"Mengka, this boy Mengka, who do you think I'm talking about? Yes, who else can I say? I didn't expect that that boy Mengka was also arrested?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, when I go back, I will escort that kid back."

"What's the connection? Where's the connection? Haha, I was just kidding!"

"Stop talking about it, I'm done! Don't worry, I will never forget it!"


Garp hung up the phone, looked at the people staring at him, and laughed again, "I was really scared to death! I thought I was going to be arrested too."

Although he said that he seemed to be scared to death, there was no hint of worry in his tone, and he was still picking his nostrils happily.

Then he looked at Mok in front of him, waved his hand, and said, "Don't worry, your boss has not been arrested! I didn't expect that the East China Sea is so dark, and everyone in TN is corrupt! Forget it, don't worry about it."

After sighing with emotion, he returned to his careless look and looked at Mok doubtfully.

"That guy Xia Che also taught you the Iron Block? That guy shouldn't be spreading the Sixth Marine Style around, right? But why haven't you ever seen it used?"

"The boss asked me not to use the iron block. He said that if I use this move, I will die. If I really have to use it..." Mok scratched his head and said carelessly, "Just let me run away!"

"Using an iron block to escape? What on earth is that kid thinking? The iron block is a move used to increase defense in Marine Six, so why are you thinking of using it to escape? And when using an iron block, you can't move freely. How can you run?" After hearing Mock's words, Garp, who was taking out a bag of snacks and eating a lot, also had a puzzled look on his face, but then he ignored it and returned to his smiling appearance, and said cheerfully, "Forget it. Now that you know how to use iron blocks, just keep hammering trees until all the trees are gone."

"I understand, thank you Boss Garp for your guidance!"

"I'm a marine. I don't have any teachings. You're just hammering trees by yourself." Garp waved his hand cheerfully, "Don't say it was taught by me."

"Don't worry, I, Mok, am the most strict-tongued man in the sea! I will never talk nonsense."

"That's great! Hahahaha~"


Looking at these two people...one who really dared to speak, and one who really dared to believe, Bogart shook his head helplessly, seemed to remember something, and said again, "By the way, Lieutenant General Garp, the pirate on the ship wants to How to deal with it?”

Because the matter was a bit special, after locking up the pirate at that time, he told the other sailors not to worry about it.

As a result, these few days...

I almost forgot about that guy.

"That pirate? Which pirate?" Garp looked at Bogart with a puzzled look, "Isn't Mock right here?"

"I'm right here!"

"It's not Mork." Looking at the two people who had really forgotten about that guy, Bogart raised his eyelids, but still explained, "It's the clown who was caught together with Mork!"

The words just fell.

At this time.

Mock finally seemed to remember something, slapped his head, and said in realization, "Oops! That's Brother Bucky, I forgot to give it to the boss!"

"Is anyone there? I'm still here! Can you give me something to eat?"

"Damn navy, have you forgotten your uncle Bucky?"

"I, I, I, that bastard Mock, even Bucky the Clown will never let him go!"

In the dog-headed warship prison, Bucky, who had not eaten for many days, lay weakly behind the railing and wailed loudly at the door, "Is there anyone there? Come quickly! If it doesn't work, I'll send your uncle Bucky to trial." OK!"

The words just fell.


At this time.

The cabin door, which had been closed for many days, was opened.

The originally weak Bucky's eyes suddenly froze, his whole body trembled, and he seemed to be much more energetic, "That's weird! Your uncle Bucky will not surrender so quickly."

The words just fell.

Two figures walked in.

As the light shone in, one of them... Bucky could see clearly who it was, "Mock? Are you not dead yet?"

"What death?" Mock looked at Bucky with a puzzled face, "How could I die?"

"Weren't you being tried? Forget it, it's none of my business anyway. Even if you are caught again, it has nothing to do with your Uncle Bucky." Bucky waved his hand indifferently and looked at the man next to Mok. He said to Haijun, "Hurry up and give me something to eat. Don't you forget about me and plan to let me die here! Damn Haijun."

"You're right." Mork nodded seriously, "We did forget about you, Brother Bucky!"


Now is this the point?

Looking at the overlord of the East China Sea, Bucky said with some stern words, "Stop talking so much, I already told you to get me something to eat!"

"Food? There is no food on the warship." Bogart on the side said expressionlessly, "The supplies will be replenished later."

"What's left to eat? Later?" Bucky said with a broken face, "Uncle Bucky...well, I feel like I'm going to starve to death now!"

"It's okay, I'm just here to take you out!" After hearing Bucky's words, Mock patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll take you to eat delicious food. My big brother will treat you today!"

"You? Take me out?"

Bucky looked at Mok with confusion, before he could figure out what the overlord of the East China Sea was talking about.


The temporary prison was actually opened, and even the shackles on his body were removed.


Then, under the leadership of the overlord of the East China Sea in front of him, Bucky, who hadn't figured out what was going on... was actually taken out.

In this way, he walked out of the prison openly, walked to the deck, and stepped off the navy warship under the gaze of all the sailors.

Bucky:? ? ?

Still confused.

What's going on?

Don't those marines care about them?

Bucky turned his head in confusion and looked at Mock, who was walking struttingly with the marine. He raised his eyelids, leaned closer and lowered his voice, and said, "What on earth is going on?"

As he spoke, he seemed to remember something.

with a surprised tone.

"Is it the boss you mentioned who came to save you? Hey, who is your boss?"

You can even fish out pirates captured by naval heroes?

"Boss? Not the boss!" Mok scratched his head, "I almost forgot about you. Be careful later and don't talk nonsense!"

"You're talking nonsense, who are we going to see? Your boss?"

"I told you that you are not my boss!"

"So, who is it?"

After hearing Mock's words, Bucky still looked confused, but thinking that even the naval hero could fish people out of his hands, he became a little curious. After thinking about it for a moment, he stopped moving.

Although he wanted to escape now, he didn't know the situation and had been hungry for several days. Now was not a good opportunity to escape.

With a roll of his eyes, Bucky followed Mork obediently and walked forward together.

Not a moment.

Came to a bar in a village.

Bucky, who was a little hungry, rubbed his belly and smelled the aroma of meat and wine, and was about to ask if he could have something to eat.


The overlord of the East China Sea on the side shouted loudly to the front, "Boss Garp! I brought the people here!"

As soon as these words fell.

Bucky:? ? ?

Confused again.

It should be said that he was even more confused than before. He couldn't help but raise his head and looked forward. Sure enough, he saw the figure in front of the bar, who was drinking wine carelessly.

Navy hero - Lieutenant General Garp!


What did the overlord of the East China Sea say just now?

Boss Garp?

Damn it!

Didn't you say you weren't here to see the boss?

It turns out that your boss is the naval hero - Garp?

No wonder this guy refused to say it!

The person behind the East China Sea Overlord is actually a naval hero?

This East China Sea... is so dark!

Looking at that familiar figure, Bucky was so excited that he seemed to have forgotten the hunger in his body. He quickly lowered his head, just as he was about to shrink down and reduce his sense of presence.

"Are you here? Hahaha, didn't that kid starve to death?" Lieutenant General Garp laughed loudly.


Immediately afterwards...

He seemed to notice Bucky with his head lowered. Garp blinked, holding a beer in his right hand and touching his chin with his left hand. He frowned and stared at Bucky, "You kid, raise your head. How do you feel? I seem to be here." Where have I seen you?”


Oops, are we going to be discovered?

Just when Bucky raised his head and said with a sneer on his face, "You got the wrong person!"

"You are that kid from back then! Hahahaha~" Garp, who was staring at Bucky, let out a burst of laughter, "How could I have mistaken the wrong person? I didn't expect that the red-nosed kid next to Roger back then was also your kid. Hiding in the East China Sea?"

"Roger? Who is Roger? I'm not..."

"If not, we can only chop it down!"


Knowing that he couldn't hide, Bucky raised his head, with a hint of sneer, and looked at Garp who was staring at him with narrowed eyes, "I didn't expect to be recognized!"

"Ah ha ha ha!" Seeing Bucky admitting, Garp smiled proudly, "It's really you!"

As he said that, he looked at Bucky curiously and touched his chin.

"Why are you following this boy Moke?"


You ask me?

I still want to ask you!

After hearing Garp's words, Bucky cursed secretly, but looking at the overlord of the East China Sea who was touching his chin with a meaningful look in his eyes and sitting next to the naval hero and drinking, he seemed to understand in his heart. What.

This guy is forcing himself to take a stand!

The backstage of the overlord of the East China Sea is actually a naval hero?

Even a pirate like him who has seen the world has to say "It's so dark!" 】.

It’s true that Captain Mock didn’t make things clear earlier. If he had known that the naval hero was his boss, Bucky...

Surrendered long ago!


It would be okay if he didn't know this secret. He only had a reward of 15 million, so even if he was caught, he wouldn't die. But now... he knew that he would either die or have to compromise.

Thinking of this, and looking at Lieutenant General Garp who was stroking his chin and staring at him, Bucky understood that he was about to express his stance, and sighed in his heart [Captain, I'm sorry! ] After that, without hesitation, his feet softened and he knelt down, "Boss Garp, if you don't mind, I, Bucky, also want to follow you!"

The words fell.

"Follow me? What do you mean?" Garp, who was holding a wine glass, looked at Bucky with a puzzled expression, and then said suddenly, "Oh, you want to be a navy?"


No, who wants to be a navy?

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