The pirates were lying on the deck with their limbs broken.

Five minutes later, all the pirates were lying neatly on the deck with their hands and feet broken.

The strong ones were tougher and had the strength to wail,

the weak ones had already fainted with their eyes rolled back.

Smoker dusted himself off, picked up the seastone necklace on the deck, and carefully put it in his pocket.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry and don't have time to tie you up slowly, it's easier this way..."

"Anyway, you are all sea warriors, it's just a little bit of physical pain, it must not be a big deal."

Then he stepped forward to help Belle-Merre untie the rope.

"I was beaten badly..."

"It's all your fault for being so slow. You were already here, but you didn't act earlier, causing me to suffer so much... But thank you anyway!"

Bellmaire limped and got up with difficulty.

Glancing at Gotha lying on the deck, she couldn't help but get angry and picked up a knife to cut his crotch.

Smoker hurriedly stopped her.

"Don't be impulsive. Although these guys are scum, they are still useful. It's a waste to kill them."

Bellmaire looked unhappy: "Ah?! What's the use of such guys? If you want to exchange for military merits, you can kill them!!"

As the saying goes, there must be brave men under a big reward.

In order to deal with pirates, the Navy Headquarters has formulated many incentives.

The most well-known of them is the institutional bounty, which has created countless pirate hunters.

But there is another policy that is rarely known, which is the military merit exchange system within the Navy.

The Navy cannot exchange bounty criminals for money, but can exchange them for military merits according to the bounty amount.

As long as he accumulates enough military merits, he can get a promotion and a raise...

Smoker is just a private, and this ship of pirates is enough for him to be promoted several levels.

Smoker looked helpless: "I'm not talking about this..."

He rolled up his sleeves, and his palms turned black.

Belle-mère was shocked: "What is this?"

"Have you heard of the devil fruit? The legendary secret treasure of the sea, after eating it, you can have special abilities. I have eaten the devil fruit..."

Smoker didn't explain too much.

Putting his hand on Belle-mère's shoulder, the darkness kept spreading and soon covered Belle-mère's body.

Belle-mère was still a little nervous, but seeing that the darkness couldn't hurt her, she relaxed.

But soon she was surprised to find that the pain on her body slowly disappeared.

On the other hand, Smoker had his eyes closed, his face solemn, and fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

After a long while, Smoker let out a long breath and opened his eyes again.

Spreading his palm, there was a transparent white light ball.

Bellmère's eyes widened.

"What kind of ability is this? It's amazing. I feel relaxed all over now!"

Smoker smiled tiredly.

After so much development, he can now heal others' injuries.

But it's not easy to use this trick on others.

Not only does it consume more physical strength, but the healing speed and effect are much worse than healing yourself.

This is probably the mechanism of the devil fruit.

The same is true for Marco's regeneration flame.

Healing yourself and healing others are completely different effects.

"I am a dark man who ate the Dark Dark Fruit. I can manipulate gravity. I just used gravity to absorb your pain!"

"Hey? Gravity Man! It sounds powerful!"

"It's Dark Dark... just think of it as Gravity Man, it's almost the same anyway..."

"Will it affect you if you absorb the damage?!"

Smoker nodded.

"Pain is an objective existence, and someone must bear it. If I bear it, I will naturally be affected."

Then, he looked at the pirates with ill intentions.

"But there is a better choice here, isn't it..."

Bellmaire understood immediately, and his eyes lit up.

A few minutes later, accompanied by a scream of pain, Smoker cleared Bellmaire's pain and his own negative status for this month.

Compared with the two people who were refreshed, the pirates were already breathing out more than breathing in.

Especially Gotha, who was dead.

Even after death, his eyes were wide open and his face was distorted. It seems that he was taken care of by Smoker.

Bellmaire suddenly thought of something.

"No! You usually train like you don't care about your life. Did you cheat with this ability?!"

Smoker smacked his lips and did not comment.

Bellmère continued, "The pain you just absorbed will condense into a ball. Can you use it as a weapon and throw it at the enemy? If so, wouldn't you be invincible?

! ”

Smoker shook his head: "It's not that simple. If you want to make someone suffer, either the other party is willing or has no ability to resist... So, although this trick is useful, it can't be used as a means of combat!"

Bellmaire said "Oh" and looked a little regretful.

But then he expressed great envy of Smoker's ability.

"Tsk tsk, devil fruit, sometimes I can hear about it in reports, but I've never seen such a thing..."

"You are so lucky, I wish I could have one too."

Smoker laughed: "Devil fruit is hard to come by, don't think too much, let's see what's on this ship first!"

The Gotha Pirates have been around for so many years, and the family assets on the ship must be very rich.

Bellmaire also became excited when he heard it.

"Yes! Hurry up and hide the good cigarettes and good wine! Don't let Cole, that stubborn guy, find out! ! "

The two of them searched with great interest, and soon found seven or eight treasure chests filled with gold, silver and jewelry, as well as a cargo hold filled with swords and guns.

Bellmaire took a breath of cold air.

No wonder that bastard Gotha didn't care even though most of his subordinates died.

With these treasures and weapons, even if all his subordinates died, he could quickly make a comeback.

Bellmaire was not very interested in these, and hurriedly continued to search.

After all, the treasures were to be confiscated, and the cigarettes and alcohol were his.

Finally, she found a secret compartment in the captain's room, which contained an exquisite iron box.

"Smoker, there is a discovery here! ! "

Bellmaire dragged the box out. The box was not heavy, but it was locked with several locks.

But this did not bother the two.

Smoker grabbed the box and pulled it hard, tearing it in half, and a strange fruit fell out.

Bellmaire picked it up: "What is this? "

Smoker looked at Bell-mère with a strange expression.

Isn't this guy too lucky?!

Just when he was talking about wanting a devil fruit, one appeared in the blink of an eye?!

"This is the devil fruit..."

Bell-mère was shocked: "This is..."

There was a trace of reluctance in her eyes, but she handed it to Smoker without hesitation.

"You saved me, this thing should be yours..."

Smoker shook his head and didn't take it.

"I'll leave this fruit to you...Everyone can only eat one devil fruit. If you eat a second one, you will explode and die, so don't refuse it."

"However, I have to remind you...Every fruit is unique. Before eating it, no one knows what ability they will get."

"Of course, if you don't want to eat it, you can also choose to sell it. The market price of the devil fruit is 100 million Baileys..."

"100 million Baileys? ! "Bell-mère looked at the fruit in disbelief.

Is this thing so valuable?!

If I sell it, I won't have to worry about cigarettes and alcohol for the rest of my life!

Smoker nodded: "That Godard left the devil fruit, probably because he didn't want to take risks and was going to sell it."

Bell-mère was full of disdain: "A pirate, not thinking about improving his strength, his mind is full of money... I still choose strength!"

After saying that, he bit it hard.

"Ugh, it's so disgusting!!!"

Smoker watched her eat the whole fruit quietly, then said: "How is it? Do you feel any changes?"

Bell-mère looked at his hands and touched his face again: "No changes..."

Smoker frowned slightly.

Judging from the shape, this fruit should be a parahuman type.

But he couldn't tell what kind of fruit it was.

Bell-mère was free and easy: "It's okay, I'll study it slowly later, and contact Cole first! ! "

While speaking, she waved her hand.

Suddenly, a green wind blade flew out from her fingertips, piercing through the roof and flew out.

Bellmer was stunned.

"What...what's going on? !"

Smoker was surprised: "I know, the sickle fruit, this is the sickle fruit! !"

The sickle fruit, a kind of devil fruit of the parahuman type, highly compresses the air passed by the hand, producing a slash like a sharp sickle, which is so powerful that it can easily cut through rocks.

After listening to Smoker's introduction, Bellmer was overjoyed.

He ran to the deck and waved his hands continuously, and soon the pirate ship was destroyed.

Smoker was so scared that he hurried to dissuade him.

"Okay, okay, stop tossing, the boat can't hold up! ! The ability users are all landlubbers, if the boat sinks, we will both die! "

Bellmaire then obediently withdrew his hands, but he still stared at his hands and laughed foolishly.

Smoker didn't bother to pay attention to her and walked straight to the mast.

The mast that the two of them had originally hugged had been cut off, and the cross-section had no burrs at all, and it was as smooth as a mirror.


It must be said that the threshold for developing the sickle fruit is really low, and eating it can form combat power.

In a place like the East China Sea, a sickle fruit is enough to make Bell-mère a strong man.

After a while, the warship rushed over.

Smoker said to Bell-mère: "Bell-mère, don't tell others about my ability..."

"Why?!" Bell-mère was puzzled: "If Cole knew that you are a capable person, he would definitely be happy!!"

"I'm not used to attracting attention... Having you as a capable person is enough to make him happy!"

"Is that so..." Bell-mère was originally a carefree person. Since Smoker said it, he didn't think about it anymore.

"Although I don't know why, since you said it, I will keep my mouth shut, don't worry!"

"Ah, thank you very much..."

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