The stormy battle not only makes the visual experience very satisfying, but also the destructive power is also barbaric, just the unintentional air attack in the battle, it is full of power.

For example, the peach rabbit slashed crookedly, and the narrow slash slashed to a tower in the distance, and the result was that the tall tower was like a piece of tofu, and it was easily cut through the middle by the slash.

The cut section is extremely smooth, even if you touch it with your hand, you probably won't feel a little rough feeling, and the speed of this slash is already extremely fast.

Or maybe Drought Jack punched empty, and the fist wind was like an air cannon, slamming the building in front of him into ruins.

However, it seems that there are no people in those buildings, and it seems that the navy of Rogue Town has already arranged all the townspeople to hide in some safe and hidden places.

Otherwise, a battle of this level, because of the impact of the battle every minute, will have to be killed or injured at least tens of thousands of people!

Smog couldn't afford this responsibility, and besides, he couldn't let so many townspeople follow the navy to die.

Although he looks very vicious and not close to people, anyone who has seen One Piece knows that this guy is just cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

On the surface, you put on a vicious appearance that you will not be close to people, and if you approach me, you will slaughter you, but in fact, you are better than anyone else, and this kind of person seems to have always been called sullen.

At this time, the battle has entered a white-hot stage, under the battle of the terrifying combat power of the two sides, the pier of the entire Rogue Town has long been destroyed, and the ground is full of hideous cracks like spider webs.

All over the place are huge fist pits, and cracks cut by slashes.

This is also because Peach Rabbit deliberately let Drought Jack's attack not affect the rest of the knife, otherwise not only one pier will be destroyed, but the small half of Rogue Town will not be necessary.

The combat power of the general level, that can destroy the existence of an island casually.

Even if Rogue Town is very large, as long as enough time is given, it is simply trivial to want to destroy a Rogue Town in the East China Sea.

"Difficult woman!"

Drought Jack's eyes flashed with fierceness, and suddenly his entire head turned into a huge elephant head, thicker than a fist, and attacked the peach rabbit like a third fist.

What the?!

Peach Rabbit was slightly startled in her heart, and the rhythm of the battle was immediately disrupted, she had just forgotten that Drought Jack was still an animal line devil fruit ability, it was really careless.

Moreover, Drought Jack, who used the fruit ability, became so powerful!

When she went head-to-head with Drought Jack just now, Peach Rabbit still felt comfortable, although Drought Jack's physical skills are very strong, but her physical cultivation is also not bad, otherwise it is impossible to become a naval candidate general.

And she didn't eat the devil fruit, this achievement was all because of the hard cultivation of physical skills and swordsmanship, from which you can see how terrifying Peach Rabbit's physical skills are.


"Moon Step!"

Peach Rabbit instantly dodged Drought Jack's attack, using Moon Steps to directly step on the air to shuttle back and forth in the air, and with the speed of Shaving, Drought Jack couldn't catch her at all.

Although Drought Jack's speed is also fast, after all, due to his large size, even if he can faintly see the trajectory of Peach Rabbit, when his attack hits, people have already dodged.

"Damn, annoying flies!"

Drought Jack's temper became more and more irritable, his eyes were full of crimson, the huge elephant head was raised high, and the sharp two tusks shimmered in the sunlight.

It's a pity that although his ivory is very powerful, the only use of ivory that can attack is to sprint, but now he can't even capture the figure of the peach rabbit, and the ivory is useless at all.

This is the scene where the Blood Warrior meets the nimble assassin.

The warriors are half-fleshy and attack high and thick, but most of them are as fast as Drought Jack, and their huge size completely affects the speed of play.

And the assassin, not to mention the position is still coquettish.

From time to time, you slash a few times, but you can't even hit the corners of people's clothes, and it is very helpless to watch your blood volume decrease little by little.

Holding the famous knife in his hand, Peach Rabbit's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and his eyes were no longer the plain look just now, but murderous.

"Armed color wrapped rao!"

"One Knife Flow—Instant Slash Nine!!"

Ugh --

Suddenly, her figure completely disappeared into Drought Jack's field of vision, as if it had never appeared, making Drought Jack's heart alarm bell!

Just now, he could barely capture the movement trajectory of the peach rabbit, but now he couldn't even see a shadow, as if the other party could use teleportation, and he couldn't even sense the domineering color.

Able to break through the speed of domineering perception!

This explosive power is a little faster than the fruit ability of the yellow ape guy!

Although Drought Jack has not fought with Admiral Yellow Ape, in theory, the speed of the yellow ape's shining fruit should not escape the perception of seeing and smelling domineering, or that his Drought Jack's domineering ability has not yet cultivated home...

Ahem, that's a little embarrassing.

Suddenly, a feeling like sitting on pins and needles came to his heart, and Drought Jack was shocked to find a tingling pain in his back, warm blood spilled all over his back, dyeing his blond hair red.


Without having time to think about it, he hurriedly pulled out the two strange scythes pinned to the back of his neck, and saw that the domineering overload was opened, and the scythe struggled to block the place at the waist.

Wow --

The sound of metal clashing sounded, and a spark emerged from the scythe, and he finally blocked the knife that went straight to his waist.

But Drought Jack knows very well that Peach Rabbit's attack is definitely not over!

After the major vital parts of his body were covered with armed colors, his eyes were solemn, and his face was no longer arrogant and irritable before.

Although Drought Jack is a bit brainless, he at least knows that he must be calm and calm when fighting, otherwise he will not live in such a dangerous new world.

But before even a second had passed, a pain sensation came from an unspeakable place, which made Drought Jack's face extremely wonderful. _

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