The boat was in a state of panic, but the boat was still in a state of panic.

Hearing Smoker's dissuasion, Sanai was obviously unhappy and spoke in a cold tone.

Smoker saw this and said goodbye tactfully.

[How could a young and energetic guy like him go to hunt giants...]

[The Blue Demon and the Red Demon have been there for decades. If they were so easy to kill, it would be your turn...]

Soon, the cruise ship sailed to the small garden and stopped near the sea.

In the plot, the Straw Hat Pirates sailed directly into the hinterland of the small garden along the river.

But the cruise ship was full of tourists who were powerless, and going to the island rashly was just feeding.

Smoker found the crew.

"Why do we have to stay in such a dangerous sea?"

The crew member said respectfully: "Dear guest, we don't have a permanent pointer, so we need to stop to store magnetic force."

"Don't worry, although there are many beasts on the island, it is still relatively safe on the sea!"


Smoker looked at the clearly visible tooth marks on the edge of the small garden.

If I didn't know there was an island-eating goldfish here, I would have believed you!

"It will take a year for the pointer of the small garden to be full? Are we just waiting like this?!"

"Besides, I heard there is a legend of an island-eating monster here!"

The crew member smiled professionally.

"Don't worry, guests, our pointer has recorded the geomagnetism here many times, so it doesn't take that long at all, it only takes two days to read it full!"

"The island-eating monster does exist, but it only shows up on the island, there is no problem near the sea!"

"So that's it..."

Smoker nodded, believing most of it in his heart.

The combat effectiveness of these crew members is not as good as that of the navy recruits. If they were not sure, they would definitely not stay here.

After all, they can't risk their lives.

In that case, there is nothing to worry about...

If something happens to this ship and civilians are killed or injured,

whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, it will not be a good thing for his navy.

Suddenly, Smoker saw Sanai wandering by the side of the ship.

[? ! ]

[Is that a lifeboat over there...]

At night.

The cruise ship floated on the water, and it was pitch black all around, and all the lights on the ship were turned off.

Unlike in Whiskey Mountain. Now the lights and fires on the entire cruise ship were turned off, and the tourists also went to bed early under the persuasion of the crew.

Late at night, Sanai slowly opened his eyes.

He put on his clothes, took his weapons, sneaked out of the guest room, found the right opportunity to lower a lifeboat, and floated towards the small garden...

However, as soon as Sanai took action, he was sensed by Smoker's observation color.

Smoker stood on the top of the ship and watched Sanai leave.


Forget it, after all, we know each other, I can't watch him die!

I'm free anyway, so I'll go see what he's doing!

A black ball appeared above Smoker's head, and the gravitational force offset the gravity, and he flew lightly towards the small garden.

The two of them landed on the island one after the other.

Smoker used his observation Haki to sense that there were no powerful beasts near Sanai, so he didn't show up directly, but just hung far behind.

Soon, it was dawn.

The scenery of the small garden also appeared in front of Smoker.

It must be said that the scenery here is beautiful and the environment is pleasant. Birds and beasts roared from time to time in the jungle, and the scene was full of vitality. It really lived up to the name of the garden...

Passing through a jungle,

Smoker was surprised to find that there were several huge creatures with long necks eating leaves.

Although he had known it for a long time, he couldn't help shouting out loud.

"Dinosaurs! My God, living dinosaurs! Ahahahaha!!!!"

In his previous life, he was a senior reptile enthusiast. Ever since I watched Jurassic Park, I have always dreamed of seeing real dinosaurs. I didn't expect to realize it by traveling through time!

The dinosaur glanced at the noisy and tiny creature and continued to eat leaves.


A dull sound came from the distance, and the whole earth trembled slightly.

Earthquake? !

But the dinosaur next to him ignored it and continued to eat leaves slowly, and reacted instantly.

[Is this the signal of the giants fighting - volcanic eruption? ! ]

Smoker hurriedly moonwalked into the sky.

Sure enough, in the distance, a huge volcano was emitting black smoke, and two figures larger than dinosaurs were approaching rapidly. .

"Oh oh oh... It's started!!"

Suddenly, a cry came from higher in the sky.

Looking up, it turned out to be a bird.

No, it's not small.

No, it's quite big.

Wow, it's so big? !

A giant eagle swooped down and grabbed

Smoker flew away.

From a distance, it looked like it had caught a mouse.

Smoker: “?!!!”

The giant eagle was extremely fast, speeding over the small garden.

Smoker looked down at the scenery, which was surprisingly interesting.

The two giants finally collided.

One of them held a knife and the other held an axe, fighting like ancient Titans. Wherever the knife and axe passed, rocks collapsed and trees broke, as if they had experienced a typhoon.

[Oh, is this the power of giants? Kouwa. ]

It’s a pity that the giant eagle had no interest in this.

Smoker was dragged away before he had time to take a few glances.

After a while, the giant eagle returned to the nest.

“Squeak! Squeak!”

Two little heads deep in the nest, with big mouths waiting to be fed.

Smoker’s face froze,

Is this really taking me for a mouse? !

He quickly turned over and got out of the eagle's claws, dragged a pile of meat from the dark space and threw it out, and took the opportunity to hide in the corner.

Seeing a pile of meat suddenly appear, the giant eagle was also a little confused.

Looking at Smoker, then at the meat, it seemed that it didn't understand why the prey would explode gold coins this time.

If you don't understand, don't think about it, feed the children first!

The giant eagle began to tear meat to feed the chicks,

As for Smoker, the "rat", throw it aside first...

Smoker just watched quietly, and suddenly he was pecked on the back.

Looking back, there was another young eagle.

However, compared with the other two, this one was much smaller, with scars all over his body, many of which were pecks and scratches.

The young eagle's stomach was shriveled, and it was very hungry at a glance.

However, it watched its brothers feasting, and could only hide aside with envy, and didn't dare to come forward at all.

Smoker immediately understood the experience of the young eagle.

Eagles give birth to several cubs each time.

The last hatched cubs are the smallest and will be bullied by their brothers.

They either starve to death because they cannot get food, or are pecked to death by their brothers.

What's worse, when food is scarce, they will be used as reserve food by their mothers, torn into pieces and fed to other children.

Smoker didn't want to care at first, but when he saw the eager little eyes, he softened his heart.

"It's also a poor little guy..."

Then he took out a piece of meat and stuffed it into its mouth.

The young eagle's eyes lit up, and he didn't dare to cry out, and hurriedly devoured it.

In this way, the eagle fed the two eaglets outside, and Smoker fed the eaglet inside, and there was harmony in the bird's nest for a while.

After feeding the two young birds, the mother eagle ignored the eaglet and began to rest on her own.

Of course, he ignored Smoker, after all, it is easier to keep food fresh when it is alive...

The mountain wind was howling, and the little eagle was shivering.

After a while, he finally couldn't stand it anymore and leaned on Smoker for warmth.

Smoker didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but looking at the little eagle's big watery eyes, he really couldn't bear to push him away.

[Forget it, I'm afraid of you...]

It just so happened that he didn't sleep well the day before and was a little sleepy,

so he took out a blanket from the dark, hugged his little eagle, and fell asleep in a daze.

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