To be honest, Smogg, as a naval colonel, usually encounters Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, a wanted criminal named by the world government, and usually has no hesitation to arrest the other party.

But now, it seems that the current situation is a little more special than usual.

If nothing else, the army general's uniform on Nicole Robin's body and the cloak of justice flying behind her made Smogg a little at a loss.

He didn't believe that the army people didn't know who Nicole Robin was, after all, this girl often appeared in various newspaper bounty columns, and the world government had the strength to not kill her.

As for why a small girl offered a reward of tens of millions, and why the world government was so persistent in killing a teenage girl, he a naval colonel did not know so many insiders.

But the people in the army know Nicole Robin's identity and know that the world government wants to arrest her and even kill her, but why let Nicole Robin join the army?

Most importantly, the other party is actually an army general!

Only officers of the rank of general in the army are qualified to wear the cloak of justice, and this unwritten rule is relatively clear to Smogg.

But Nicole Robin is obviously a cloak of justice for the Army, she is a wanted criminal who has been rewarded for tens of millions, and she has actually become a general officer of the Army, isn't the world a little too crazy?

"For now... Give you a go! "

Smogg's words were almost uttered through gritted teeth, and for someone like him, it hurt to face the feeling of a bounty criminal who couldn't arrest the other party.

But you can't help but let each other go.

Because now he can't beat Nicole Robin at all.

If he hadn't been injured now, he would have arrested Nicole Robin with the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, because Robin wouldn't be armed at all, and he had no solution to the natural Devil Fruit ability.

But he is now very seriously injured, and being able to insist on not lying down is already his physique is very strong, in other words, the others have already fallen to the ground unconscious now.

Well, Smogg selectively forgot, he was also in a coma for a while just now.

What's more, now Rogue Town is almost full of army people, and one Klockdar alone makes him unable to act rashly, not to mention Qi Xiu and Peach Rabbit and others.

If he dares to mess around, it is estimated that the end will not be much better.

Robin covered his mouth and chuckled, and just thought of teasing Smogg, when he heard a strange voice coming.


This sound seems to be the sound of shells flying in the air, who fired the cannon? No, it should be said that the dock in Rogue Town, except for the warships of the army, seems to be gone, right?

Almost everyone present raised their heads, and saw a small dot in the air, streaked a graceful arc in mid-air, and then fell straight down the yard of Rogue Town.

It won't really be a shell, will it?!

Smogg's face changed, he now had a hard time elementalizing, let alone blocking a cannonball falling from the sky.

Although he didn't know if the shell would hit him, at least it was safer to walk farther, he didn't want to die so young.

Immediately, he quickly dragged his severely injured body back, anyway, how far to retreat.

Robin wouldn't be stupid enough to hard catch a cannonball, and if she could flexibly use armed color domineering, she might be able to compete with a cannonball to compare who was a little more powerful.

But now, she will not be armed with domineering at all.

Collide with shells, that's simply to send to death!



The shell fell from the sky and fell to the ground, suddenly smashing a huge pit on the ground, and smoke and dust flew.

However, the imaginary explosion did not happen, it should be a solid bullet.

"Such a strong smell of blood... Could it be that the town of Rogue has fallen? Just now, the old man saw the current appearance of Rogue Town in the sky, and it seemed a little unoptimistic. "

A breathless voice suddenly sounded, which made almost everyone present stunned.

"This shell? Can talk?! "

A pirate who knelt on the ground was a little confused, he was almost hit by a cannonball just now, and now he is careful that the liver is still jumping and jumping, and he almost jumped out of his throat.

But when he heard someone speak, he was even more confused.

Qi Xiu's eyebrows raised slightly, and with his perception, he easily knew that there was a person in the smoke, and the other party's majestic qi and blood were even more amazing.

Peach Rabbit's qi and blood are already strong enough, after all, she became a former naval candidate general by physical skills and swordsmanship, if her qi and blood are not vigorous, then she is still a human?

But he could clearly perceive that the guy of unknown origin in the smoke was covered in qi and blood compared to peach rabbits... Wrong!

Even more exaggerated than Drought Jack, who turned into a mammoth!!

When did Tokai have such a powerful guy? It seems that the strength of the other party should be much stronger than the admiral, and there are few guys who are stronger than the admiral in the entire One Piece world.

"This voice... It's Lieutenant General Karp!! "

Smogg, who was hiding far away, suddenly reacted, staring at the smoke and dust in front of him with a shocked face, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Karp!! Naval hero Vice Admiral Karp? That son became the leader of the revolutionary army, and the grandson wanted to be the Kapu of One Piece.

Qi Xiu was slightly shocked in his heart, he didn't expect this guy to be here in the East China Sea.

But when you think about it, it's not strange, because Karp's hometown is in the East China Sea, and the three little guys Ace, Luffy, and Saab are also in the East China Sea.

It seems that Kapu came to the East China Sea to see relatives, there is nothing wrong with Lao Tie!

A terrifying momentum emanated from the center of the smoke, and the powerful momentum almost turned into substance, easily dispersing the smoke and dust that blocked the line of sight.

"You bastard pirates! He actually dared to give Rogue Town under the nose of the old man... To give...... What's going on?! "

Karp just wanted to kill all sides and destroy all these bastard pirates, but he suddenly froze after seeing the picture in front of him.

Why are the pirates kneeling on the ground one by one? And what happened to the giant mammoth that fell to the ground? _

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