This moment.

Everyone looked at the naval hero.

Especially Nami, who was a little nervous at first, unconsciously thought of Colonel Mouse and the Dragon Pirates back then, and she suddenly looked at Garp with anger and contempt.

Is this a naval hero?

Not the same as Colonel Mouse.

As for Xia was different in her mind. At least he didn't do anything harmful.

Also saved Cocoa West Village!

Even Smoker, who was supposed to question Xia Che's justice, seemed to be discouraged at this time. He looked at Garp with a complicated look, then looked at Xia Che, as if he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

Directly with a black face.

His boss's ass is not clean, so what face does he have to question a colonel who just wants to feed the villagers?

Although Xia Che's identity is different from Lieutenant General Garp, he also understands that this black spot is nothing to Lieutenant General Garp.

Maybe even Marshal Sengoku wouldn't care if he heard it, but Vice Admiral Garp is a naval hero!

In the Navy Headquarters, it is like the benchmark for all navies, faith!

The result is now...

Good guy...

They were originally here to investigate the collusion between the navy and pirates, but now the inspection team has fallen!

Didn't you see that the pirates who should be captured by them were looking at them with contempt at this moment?

As for Dasqi... she felt that the atmosphere was becoming uncomfortable at this moment, and there was a trace of confusion on her little face. Although she was different from Colonel Smoker, as a villain, she would give even a villain a chance to interact with the kind-hearted Dasqi. Si Qi did not think that Colonel Xia Che had violated the so-called justice.

Colonel Shache is also a naval officer who carries justice.

She also understood in her heart that after Colonel Smoker learned everything that the 16th Branch had done, he didn't really want to arrest Colonel Summer, but was just angry because Colonel Summer was cooperating with the pirates.

Just what to do now?

And at this time...

Looking at the eyes staring at him, Garp, whose face stiffened, recovered instantly, turned into a cheerful smile again, scratched his head, "Ah, have you been discovered?"

After saying that, he lowered his head again and looked at Xia Che calmly with his eyes.

"Boy, how did you know?"

"It's just information obtained by accident." After feeling that the atmosphere was about the same, Xia Che showed an indifferent smile and said, "So... Lieutenant General Garp, is there anything else you want to say?"

The words just fell.

Before Garp, who was scratching his head and worried about what he wanted to do, could speak, Smoker stood up directly beside him. He was worried that if he continued like this, another accident would happen.

Smoker looked at Xia Che expressionlessly and said straight to the point, "Dander Xia Che, you colluded with pirates to defraud the Navy Headquarters of military expenses..."

"Hey, wait a minute, what does colluding with pirates mean? Our 16th branch has never done such a thing." Xia Che directly spread his hands, as if he was cheating, and said, "Don't accuse us wrongly. As for defrauding military expenses ...Every time we ask for military funds, it is legal and compliant. Otherwise, I believe the Navy Headquarters will not allocate it. If you don’t believe it, ask Udo~”

"Yes, our 16th branch has never defrauded military expenses." Udo nodded quickly after receiving Xia Che's signal and said seriously, "Every time I ask for military expenses, I follow the procedures and it is legal and compliant. formalities!"

"Colonel Smoker, please don't accuse us wrongly!"

"That's right, Colonel Smoker, our 16th branch is poor, why should we ask for more money?"

"Do you still want to quibble?" After hearing the questions and answers between Xia Che and Udo, Smoker's face turned dark, "Captain of the Mock Pirates..."

But the words haven't been finished yet.

"Thank you Colonel Smoker for assisting Branch 16 in successfully capturing the Mock Pirates." Xia Che interrupted Smoker directly and said solemnly, "This group of vicious pirates has troubled our Branch 16. He has been very cunning for many years. Unexpectedly, he was finally arrested and brought to justice today.”

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at Udo.

"Hey, Udo, hurry up and send the captain of the Mock Pirates to Branch 16 Prison, don't let him escape!"

"Yes! Colonel!"


Did this guy take them for fools?

Looking at Colonel Xia Che and Marine Udo who were still quibbling, Smoker's face became darker and he slapped the table hard, "Are you fooling the navy? Colonel Xia Che, have you forgotten Teacher Zefa's teachings?" , have you forgotten the justice you bear as a navy? "

"Justice in the Navy?" Xia Che glanced at Garp who was watching the show happily and raised his eyelids.

Good guy, now that we've reached this point, doesn't this old guy say anything?

Aren't you worried that they will actually fight?

As a time traveler, Xia Che doesn't believe in the so-called justice at all, and the world government above him is so bad!

How can we talk about justice with him when his roots are rotten?

If he had the guts to kill him, he would just go back and become a fourth-level section chief.


Not afraid at all.

Xia Che sat back, looked at the cold-faced Colonel Smoker in front of him, and said expressionlessly, "What kind of justice is the so-called naval justice?"

"Maintain the peace and order of the world and expel the evil that plagues the sea!"

"Drive out the evil that is causing trouble in the sea? So what are the evils that are causing trouble in the sea? Senior Smoker, is the so-called justice that is carried on the shoulders justice?" Xia Che sighed and looked at Smoker. He also knew that not all navy Everyone knows the truth about the World Government and the darkness hidden by the Navy.

Xia Che stood up, looked directly at Smoker, and said calmly, "Is it someone who burns, kills, and loots, is it a slave-catching group that wantonly captures slaves, is it someone who hunts innocent pregnant women everywhere for a baby, or is it someone who makes gods The country in the valley was destroyed..."

The words are not finished yet.


"Shut up!"

He was interrupted!

Was directly interrupted by Garp!

The smile disappeared from Garp's face, he frowned, and looked at Xia Che seriously, "Xia Che boy, although I don't know where you know these secrets, but there are some secrets that you just need to know, but you can't tell them."

"Of course~, I was just scared by Senior Smoker."

He really wouldn't dare to say these words easily in front of other people, but he had no choice but to avoid these two people if he wanted to develop in the East China Sea.

Raising his head and looking at Smoker, who was frowning because of his words, Xia Che was silent for a moment, and then said, "Senior Smoker, the justice that the Navy carries may not be as fair as you imagine. In this world, In this era, there is no absolute justice!”

The words fell.

Before Smoker looked deeply at him, he said something.

"I knew that Sengoku guy would only cause trouble for me." Garp directly covered his head with a headache, "I thought he was a navy who colluded with pirates, but I didn't expect that you know more than I thought. , what should we do now? How about we pretend we’ve never met?”

"Lieutenant General Garp..." Smoker looked at Garp speechlessly. Although he didn't know what Xia Che's words just meant, he could feel at this moment that it seemed to be a very troublesome matter.

The naval hero wants to leave his burden and run away?

Can it be no trouble?

Just not waiting for him to say anything.

"Let's leave it at that for now!" Garp directly picked his nose, looked at Xia Che who was holding the handle of the knife, and said cheerfully, "I am already old, and I don't want to cause trouble for myself now! And you are so don’t really want to arrest this kid!”

"Hmph!" Smoker, who was told directly by Garp, snorted coldly, but didn't say anything else.

With a dark face, he turned to look at Xia Che again, "The Mok Pirates must be tried. I will arrest the Mok Pirates and put them in Rogge Town Prison."

"Catch me!" After hearing Smoker's words, Mok still scratched his neck and said unwillingly, "As long as the boss is fine, what will happen if I, Mok, are locked up?"


"Shut up!" Xia Che shouted at the stupid boy speechlessly.

It's a good conversation, why are you seeking death?

He brought this kid Mok out, and he didn't want to send him in like this.

When I first saw this kid, he was still very skinny and sallow. I didn't expect that he would become so strong in just a few years?

They are already taller than him.

But just a body, but not a brain?

Of course~

Although he is silly, Mok listens to his own words very much. As long as it is his order, Mok will complete it seriously. This is why he is so relieved to release Mok to become a pirate.

Don't be afraid that he will become evil.

Xia Che turned his head and ignored Smoker, but looked at Garp, "Thirty percent!"


"Thirty percent of the military expenses applied for by the 16 branches in the future!"

As soon as these words fell.

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at Xia Che with a dark face.

Is this guy bribing a naval hero?

Still in front of so many people, this is too bold!

Especially Smoker... his face turned livid. Doesn't this kid take him seriously?

Actually bribed the naval hero in front of him?

And that’s a naval hero!

How could he be bribed by a mere 30% of the military expenses of the district branch?


There was no need to wait for him to stop. Lieutenant General Garp was already looking at Xia Che with a cold face, "Boy, what do you think I am?"


Before Smoker could sneer.

"At least 50%!"



Everyone was silent again.

Before anyone could speak.

"Deal!" Xia Che also looked a little surprised, as if he didn't expect that Garp would actually agree. If he didn't agree, he was ready to threaten to reveal Ace's secret again!

He patted Garp's outstretched hand directly.

"Next time, give it to you directly, or give it to your grandson?"

"What are you going to give to my grandson? That child has grown up and you have to rely on yourself!" Garp ignored his grandson without hesitation and said cheerfully, "There is no need to give it to me. You know the Goa Kingdom. Well! There are some refugees there too.”

As soon as these words fell.


Xia Che immediately understood why this guy agreed to him. No wonder he agreed so directly. It turned out that he had this in mind.

That's right, he didn't do anything, or the things he did didn't matter to this old guy who also had a dirty butt. Instead of letting himself talk nonsense, or even going to the sea to become a pirate, It's better to just let him stay here.

Anyway, he didn't want to run around for the time being, so this suited him just fine.

As for the Kingdom of Goa...

It doesn’t matter where you recruit workers or not!

A smile appeared on Xia Che's face, "Happy cooperation!"

“Happy to work with!”

Both of them had meaningful smiles on their faces.


"Is this a matter of 10%?" Smoker directly grabbed Garp's collar and shouted loudly, "Do you know what you are doing, Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Ah, Smog boy, don't worry, I know what I'm doing, so didn't the Mok Pirates do nothing?" Garp, who was grabbed by the collar, laughed, picked his nose, and said happily. He looked at the confused Mock meaningfully and said, "Let it go, it'll be fine!"

"Do you know what you are talking about? You are a navy and they are pirates!"

"Ah, I almost forgot, I retracted that sentence just now!" Garp laughed, as if he didn't care at all about what he said wrongly. Then he sighed with emotion, shook his head, continued to pick his nose, and said with a somewhat wandering look in his eyes. , "I didn't expect that this Mock Pirates were exactly what Colonel Xia Che said. They were so cunning that they actually escaped from me and others. We must let the Navy Headquarters pay attention."

The words fell.

Smoker: ...

Looking at such a shameless naval hero Lieutenant General Garp, there was something in my heart that I didn't know whether to say or not.

Did this old guy think he was a fool too?

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