The captain of the ship is ready.

"Captain! The ships are ready!"

Paul and Isaac trotted over and said flatteringly.


Charlotte hummed faintly! Walked towards the ship.

Paul and Isaac saw Charlotte like this, and there was no reaction, just like it should be like this.

After all, swordsmen have to be proud.

They didn't know that their captain had reached the great swordsman. If they knew, they would definitely be surprised and happy, and they would definitely be happier than breaking through the swordsman.

Coming to this ship, this ship is a bit like the ancient clipper ship, with a very fast speed. Ordinary warships can't keep up at all. Even the admiral's warship is not inferior to it.

Charlotte's purpose this time was to go to Aska Island to get the Seven-Star Sword, not to travel or anything like that, the main point was to go early and return early.

Charlotte estimated that this voyage would take about five months, and it would be almost 1484 when he returned.

He looked at the sailors on the ship, there were only more than 20 people, but more than 20 people were more than enough to control this ship that was less than 50 meters long.

In addition to the seven capable men, Charlotte's Eighth Division also had more than 100 pirate minions.

Some of them were the members of the Wild Wolf Gang who had been following Charlotte on Kamei Island, but there were very few of them, and now only a dozen of them were dead.

These people were appointed by Charlotte to manage the captains of ten people.

Responsible for managing those pirate minions.

And these pirate minions were handed over to Carter by Charlotte.

He didn't have much time to manage these pirate minions.

However, these pirate minions are usually very idle. They either train with Carter or spend their monthly salary on Beehive Island.

Charlotte doesn't care much. Except for taking them with him every time he goes out on a mission, he actually arranges his own time.

After becoming a pirate, Charlotte doesn't want to manage everything like an old mother.

Moreover, these people are consumables. If you ask them to fight, they will only fight with others with knives or shoot cold guns from behind. They have no fighting power.

They can only clean up the battlefield after the battle and collect some spoils.

Don't expect them to do anything big.

"Captain! Let's go!"

Paul and Isaac came to Charlotte and reported.

All the crew members are ready.

"Yes! Let's set off for the first half of the Grand Line."

Charlotte said.


The two nodded together and began to give orders.

The ship also began to slowly leave the port.

Slowly disappeared on Beehive Island.

The fact that Charlotte, the captain of the 8th Division of the Rocks Pirates, drove the ship away from the island was instantly noticed by the people on the island.

They all spread their own information networks and began to investigate.

Among these people, there are some spies from the World Government or the Navy Headquarters.

Bru Bru Bru!

Navy Headquarters! General Staff!

The voice of the Den Den Mushi kept ringing.

"Moses Moses! This is the Navy Headquarters."

And on the other side.

"I am cp0, Charlotte, the captain of the 8th Division of the Rocks Pirates on the New World Beehive Island, is going out to sea. The destination is unknown. Please prepare for the Navy Headquarters!"

The voice on the other side hung up the Den Den Mushi after speaking.

Crane, who heard the news, immediately found Steel Bone·Sora to discuss.

Zephyr was there too.

"What? Charlotte actually left the island."

Zephyr stood up immediately after hearing this.

"Zephyr, what are you going to do?"

Steel Bone·Sora shouted hurriedly.

"Admiral Kong, I want to capture the pirate Charlotte and put him in the Impel Down Castle."

Zeffa said with a serious face.

"Sit down!"

Cyborg Kong had a black line on his forehead after hearing this.

"Admiral Kong!"

Zeffa shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Sit down!"

Cyborg Kong shouted loudly.

After being called by Kong, he could sit down.

"Zeffa, don't do this. We know that you want to capture Charlotte's heart, but you can't act so aimlessly. You must know that the entire Rocks Pirates are behind him. If you move a hair, the whole body will be affected. You must consider the overall situation when doing things!"

After seeing Zephyr sitting down, Cyborg Kong's tone slowed down.

As one of the three people he favored.

Cyborg Kong still has patience.

"Yes! Zephyr, we don't know what the other party's purpose is yet? We can't attack blindly. What if it's a trap?"

He Zai

The other side also comforted him.

Zephyr calmed down after hearing this.

"Yes! Admiral Kong!"

"Hahaha! Is that right? I heard you're getting married. Let's go to the wedding to have a drink then!"

Steel·Kong changed the subject.

After hearing what Kong said, Zephyr smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes! When you get married, call Garp and Sengoku to have a drink together!"

Tsuru also said with a smile on his face.

Speaking of Garp, Steel·Kong was angry.

"This Garp, every year during this period of time, he has to take leave to go back to see his son. I wonder if the personnel of the Navy Headquarters are tight?"

Steel·Kong complained. Although he talked about Garp, there was no blame in Steel·Kong's eyes.

"Hahaha! Garp told me every day that he wanted to train his son into a navy, and said that he would send him to the Navy Headquarters to be trained by me in a few years when he grows up."

Zephyr said with a smile.

When he thought about his old partner sending his son to him for training, he didn't know what Garp was thinking.

"That's good! Garp's son will become the highest force of the navy!"

I don't know when, they were talking about Charlotte, but suddenly they talked about Garp's son.

And in the East China Sea!

"Wakakakaka! Drago, your dad is back!"

Garp, wearing a vice admiral coat, led a basket of fruits and pushed open the door and laughed.

"Old! Old! Dad!"

When Drago, who was a few years old, saw Garp, he looked at him with horror.

But Garp ignored it and thought it was a happy expression.

On the other side.

Charlotte stood at the bow, surrounded by storms and turbulent waves.

The sailors on the ship were desperately folding the sails.

And Charlotte was watching this scene.

He didn't expect that he was so unlucky. He encountered a big storm at sea just after going out to sea and sailing for about a day.

I don't know if it's bad luck or God is playing a joke on him.

I saw a wave nearly 20 meters high coming towards me and others.

Everyone was terrified and held on to whatever they could save around them.

"Damn it!"

Charlotte saw such a high wave and thought that if he didn't take action, his ship would be destroyed.


Charlotte drew the long sword from his waist and slashed at the incoming wave with a hundred-meter-long slash.

Just when Charlotte thought he would split the huge wave.

His slash was actually blocked by the huge wave.

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