The two of them were so busy that they had to fight.

Zen pointed to the hill not far away.

"Hey, Doflamingo, do you dare to fight with me over there?!"

"You don't want to hurt your subordinates by mistake, do you?"

"Fufufufu!" Doflamingo sneered while holding his glasses: "It's rare that you can be considerate!"

After saying that, he moved his fingers, and his body rose from the ground under the traction of the silk thread and flew over first.

"I'll leave this to you!"

Zen gave a warning and chased after him with the Moon Step.

Compared to Doflamingo, Zen flew very low. She knew that she was not good at air combat, and she also prevented Doflamingo from attacking by surprise.

A few seconds later.

The two climbed to the top of the hill and started fighting directly.

The aftermath of the battle spread far away, and even Smoker could hear it clearly.

From a distance, dense spikes appeared on the top of the mountain from time to time.

Then there was a sharp friction sound, which was cut off by an invisible sharp blade.

Smoker secretly smacked his lips.

No wonder Zane wanted to fight in another place.

Otherwise, if he couldn't control it well, he might kill Diamante who was tied up.

He is a precious hostage and can't die now...

Sure enough, Zane is still very experienced!

Smoker turned his head and looked at Pica and Trebol.

"Slug, Squeaky Voice, where do you want to fight? I let you choose the place..."

"Squeaky Voice?!!"

Pica was so angry that his veins popped out, half of his body was buried in the ground, and he wanted to use his ability to launch an attack.

"Wait, Pica!" Trebol hurriedly grabbed him, and then angrily said to Smoker: "Marine, have the guts to follow us!"

After that, he dragged Pica to the other side.

It would not disturb Doflamingo, nor would it affect Diamante.

Smoker said to Tina: "Be careful!"

Then he followed without hesitation.

Tina picked up a saber and walked to Diamante, quietly looking at the remaining four cadres.

"Tina's mission is to guard, and I don't want to fight with you."

"Please don't act rashly, wait quietly for them to decide the winner, otherwise..."

Tina slowly drew out the knife: "You will bear the consequences!"

Jorah was violent and said angrily: "Just relying on you little girl, you want to stop us?!"

After that, he rushed over.

Tina's face turned cold, and she stabbed behind her with her backhand.

The tip of the knife brushed past Diamante's neck, but didn't hit his throat.

But the sharp blade cut off a piece of flesh from his chin.

Blood gushed out instantly, staining his collar red.

Diamante's mouth was covered, and he couldn't scream. He could only twist his body and make a "woohoo" sound.

Jorah hurriedly stopped.

"Damn it! Despicable navy!!"

Tina ignored it at all, and even her expression didn't change at all.

"Tina has made it clear. This guy's life is in your hands!"

"By the way, there is one more thing..."

"Tina doesn't know how to use a knife. The last one was just a coincidence. Tina herself doesn't know where she will hit with the next knife."

Gulardius, Mahabais, Lao G, Jorah: "..."

Smoker, Pica, and Trebol came to a reef.

Looking at the boulders around him, Smoker sneered, "You've found a good home ground!"

Suddenly, Smoker caught a glimpse of Doflamingo's pirate ship from afar.

[Lucky, I accidentally saw the loot...]

"Go to hell!"

Pica screamed, and her body merged into the rock.

Trebol also shouted, "Sticky chain!"

A slime chain stuck to several boulders, and he dragged it hard, and the boulders fell like meteor hammers.

"Tsk, little trick. Shave!"

Smoker dodged to the side in an instant, easily avoiding the boulders.

Then a giant rock palm appeared behind him and slapped down hard, and Smoker dodged it easily again.

"Your fruit is also very interesting... but such a clumsy move can't hit me!"

Smoker jumped into the air with the Moon Step.

"Storm Kick!"

Several wind blades tilted down and cut the giant rock palm into pieces.

But Pica dodged quickly and disappeared.

"You're hiding fast, sissy."

"Your voice is a perfect match for this fruit that only knows how to hide!!"

Pica is the user of the Stone-Stone Fruit, which allows him to move freely among rocks and is very stealthy.

Smoker hasn't awakened his Observation Haki yet, so he's afraid that he'll sneak off to save Diamante, so he keeps trash-talking.

Fortunately, Pica's IQ isn't high, so it's easy to break his defense


"Damn you!!"

A 50-60 meter long rock giant suddenly rushed out and roared at Smoker.

"Kou Waine..."

Smoker looked up: "Oh... It's really scary!"

Torebol sprayed countless mucus, instantly covering the nearby ground.

Smoker was not careful for a moment and his feet were also stuck.

"Puh hehe, let's see how you escape!"

"Now you are a mouse on the mouse trap!!"

Smoker tried to pull his legs out.

But the viscosity of these mucus is very high, and he failed after several attempts.

Looking at the fist that was smashed down, Smoker crossed his hands in front of him.

"Iron block·Gang!!"

The rock giant's fist fell, like a meteorite falling, setting off a shock wave.

The ground was like a water surface with stones thrown into it, setting off waves of ripples.

Countless boulders and trees were also blown away by the strong wind.

Then, Torrebol raised the cane in his hand, opened the lid at the end, and revealed a lighter.

"Phew, navy, it's not over yet! This slime will explode!"

He lit the flame, and when it touched the slime, it caused a violent explosion in an instant.

The flames shot up into the sky, and the billowing smoke and dust swept across the beach. Even Tina couldn't help but look sideways.

"There's a flaw!"

Jora had been looking for an opportunity, and rushed up when he saw it.

A transparent cloud-like smoke emerged from the palm of his hand, and he was about to touch Tina.

She was an art fruit ability user, who could materialize imagination into transparent smoke. As long as the target was touched by the smoke, it would become a work of art.

Seeing that he was about to touch Tina, Jora grinned: "You're done!"

Never expected it.

Tina seemed to have eyes behind her head. She bent down to avoid Jora's attack and punched her in the abdomen with a backhand punch.

This punch was powerful and heavy.

The violent force directly penetrated Jora's body and shattered the clothes on her back.


Jorah screamed, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Tina hooked her foot and turned her over, took out a stack of bounty orders and identified them.

"Jorah... Smoker said that your ability is worthless!"

After that, she raised her foot and stepped on Jorah's neck with a snap.


The other three people were so angry that they couldn't control themselves and rushed up.

Tina raised her saber to Diamante's throat.

"This guy is the highest cadre, so his priority should be above you, right?"

Tina's words were like a basin of ice water, instantly extinguishing the anger of the other three.

They looked at each other with complicated expressions, but all stopped.

Then, Tina looked behind her not far away.

"You too!"

"These little tricks don't work on Tina."

Originally, Senior was lurking not far away, waiting for an opportunity to move.

After hearing Tina's words, he was also sweating.

[Observation Haki... What a scary guy! ]

He didn't dare to neglect it and hurriedly left quietly.


In the distance.

The explosion was over, but the flames were still burning.

In the flames, Smoker slowly stood up.

His iron block was already quite powerful, and Pica's boulder did not cause much damage.

But Trebol's explosion was different.

His mucus was like the oil in the incendiary bomb,

Not only was it flammable and explosive, but it was also extremely hot,

And it was extremely sticky, and would always stick to the target, causing continuous damage.

At this time, Smoker's body was covered with burns and scorch marks, which looked shocking.

"Puh hehehe, this is the end of going against our Doflamingo Pirates!"

"Look at your miserable appearance, you really deserve it!"

Smoker's body was slightly bent, panting, and his whole body was shaking.

After a while, he recovered from the pain and looked up at the two of them with a grin.

With the blood all over his body and this smile, he looked a little creepy.

"It hurts, bastard...but I feel a little used to it!!"

The burns this time were more serious than the one when Zane bombarded him,

and the pain was more intense,

but strangely,

Smoker felt it was easier to bear...

"Hehe, thank you...I believe that after this time, my endurance will become stronger!"

Torrebol was puzzled and snorted coldly.

"Are you talking nonsense?! You idiot who almost got burned to death!!"

Pica's body also walked out of the rock.

"No matter how you try to be strong, you have no chance of winning now!"

"We are the highest officers of the Doflamingo Pirates, and we are Dov's family. We will never let him down."

"Puff...Hehe, haha, hahahaha!!"

Smoker seemed to have heard a joke and couldn't help laughing.

The more I laughed, the louder I laughed, and I almost cried.

Torrebol: "Asshole, you are laughing

What! "

Smoker stopped laughing and wiped his tears.

" actually said family? !"

"I know a lot of people who keep dogs and cats, and they all say that these pets are family."

"What? Do you particularly like Doflamingo's simulated head?"

"Shut up!"

Pica's veins popped out, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

"We and Dov have supported each other all the way to where we are now, what do you know, you bastard? !"

The surrounding rocks gathered on his arms.

Pica jumped high, and his rock arm hit Smoker hard.

"Iron block!"

Smoker raised his left arm to block the punch, and then smashed the rock with his right punch.

[Pain, pain, pain...]

[Sure enough, the pain will not ease, but the tolerance will continue to increase!]

Trebol jumped to a high place.

"Slime machine gun! "

The bullet-like mucus shot towards Smoker.

It was so powerful that it could easily penetrate rocks.

"Paper painting!"

Smoker relaxed his body, dodged all the bullets, and jumped aside.

"You two have interesting abilities, and it's fun to fight with you."

"But sorry, I'm in a hurry..."

After that, a puff of black smoke came out of his body and wrapped himself up.

After a few seconds, the black smoke dissipated, and all the injuries on Smoker's body were healed.

Pica and Trebol were both shocked.

"What? !"

"What kind of ability is this? !"

Smoker grinned: "Round 2!"

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