investigated clearly. Although there are a lot of times, his application has always been legal and compliant, and he has come in accordance with the requirements." Warring States also nodded and said with a helpless tone, "It's just that this Mok Pirates Group does have some problems. It exceeds the capability of the 16th Navy Branch, so the 16th Navy Branch’s armaments will continue to suffer heavy losses.”

The words just fell.

Before the frowning crane could say anything else.

"Once a genius at the Navy Headquarters?" Akainu, who had always looked serious on the side, snorted coldly and said lightly, "After all these years, he has not been able to catch even the weakest pirate in the sea, and he still has the nerve to apply for military funding? Ridiculous! It seems that Teacher Zefa’s standards for so-called geniuses are getting lower and lower.”

"Perhaps his mind is damaged! After all, what happened back then, and he was suddenly sent to the East China Sea branch 315." Faced with Akainu's disdain, Sengoku had some helplessness on his face, "I also heard about that child back then. However, he is indeed a good genius. For this reason, the headquarters has granted him the rank of colonel, and his talent is quite good. "

"The navy just needs to obey orders." Akainu snorted again, still holding his hands in disdain, "A navy who can't even face the justice in his own heart is nothing but a coward."

"Okay~, you're right. Just because of what happened back then, I haven't come out for so many years. Maybe Zefa also saw it wrong! But that's not the point now." Warring States sighed. , did not dwell on it anymore, and still said with a serious face, "Don't underestimate this pirate. When he became the overlord of the East China Sea, he summoned all the pirates in the East China Sea, set off a pirate feast in the East China Sea, and declared that he would have a bloodbath. Marine Branch 16, if Smoker hadn’t come to support in time, it is estimated that Marine Branch 16 would have been destroyed by the Mork Pirates.”

"Not long after entering the Great Channel, I defeated one of the Seven Sea Warriors - Sand Crocodile. Now within a few days, I caused such a big incident again and captured the king of the Drum Kingdom. It can be said that this is a very dangerous guy.

He hates the navy and plunders allied countries. Moreover, this guy has just entered the Grand Waterway. You can imagine how ambitious he is. "

"And when he was in the East China Sea, Garp had met the Mok Pirates, and this guy managed to escape from Garp! Maybe he is just a pirate who has just entered the Grand Line, but his strength cannot be underestimated." Sengoku frowned, his tone still solemn, "For the specific situation, you can ask Garp."

As he spoke, the navy generals turned their heads to look at Vice Admiral Garp, and Marshal Sengoku also turned his head, and when he saw that he was still eating snacks, as if he didn't care about Garp at all, he raised his eyelids and slammed the table hard, "We are still in a meeting now! You guys, be honest!"

"Hey, right, right~" Under the gaze of everyone, even if he was scolded by Sengoku, Garp was still the same, and nodded happily, "Sengoku, you are right!"

After the words fell.


Of course.

Although Vice Admiral Garp looked lazy and indifferent, everyone knew that Vice Admiral Garp had always been like this and didn't care.

He was able to fight Vice Admiral Garp and escape unscathed, and now he defeated Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea...

This guy's strength should not be underestimated!

"In that case, we really need to be careful!" He nodded, frowned again, looked at Sengoku, and said, "It seems that there is another troublesome guy in the East China Sea."

The previous Portgas D. Ace has not been dealt with yet, and it has only been a short time, and another one has come.

So many things have happened since entering the Grand Line.

The East China Sea is indeed full of troubles.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Block this guy in the first half of the Grand Line." Sengoku said with a serious face, without hesitation, "We can't let such a troublesome guy grow up."

"Is that so? But..." He hesitated for a moment, and looked at Sengoku again, "Isn't the World Government going to appoint him as the new Shichibukai?"

"It doesn't matter, the appointment letter is still in my hand, and it hasn't been issued yet." Sengoku shook his head, "Let's wait until this guy escapes again this time! And..." His eyes flashed slightly, "Such an ambitious pirate is unlikely to take over the appointment of the World Government."

You have to know that this guy has just entered the Grand Line.

It's the time to be ambitious!

"In this case, let's discuss who should arrest the Mok Pirates now, and we must not let him continue to make trouble like this."

As Sengoku made the final decision, the naval generals also began to discuss how to capture the Mok Pirates.

Being able to escape from Vice Admiral Garp and the Navy's genius Colonel Smoker, and defeating the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile, this guy's strength is indeed not to be judged by ordinary pirates.

At least a rear admiral or several colonels must be sent to go together.

After everyone's discussion, the headquarters finally decided to do so, sending a rear admiral and several colonels, and joining the local branch to go together. What happened to Portgas D. Ace some time ago must not happen again.

This guy must be blocked in the first half of the Grand Line!

Just as everyone showed a satisfied smile, Sengoku also nodded with satisfaction, and was about to issue the final plan.

At this time.

"Marshal Zhan Guo, there is new information!" A marine came in with a strange look on his face, and after glancing at everyone obscurely, he handed the information in his hand to Marshal Zhan Guo, "The latest information from the East China Sea."

"Information from the East China Sea? Is there any dangerous person in the East China Sea again?" Marshal Zhan Guo took the information with a puzzled look on his face. When he saw that it was sent by the branch in Rogue Town, his face was stunned again, and then he frowned and looked down.



Under the gaze of everyone, the whole person was silent.

After blinking in confusion, he sighed and slapped the table, "Let's adjourn now. Everyone, please go home if you have nothing to do~."


Hearing Marshal Zhan Guo's words, everyone looked at Marshal Zhan Guo puzzled.

What do you mean by "everyone should go home if you have nothing to do"?

"Sengoku~" He frowned and looked at Sengoku, and asked directly, "Aren't we discussing the capture of the Mok Pirates now? Are we going to block them in the first half of the Grand Line?"

"No need for that!"

"??? What do you mean no need for that?"

"This guy..." Hearing He's surprised words, Sengoku, who was staring at him in confusion, rubbed his forehead with a headache, as if he didn't know where to vent his anger, and said helplessly, "It's already rolled back to the East China Sea!"

As soon as the voice fell.


The naval generals who were originally discussing fiercely looked at each other in bewilderment.

What on earth is the Mok Pirates doing?

They have defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea and caused so much trouble. Shouldn't they continue to advance triumphantly and realize their ambitions?

Why did they roll back to the East China Sea again?

Is he mentally ill?

A week trip on the Grand Line?

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