You may be killed later, and you may be killed now. Is this a choice?

So the two nodded decisively and said in unison: "We agree to join!" Miss

. Valentine's Day reaction after Mr.3 and Miss. Golden Week was fast, and he nodded busily: "I also join." "

Full of survival desire!

Will raised his eyebrows, Mr.3, Miss. Golden Week was useful to him, so he wooed him. Otherwise, he really can't see it. And Miss. Valentine's Day, honestly... It's better to kill the real one who took the devil fruit.

He is a person who thinks and does, and the killing intent in his eyes is not concealed at all.


Miss. Valentine's face changed, and he looked at Will in horror. The whole person took several steps back until he leaned against the wall, and there was no way to retreat.

However, I still don't get the slightest sense of security.

There is only despair.

"Ah, this..." Mr. 3 and Miss. Golden Week looked at each other, and they could see that Will was really murderous to Miss. Valentine's Day.

This shows that he is not either, he is a person who is personally wooed. It is a capable person who can enter his eyes.

So, should they be happy?

Miss.Valentine's Day looked at Mr.3 and Miss.Golden Week, and his eyes were full of begging.

Mr. 3 raised his eyebrows, was silent for a while, and still decided to speak up: "Captain, although this Miss. Valentine's Day is average in strength and ability, he is a very good navigator." So, if the captain wants to go to sea, she is a good choice.

As soon as these words came out, Will's brows couldn't help but furrow.

You know, he wants to go the elite route. But not everyone can get into his ship, to win over Mr.3, Miss. Golden Week.

That's because these two are special, one has brains, and has good abilities and certain potential.

One is special ability.

But Miss.Valentine's Day.... Voyager? Sorry, the navigator in his heart must be like Lafitte of the Blackbeard Pirates, not only a good navigator, but also a powerful and powerful man.

Valentine's Day is far off.

Mr.3 has to say that he has a very brain, just by looking at Will's face, he can see it. Will was not moved, and immediately added: "Captain, you really want to become a sea thief who stands tall in the sea and does not fall, and intelligence is essential." And Valentine's Day can be used as our navigator for a while, after we have the right person. Can she assist us with intelligence..."

Will's eyes narrowed, and his face couldn't help but change. Mr.3 kind of moved him, because Mr.3 got to the point and wanted to stand tall in this world.

Intelligence is essential.

And he did have this idea, but only after he had strength. But now... He looked at Mr. 3, Miss. Golden Week, Miss. Valentine's Day and laughed.

Isn't there a ready-made one?

However, he still has to test whether he thinks that Mr.3 and Miss. Golden Week nodded and said to join, and they really joined. Especially Mr.3, which is insidious and cunning.

There must be a convincing reason for him, otherwise how can he believe it?

So he smiled playfully: "As I intended... I also know you have a lot of brains. So how do I quickly build an intelligence network? "

This..." Mr. 3 looked embarrassed, but a trace of cruelty flashed under his eyes.

Then he said: "In fact, we are all senior agents called the Baroque Work Society, so we can also be regarded as intelligence." I know this line of work... Captain, it is almost impossible for you to quickly establish such an intelligence network.

At this, Mr. 3 paused, then looked at Will and said, "Unless..." Will

: "Unless what?"

Mr.3: "Unless the captain kills Mr.1 and Miss.All Sunday [Robin] in the Baroque Work Club, because only they have seen the big boss behind the scenes." So, in theory, just destroy them. Under the manipulation of me and Miss. Golden Week and Miss. Valentine's Day, the entire Baroque work club will soon fall into the hands of the captain. Become the eyes and ears of the captain ....


laughed, looking at Mr. 3 with appreciation. Because Mr.3 is almost exactly what he thinks, but he is from God's perspective. And he...

I have to say that now Will is paying more and more attention to his brain.

The method is a good method, but what he really thinks in his heart, I don't know. It is also possible that he said this on purpose so that he could send it to the door himself.

Let Mr.1 kill himself.

Will couldn't help but touch his chin, then glanced at Miss. Valentine's Day, and said with a smile: "Miss.All Sunday, formerly known as Nicole Robin, offers a reward of 80 million, son of the devil."

Mr.1's real name is Daz Bonis, originally a famous killer in the West Sea, and Superman is a person with the ability to chop fruits.

His partner, Miss.Double Finger, formerly known as Pola, is a superhuman powerhouse of the fruit of thorns.

Mr.2, formerly known as von Kray, is a superhuman imitation fruit ability, and is a shemale and ballet dancer with good strength.

Speaking of this, his eyes fell on Mr.3 and Miss. Golden Week.

With a gentle smile, it's you guys next.

Mr.3, formerly known as Gal Tino, is a superhuman wax fruit ability.

Miss. Golden Week, formerly known as Mariano, is suspected to be a superhuman with emotional fruit abilities.

And also... At this point, he looked again, Miss. Valentine's Day. Finally, she and her partner, formerly known as Jem and Mikita, one is a Superman Explosive Fruit Ability, and the other is a Superman Kilogram Fruit Ability.

Every time Will named someone, Mr. 3, Miss. Golden Week, and Miss. Valentine's Day were shocked in their hearts. In the end, all three were shocked by Will.

Looking at Will's eyes full of horror, they didn't understand how Will knew this.

After returning to his senses, Mr. 3 was silent for a while, and then looked at Will: "You have been investigating the Baroque Work Society?" Moreover, it has almost supported the information of everyone in the Baroque Work Society? So, you already had plans to seize the Baroque working society for a long time? "

Will knows the Baroque Work Society too well, even more than he, a senior agent of the Baroque Work Society, knows the Baroque Work Society even better.

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