The difference is too great. Because he could feel that this move, which looked very similar to Yan Di, contained more than just the flame energy comparable to Yan Di.

There was also the madly spinning wind!

The power of the two superimposed is not as simple as one plus one!

At the same time, Aokiji also had a doubt in his heart. The guy in front of him was obviously a superhuman temperature fruit ability user. Controlling the temperature of his own body is his ability!

But why, in several attacks, there was wind?

Could it be that he had a second ability related to wind?

As soon as this idea came out, Aokiji shook his head immediately, and it was obvious that even he himself did not dare to believe this inference. After all, it is an iron rule that a person can only eat one devil fruit.

Anyone who was greedy and wanted to eat the second one, without exception, all exploded and died. So, how is it possible?

But... this guy!

Aokiji looked at the fireball that was like the second sun in the sky and fell into silence. At the same time, the cold air on his body continued to release, and the whole person turned into an ice block.

And this is not over yet. With him as the center, the ice is constantly spreading around. Soon a huge ice block was formed.


The ice hit the sea surface, half sank into the sea, and half floated on the sea. And the cold air was still rapidly released, the sea was frozen, and the ice was constantly growing.

In a few breaths, it became a huge iceberg.

Hundreds of meters below the sea, Anna saw everything in her eyes, and her eyes were full of wonder. And there was full of shock... whether it was for Will or Aokiji.

She had only one thought, are these two people still human?

One created the "second sun", and the other froze the sea and created icebergs. Simply... Simply... She could not find the right words to express her inner thoughts at this moment.


The visual impact caused by these two people made her doubt her cognition in the past 26 years. At the same time, she also understood why fishmen are much stronger than humans in all aspects.

But why they have been suppressed and suffocated.

Because humans may be generally weaker than fishmen, but humans are strong. They are definitely what fishmen can only look up to!

The upper level determines the lower level, so even if the fishmen are generally strong, they can only hide in the Fishman Island ten thousand meters below.

"What is that?"

Nicole Robin widened her eyes, full of horror. She even threw aside her fear of Aokiji, which shows how shocked she was at this moment.

"The second sun?"

Charlotte was also stunned at this time. It was too far away. She could no longer see the figures of Will and Aokiji. But it would be hard not to see the huge fireball with a diameter of 20 meters, which was like the second sun rising in the sky!

"Kung Fu Kung Fu!" Even the Kung Fu sea cow, who was acting as the helmsman, was stunned and looked at the "second sun" stupidly!

"Gulp..." After the two men and the sea cow came back to their senses, they all swallowed their saliva. Finally, the three of them looked at each other!

Nicole Robin said in disbelief: "This couldn't be done by the captain!"

Charlotte was stunned at first, then remained silent for a while, and finally said: "Who else could it be except the captain? If I remember correctly, the admiral of the navy plays with ice!"

Nicole Robin nodded: "Yes! He plays with ice... So, was this really done by the captain?"

At this moment, Nicole Robin had begun to re-evaluate the strength of her captain in her heart. Looking at the little sun in the sky, Nicole Robin suddenly felt that she was not so scared.

Why was she scared?

That's because in her heart, Aokiji is unmatched. But now, there is such a person... and he is her captain.

Suddenly, there is a sense of security in her heart.

The corners of her mouth rose unconsciously, and she murmured: "It seems like I am following an incredible captain!"

Charlotte on the side nodded when she heard this.

However, her hand holding Huazhou was shaking. This is excitement, this is excitement, this is the desire for strength... At this moment, her eyes are shining.

Because she has never seen such a battle scene, which also gave her a new understanding of "strength".

There is a saying that goes, the bigger your heart is, the stronger you are


If a person has always been in a world of the weak, no matter how talented he is, he will not be strong. Because he has no goal to pursue.

But in the world of the strong, as long as he has talent, he will definitely find his goal. Then, he will work hard with motivation to become stronger... stronger... stronger!

The scene returns to Will and Aokiji. Will has reached the limit of what he can bear at this time. Except for not transforming into a beast, the two abilities are the same... reaching the limit.

At this time, the fireball is constantly rotating, and the flames are burning more fiercely. The power is overwhelming.....


Will threw it towards the sea.

"Boom..." The huge 20-meter fireball fell heavily on the huge iceberg.

The powerful impact directly smashed a large piece of the iceberg, and the terrifying high temperature on it was also melting the iceberg at a very fast speed.

But the iceberg is really too big. No matter how powerful the fireball is, it can't be smashed at once, nor can it melt the entire iceberg instantly.

But under the powerful impact, the entire huge iceberg sank.

A huge wave was formed and swept around.

"Not good..."

At this time, the battle between Will and Aokiji was still unclear, and Nico Robin and Charlotte were so shocked that their eyes were about to fall out.

The huge wave formed by the aftermath of the battle between Will and Aokiji rolled towards them.

Charlotte couldn't help but shout: "Kung Fu Manatee, keep the direction, and never deviate... Otherwise, you will be overturned by this huge wave."

"Kung Fu!" Kung Fu Manatee instantly became serious, and his hands tightly grasped the rudder.

The next second, the waves came.... The pirate ship was so small in the huge waves. However, as long as it is well controlled, it can ride the huge waves and move forward rapidly.

Quickly leave this sea area.


Time passed by little by little, the fireball had disappeared, and there were scattered ice cubes floating on the sea, but there was no sign of Aokiji.

Will frowned and murmured, "Could it be that I killed him with one move?"


He rejected this idea as soon as he thought of it. If the admiral was so easy to deal with, he would not be an admiral.

"Where are you looking!"

At this moment, a voice behind Will sounded, a lazy voice with murderous intent.

Will's face changed...

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