The world government.

The CP communications officer in charge of communications was bored...

Suddenly, a Den Den Mushi screamed.

He hurriedly answered the call and received a telegram.

When he saw the title, the self-proclaimed knowledgeable CP was stunned...

"CP Punk Hazard Base Emergency Report on the Attack of CP Members by the Naval Science Force and Serious Injuries to Many People"

He hurriedly flipped through it and his eyes almost popped out.

Punk Hazard's CP placed the naval base according to normal working procedures,

During the period, he was beaten by the base commander Smoker? !

All members were seriously injured, and the most serious CP0 was directly disabled? ! !

Tian Gang is the opposite! ! !


But before he could finish his indignation, another Den Den Mushi howled, also an encrypted Den Den Mushi.

[This Den Den Mushi... is from the Navy Headquarters!! ]

[Could it be related to this incident? ! ]

The CP communications officer suppressed his anger and hurriedly answered the call. Soon a document was transmitted.

The title was three big words: "Apology"

[Hmph, damn navy, dare to attack CP!! ]

[Thinking of apologizing now? Too late! ]

[Only the death penalty awaits you! ]

The CP communications officer opened the report and saw that his pupils were shaking. He hurriedly read it carefully.

The more he read, the more solemn his expression became. By the end, he was sweating profusely.

Smoker's confession is roughly divided into four sections.

The first section admits his fault.

I, Smoker, hit someone. I was wrong!

The Navy beat up the CP, this is unacceptable,

This is a serious crime, and I am unforgivable,

Please punish me severely, I will never frown if I have to pay compensation or punishment!!

Second paragraph explanation.

I beat people purely out of indignation!

Our Navy salutes when they see the Celestial Dragons' logo, but what about those CPs?

I said several times that this is the hoof print of the flying dragon, but that guy just said I know, and then remained indifferent...

Seeing someone trample on the dignity of the Celestial Dragons, the subordinates were so hot-blooded that they couldn't help but attack!

I am guilty, I admit my mistake, but I don't regret it.

Third paragraph of thoughts.

Dear leaders, I think...

Punk Hazard's CP, I mean them, not all CPs...

Have you been slack? ?

Logically speaking, the CP is the confidant of the Celestial Dragons, with high moral character, both civil and military, and each of them is an elite selected from thousands of people.

It shouldn't be that they lose to our navy in this regard...

Of course, I'm not saying that they are incompetent, they just have some ideological slippage.

As long as their thoughts are correct, they will definitely be able to burst out with infinite combat power! ! !

Supplement to the fourth paragraph.

The CP of Punk Hazard wants to cut our funds. We have to tighten our belts and support the work of the CP!

But as the saying goes, a good cook cannot cook without rice. We really have nowhere to squeeze money.

There is no way, we can only take down the flag of the flying dragon hoof print this year.

This is not forced by the CP, but our own incompetence...

But don't worry, the leader, the screen wall and the emblem are still there.

The navy will never slack off in its respect for the Celestial Dragons and its following of the World Government!

Next year, we will take stock of the expenses and see where there is a surplus, and strive to put the flag back! !

After reading this apology, the CP communications officer was completely numb...

This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a tea document.

Compared to the dry report of CP,

Smoker's confession is rich in pictures and texts, and there is a special photo in it.

In the photo, Smoker saluted the hoofprint of the flying dragon with a solemn and pious expression.

Behind and beside him, all the navy officers, regardless of their positions, saluted.

And the CP next to him was either confused or looking around, looking wretched.

What's more terrible is that the light and shadow contrast of this photo is very good.

Smoker and a kind of navy standing in the sun, with a bit of holiness,

And the CP in black standing in the shadows, like a group of thieves...

The CP communications officer was angry and anxious.

He had seen many conflicts between the navy and the CP before.

Although the public has its own reasons, the World Government is biased, and the Navy always suffers.

But Smoker does not play by the rules.

Didn't you bribe the referee?

I just locked the stadium and set it on fire...

Not only that, in order to report this letter of apology as soon as possible.

Smoker Special

The door used the channel of the Navy Headquarters.

The authority of the Navy Headquarters and the branch is completely different.

If the document was issued from Punk Hazard, the CP communication officer could have suppressed it for a few days and then rejected it on the grounds that it did not comply with the process.

This back and forth would have stretched it for at least a week.

The CP communication officer could have used this time difference to tip off the news and make a good article.

At least it would have allowed Bai to prepare...

But now the document was issued by the Navy Headquarters.

Even if the CP communication officer had more courage, he would not dare to suppress this letter of apology...

The CP communication officer had a gloomy face, but still gritted his teeth and reported it.


Soon, the five smart people got the CP report and the fatal letter of apology.

Several people passed it around.

For a while, the atmosphere among the powers was as silent as death.

Satan Sheng held the two documents, exerted force on his hands, and a domineering aura gushed out, shaking the documents into powder.

"What do you think?"

"The context of the matter is very clear. CP disrespected the Celestial Dragons and Smoker attacked CP. These are indisputable facts!!"

"Smoker's matter is easy to deal with. His behavior is rebellious, but there are reasons. Whether it is severe punishment or heavy rewards, it is all excusable."

"The real trouble... is CP!!"

"I didn't expect the Celestial Dragons' shield to rust like this!!"

"The internal cleansing of CP0 has already produced results..."

"Last time, Duolu and his men violated the will of the Celestial Dragons and secretly attacked Zane. I thought it was just an accidental act of some crazy and rebellious people, but the situation is not optimistic..."

"Directly disobeying orders or acting without orders is indeed rare, but there are many cases of profiteering in the name of missions or concealing or underreporting!"

"From this incident It can be seen that not only CP0, but all CPs have problems..."

"The henchmen with lofty status seem to have forgotten who their rights come from!"

"So, how to deal with the CP base in Punk Hazard? !"

"It's easy to just deal with them! The problem is, how to ensure the loyalty of the CP organization!"

"Smoker's disciplinary action seems to be a good reference..."

"Who should take the lead? Smoker certainly can't do it, he is not a CP person, and can't get in touch with such a top-secret task as the CP list!"

"Ger Nika did a great job in the internal cleanup of CP0 before, why not let him take it on? !"






"It's decided, CP internal cleanup action!!!"

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